
It was a warm April morning. I just got finished watching Alice in Wonderland, the Tim Burton one, after recently having a renewed interest in his work. Tim Burton was one of my favorite directors when I was teenager way back when. I loved his dark views on things. Anyway, back to the topic. I was looking online and I found a link sent to me by an anonymous person, (I work for Warner Brothers animation department). He wanted me to watch it. He also somehow knew that I was an avid admirer of his works.
The file sent to me was called "timburton.avi". Curious, I downloaded the file and burnt it onto a DVD. I sat down and started watching it. To my surprise, it was Vincent, my favorite shorts of his. So it seemed that it was a pre-production copy. It had a just a plain white background with the title hideously written in pencil and darkened like it was made by a second grader. It was different. Just... different. It wasn't the original story line, with the boy seeing things as being darker than they really are.
It started instead with a different character with the name Vincent. He was a 12 year old mental asylum patient with schizophrenia and a vivid imagination. The first scene was only Vincent just rocking in a chair with a straight jacket. He is just mumbling.
I started to wonder just what the hell was going on. When I was about to fast forward the screen started to blur and with Vincent just saying repeatedly,"Why?" The animation started rapidly changing colors. It then stops just suddenly. The last minute is Vincent hanging himself with him grinning this disturbing grin. I was so disturbed that I literally felt nauseous. I took a break and then continued on with the next video in line.
I started to wonder why Tim Burton would do this. I thought he was really mad. The next short was called "Alice in Wonderland?" An original Tim Burton Alice movie I thought. I must watch it. The video started surprisingly a lot like the Tim Burton Alice movie that came out recently. It was the exact same plot. Alice hearing the story then growing up going to the wedding except that it was just Alice. The carriage was heading to an apparently burnt down mansion. Alice looked out the window and wept constantly for 5 minutes straight.
The cabin then heads to a cemetery the wedding scene. She gets out and walks up a hill to where two headstones lay. Both are apparently her mother and father. She knelt and told the driver to leave. He doesn't question the order Alice gives her. She says, "Give me the gun", between sobs. I watch in disbelief as she shot herself and collapsed over the tombstones in a dramatic, Hollywood way. The next 30 seconds are showing her dead body while blood constantly gushes out of her skull. I couldn't think this would get any worse. I was wrong.
The next act is her in Hell. She is being endlessly tortured by the evil characters from the story. The Red Queen was the devil while the Mad Hatter gave Alice her punishments. She was tortured in various ways I didn't think were possible then. They sure took some imagination. The other good characters like the March Hare for example were also being tortured in gruesome ways. I can't describe the rest. It's just so heartbreaking. The film then ends with a "?" and with the Cheshire cat laughing hysterically. I burnt the copy I had afterwards, even though to my knowledge, other copies still exist. If you find them, please don't watch them. I beg you.