
i was watching southpark one day when suddenly i got a knock on my door. I opened my door and to my suprise no one was there.Instead a package was laying on the ground.inside it was a cd with a lable on it marked "Timmy.exe"i was pumped because i rembered timmy from southpark and how hes such a cool charecter and i thought maybe it would be related to him. some sorta fan game about timmy.I put the cd into my computer and ran the file it was marked as timmy.exe just like it said on the label on the cd. I launched it and saw that timmy was in the middle of the screen, i was sooo happy because i was right about the fan game timmy thing and i was so happy...atleast i was.After i pressed play game i saw something odd, timmy had blood dropping from his eyes and mouth,but not any blood...hyper realsitic blood.I then heard timmy say his name like in the show before immediatly jumping into a 2d platformer were im cartman, i was kinda sad becuase i wanted to be timmy but i continued anyways.i got to a certain part in the stage and suddenly the screen went black and timmys face appeared on screenw tih hyp er realistic blood dripping from the eyes and motuh while hearing timmy say his name in a dimonic ton.I cried in horror and immediatly tried to turn of the game but i couldn't...it wouldnt turn off.i thought that this was some sorta sick joke and it just gave me a virus and a scar for life but no.i coudn't unplug my computer too i then tried to smash my computer but i couldnt..my body would let me..and to this day i still have this computer in my room screaming timmy in a demonic voice with timmys face bleeding hyper realistic blood from the eyes and mouth.