
It was a Friday. I hadn't heard from Tom for some time now, and I was worried.
Later that day, I received a letter from Tom. This is what was on it:
''Dear Bob,''
''I'm sorry it had to end this way. As my second cousin twice removed, I had to tell you this first.''
''You cannot go into my house. Please. Do everything you can to stay away. He's coming for me. He already has. If things become to crazy, go into my house and burn the disc. And my computer. I'm sorry. I won't see you again.''
What would make Tom write so weird? And what does he mean by "burn the disc" and "he"? And he loves his computer. Why would he want me to burn it?
I was surrounded by mysteries. I had to go to Kyle's house. As Tom's best friend, I might get some answers from him.
The first thing I noticed was the smell. It smelt like burning chicken thrown up on and abandoned on the side of a road.
I gagged and went forward into the house. I called out for Kyle. When I went forward to Kyle's bedroom, I was horrified.
Kyle's body was on a chair facing his computer.
I examined him. No pulse. So he's dead. No scratches. So he's alive! No heartbeat. He's dead?! Nothing's broken. He's not dead. No breathing. HE'S DEAD! No blood. HE'S ALIVE!
Agh! This is so confusing. I looked at Kyle's computer. It was at the desktop. Nothing was wrong. Then I noticed something. There was a game on it.
It was called Sonic.exe.
I took the computer and called the police. Kyle was declared dead at the spot. I ran from the house to mine, and started up the game on Kyle's computer. Kyle never told me about it. What was it doing there?
On startup, I was presented with a gruesome image: a bloody Sonic with a lake of blood behind him, with bloody tears. The only thing is, he looked extremely...sad, like he regretted something he did.
Never minding that, I was presented with a Sonic 3 style character selection. Now I was confused. A Sonic 1 styled menu, but a Sonic 3 character selection? I looked at the files. There were only three, and there was no "delete save" or "new file" option, unlike Sonic 3. The first file had the bloody Sonic from the title in it, the second had Tails in it, and the third had Knuckles in it.
I chose Tails first.
I was started off in a Zone called "ToM's WoRLd".
Wait a minute. Tom's World? What the hell? How did this game know about Tom?
I shrugged it off. It could've been any Tom.
The Zone was an absolutely black void, and every time Tails tried to move, he slammed into an invisible wall. I decided this was just some incomplete hack or something, and pressed the shutdown button on the computer.
To my shock, the game went into full screen and showed a picture of Tom hanging himself.
After a couple of seconds, the picture went away, and the invisible walls in the Zone were gone. Okay. This was some hack made by Kyle. Then why was it so twisted?
With the walls gone, I moved Tails forward. Slowly, the hallway became brighter, until it looked like Tom's room in his house. Tails walked forward without me making him. Okay, so this is some kind of cutscene?
On the computer in the 16-bit room, there was an pixelized version of Tom.
He opened his eyes.
The screen went black, and I heard Tails scream.
What the fuck?
I was back at the character selection screen, except the slot that Tails was in was gone.
I chose Knuckles next.
The same thing happened.
By this point, I was confused. What does Tom have that makes him a murderer?
I chose the bloody Sawnik.
This time, I


in Tom's Room.
The Zone this time was called "rEvENGe".
Tom appeared in the game.
He laughed, and the screen went black.
His bloody face appeared, and under it were words.
"GoT yOU BakE!"
I realized what happened. Tom had been killed by the bloody Sawnike. Then, he went insane and became stronger than Sawnuk.
I ran to my room, and started crying.
I am on my bed now, and my heart hurts.
It's very cold.
I feel a warmth moving toward me.
It's the evil Tom.
He picks me up and slaps me.
"This is my world, now." he whispers.
He takes out a knife and starts stabbing me.
It hurts, but I do it for Tom.
He rips out my heart and leaves me on the bed.
He then leaves through the window.
Tom is love, Tom is life.
Tom is more than love




Tom is space, Tom is time,
Tom is matter.
Tom is our new god.
''Written By Tom's Second Cousin Twice Removed''