
7/20/15: Hey m8s here i'm gonna tell you cheeky scrublords what i see in this disc i found at a garage sale 2 days ago. I haven't played it yet. It's just a blank CD that says "topkek.exe in black Sharpie. The bloke selling it said it's a game. so i'm gonna document everything until i beat the game.
7/21/15: I finally got the balls to play Topkek.exe. I installed the game and opened the program. When it loaded the title screen had a weed pattern and the title Top kek on the top. I clicked START GAEM. "Do you want 2 create a new save"? Yes. I typed "QUIKBLUNTZ" as my save name. The game then loaded into a tutorial level. The game was an FPS like Call of Duty. I went through the tutorial and began the 1st level. I spawned in a room with a Glock 17 and a mirror to the left. When i pressed F to take the gun, a message appeared saying "QUIKBLUNTZ picked up Glock 17". When I looked in the mirror, I saw that my character was wearing a fedora and shades. I left the room and was attacked by a guy in a pink jumpsuit. He shot at me but he missed. I landed a perfect headshot and he dropped a bag of Doritos. I ate the Doritos and gained 10 HP. I took the Pinkguy's M16 and kept on going. 2 Pinkguys shot at me but I rekt them in seconds. The rest of the level was a bunch of Pinkguys attacking me until I reached the exit. I saved my game and went and played sum Minekush.
8/3/15: WOAH! It's been a while since my last post! Level 2 was a linear thing. I herd a faint dubstep song playing. The area was filled with skeletons carrying SMGs. Towards the end of the level. I noticed a blueprint for a thing that looked like Sanic. the naem was blurred out. At the end of the level, I fought a Skeleton with a minigun. This fight took a few minutes but I managed to beat him. I then saved my game again.