
{{AN|I posted this on /r/Overwatch in all of it's 14-year-old writing style glory and made it crappy on purpose, and actually thought it would become popular on there, somehow. Don't ask me why. I legitimately tried to appeal to the same people that liked old creepypastas like Sonic.exe... It got downvoted and forgotten about, so I deleted it, but here it is.}}
I was just browsing the Custom Games when I stumbled upon a game called "C:\Users\Name\Downloads\Torbjörn.exe" on Necropolis, with a weird, vertical line in front of the name, and with the o in "Torbjörn" correctly placed. I was confused, because "Name" is the name of my P.C. which I'm censoring for personal reasons, so I joined. There was also two slots, with 12 users queuing to get into the game, which also made me wonder what's making this game so popular.
When I joined, the players queuing were random heroes' names, like Mei, Reaper, and Ana, and I was in the queue, but I was soon placed in by a player which was the host, against a Torbjörn bot. (I didn't see them in the custom game at all, so I don't know their name.) The team names were "Just Start" and "Hammering," which I didn't understand, but I continued waiting, and it started.
The actual server gamemode was a Mystery Duel, but on the screen, it showed me as Soldier: 76 with the default skin, and "0" as "0," with no hero model there. This was obviously a glitch, but it creeped me out a bit, as I was already suspicious about joining this. The round instantly ended with me winning, but a player joined the other side, named "Dad." I asked "Why did you join this" in chat, but got no response, and the next round started normally. I was Soldier again, and they were Torb.
However, instantly as the doors opened, I saw a Torbjorn running at an extremely fast speed at my face, which scared the shit out of me. This is when things started to get really weird; he then killed me, and said "O N E D O W N" in chat. The next round started; he was still Torbjörn, but I was now Mercy. Not knowing what to do, I stayed in spawn expecting to die, but nothing happened. I roamed the map looking for Dad, but found nothing. I was confused once again, but two minutes later, he started chasing me, although a bit slower, with his path being so rigid that I thought he was a bot. He never got me, but eventually, I was respawned. Another player joined the server and instantly spawned on the other team during this round, this one being named something less common, so I won't say it. Two seconds later, the Torbjorns went to both exits of my spawn and killed me in one hit, and Mercy let out a scream as if she got blown up by Pharah. They BOTH typed in chat "T W O T O G O" at the exact same time, which was when I realized this was not the normal custom game at all.
The next round, I spawned in as Doomfist, the mystery duel intro gone, and prepared for them to come and run. I fully charge punched one of the Torbs, but it was worthless, as he took no damage and killed me again, my character letting out a killed-by-explosive scream of agony again. "O N E M O R E L E F T." I guess this was it; the announcer said match point; However, someone else joined, and I spawned as Roadhog on the other team. I watched the Torbjorns run out of spawn, and saw them stare at a Pharah who was flying upwards, so I hooked her. I wasn't aware of what would happen next.
She was killed after I hooked her by the Torbs before I could even shoot her. "Y O U W O N ' T B E O F A N Y U S E T O U S A N Y M O R E L I K E T H I S," they said for the last time. I was then booted off of the server, with no message, and I got no XP from the match, but I did feel happy about it for some reason, as if I had just experienced something worth it. Anyone else have any similar experiences? This happened yesterday, and the strangest part is that I feel depressed after this, as if I had just... Lost what made me myself, you know? I can't describe it. If you see one of these custom games...
join it at all costs I'm joining agaiN JOIN IT IF YOU WANT IT BE SPARED