All of the members of the "Woodland Cartoon Club" had an assignment to find a piece of fresh animation that they have never seen, burn it on a dvd, and bring it to the next meeting. It seemed pretty simple, but I literary spent hours trying to find something. I came across a user on the "lost media wiki" named "Darrell Ames". He had a link on his profile, which he claimed to be one of his sources. I clicked on it, and it sent me to a Website with numerous documents listed under certain genres. The genres were: ''"Lost Episodes", "Lost Movies" , and "Lost Games". ''I scrolled down all of the lists to find anything they seemed of familiarity. I was confused with some of the titles like "

''Atuk: Found Footage''", and "''Sesame Street Episode 847''", but passed them too quickly to view them. I found something interesting near the end of the list titled: "''Pixar: Early Reel". ''

Since everybody in the club enjoy's that studio, I decided to click on that page. It took an eternity to load, but luckily I had all night. After 2 minutes, the page had completely loaded. I was surprised to find a very small paragraph:
''In the late 1980s and early 1990s, CGI was just being discovered. Many critics considered early CGI shorts pretty ugly, and disturbing to look at, leaving most of them hidden from the public. Pixar was one of the first studios to do CGI films, but what you don't know, is that most of them were kept under-wraps until the first original film came out: "Toy Story". I have leaked this early unfinished reel for toy story. It was abandoned in early 1993 after many viruses infected the software, and forced them to redo the movie, and fix the mistakes they had made before.''
''Warning: This video contains Flashing imagery''
There was no information on the author, or and sources. Under the paragraph was a download link. When I clicked it, It started to download to my desktop. It was titled: ''"" ''It took only 5 minutes, which was surprising, because my computer was an older model. When it finished downloading, I clicked on the video. It seemed to be 80 minutes long. It started with the pixar title card, and the disney title card. Then, the normal opening scenes took place from the original movie. Though as I watched, there were some differences. The animation was horrible and stiff, which was kinda expected. All the characters were voiced by different actors, including Woody and Buzz. Woody had a strong western accent, that made most of his dialogue hard to understand. I fell asleep near the middle of the movie, not being able to see the rest.
I Got up the next morning and totally forgot about the reel until it was time to go to my club meeting. I quickly placed the movie on my flash drive, and drove off to the meeting. When I got there, every member of the club wanted to see my underrated piece of animation. I pulled out my flash drive, plugged it into their computer, and prepared the movie. Before I played it, I mentioned where I had found it, and I had nothing else to show. When the movie played, most of the members got bored. They had seen the original movie, and there was not much different with this, until things started getting strange. 
When the toys made it to Sidd's house, the animation suddenly started to become a little bit stronger, but became really jumpy. As the animation got better, the audio got worse, by getting quieter. We had to turn it up, to hear it better, but it didn't help much, because all we heard it light gibberish. The animation was so jumping so fast, you couldn't even see the characters lips move. During the escape scene, we all thought we heard Woody scream, "I'm Dead Inside", but we couldn't tell for sure because the audio so muffled. A few members had to leave the room because of all the jumping animation was giving them headaches. I was starting to get a headache and my stomach wasn't feeling very good. Decided to walk out and go to the bathroom to throw up. As I started to walk back, I could hear numerous loud screams. I ran back into the room and was extremely surprised at what I saw on the screen. Luckily, I had only seen the end of the scene, because half of the class had fainted by what they had seen. All I got to see was a picture of woody's face with red pupils and a disturbing frown. I quickly ran to the computer and unplugged it. 
I told one of the members to call 911 immediately. 5 minutes later, tons of ambulances and policemen were outside the building. The doctors tried franticly to carry the “Knocked Out” Patients to the hospital. Many of the members had heavy amounts of drool hanging out of their mouth. The doctors all guessed that they had suffered from seizures. The police questioned me about the incident, and what I had to do with it. 
I mentioned that I brought an “unwatched” movie to the club (as a lie) on a flash drive. They asked to see the flash drive, for examination. I walked to the unplugged computer, and was shocked at what I found. The drive was nowhere to be seen.