
Sigh. Life's so boring these days, being stuck in a dimension of nothingness. I used to be a character once loved by people, but thanks to changes, they made a new me and threw me away. Unused characters all go to this hell of a dimension, where there's nothing to do besides drown in your own sorrows, or, if you're lucky, talk with another threw-away character.
Now, you might be wondering who I am, right? Well, my name is Spongebob Squarepants. The old one. Thanks to Nickelodeon making an ATROCIOUS new version of myself, my friends and my whole show, I got stuck here, where everything's white. Along with, like I said, everything that got a stupid change. That basically means that entire Bikini Bottom got stuck here, excluding the buildings, cars and Gary.
But, enough about myself. There are also enough other characters stuck here. A cloud-like creature and a living wooden puppet with a cape also live here, from the Mario universe, I believe. A co-operation between Nintendo and Square Enix made them characters in a game, but they never got a sequel, remake, or just any other use whatsoever. I've talked to them and heard their story. Just like me, they really want to die or to be used again. But, knowing our luck, that'll never happen.
Oh, and another "neat" feature about this dumb dimension is that there's little to no chance of you running into a character of the same franchise you're in. This sometimes doesn't happen if you're lucky, as happened with the puppet and cloud. I believe I've seen Patrick once, but I was so insane at the time that I thought it was my imagination.
Sigh. I miss my friends and my job, both at Nickelodeon and the Krusty Krab. However, Nickelodeon isn't exactly my favorite... thing anymore. I wish I could kill myself, but, alas. There's nothing in this dimension to kill yourself with, and cartoon/video game or any of those category characters never die of age. Even hunger and thirst don't matter in this place.
There's also a British sounding professor in here. What was he from again? He appeared in just one game, and after that, well you know the drill. A bear and a red oversized parrot also are here. They once took part in the pinnacle of platformers, but suffer the same part as me. At least they have each other.
"But Nickelodeon often puts your old episodes on TV and their website!"
Yes, but those are already recorded. It doesn't exactly count. But, back to myself again, of you're wondering about me too. I've walked this dimesnion, hoping to find an exit or just ANYTHING that isn't like this shit, but, I failed. See, because of the amount of unused characters and the ones to come, this dimension goes on forever. I'm cursed.
Someone, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE! And, if you work at any of the things I mentioned, specifically Nick: UNUSED CHARACTERS SUFFER A LOT!
I'm done here, now to find a gun. It'll probably be pointless anyway.
{{by|Heavy On Fire|wiki=Spinpasta}}