Oh my god guys, this is the scariest video I have played. Let me tell you. I was an intern at YouTube, and I found this video called "UNFAMOUS.shit." I downloaded, and played it. The video was by Copyright 2012 (aka kitty070666), and it was about a man who found a box and turned into God! Oh my god, it was so hyper realistic that I pooped my pantz! Verreh Skerreh Indeedeh
So then dis guy listened to Elvis teh god of teh musicz and he said to press X to jumb an the Square Button to Hit guyz and GOOD PATRIXXX
Den sheh saw a old ladeee and toeld her that her television won't turn on, and suddenly zapped her and her skeleton popped out! But that wasn't it! A bunch of guys came in, so God threw semen nuke and everyone died!
But who was phone?
''Made by ''.
Video by kitty0706 (66)