
"Never" she said "I'll never go back there. Not after the last time". The horror in her eyes was clear as they darted back and forth across the dimly lit room, scanning every corner,every shadow. I was getting impatient with this interrogation bs. The department needed to know what happened that night, and I had to get it out of her somehow.
"Gonna at least tell me what happened then?" I asked, desperate for any information I could scrounge from the girl. Bringing her hands to her shoulders and shivering, she went wide eyed and shook her head 'no'.
"Give me something here." I demanded. I hated getting the silent treatment from the victims. I was used to it from the perpetrators. But this girl had an aura about her... Fear hung in the air. It clung to her frail form like a black cloud before a thunderstorm.
"You don't understand." she finally managed to say, her voice just above a whisper "You never will. No one ever will..."
Up until this point, I was about ready to give up, but at least I had her talking now. Maybe I could get some more out of her. I sure hoped I could. I asked her once more to tell me about the crime scene.
"Never." she said silently "I'll never go back there... not now, not ever." She went quiet for a while after that. I tried asking again, but she said nothing.
"Gonna say something here?" I asked "You gotta help me help you."
"Let me go." She said "We're done here. Just let me go..."
"You have to stay. You have to tell us what happened." I demanded in a firm voice. She took a deep breathe, shut her eyes, and opened her mouth, finally ready to divulge the big secret.
"Down by the river." she said "Between Green and Bay streets."
Never having heard such an easy confession before, I had to question her further.
"Gonna tell me who else was with you?" She was alone when the boys at CPD found her and brought her in... alone and covered in blood. She was silent again.
"Run out of breathe? Come on girl, talk to me." I demanded. I had to know... "When did the officers find you?"
"Around midnight..." she said shakily.
"And you were alone? Where did your friends go?"
"Deserted me..." she said quietly "When they started to hear the sound..."
"You sure that was it?" I asked "What sound could be that awful?"
She smiled "Read the first word of every paragraph and you'll know my pain."
''[http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=3234340 Source]''