
TrRight, so I was playin this game known as unturned, right, and I was looking around for some food. I found some blueberries, and and ate them. You see, I was wearing some military night vision goggles at the time, and the result looked like something from a HORROR MOVIE. It looked all hyper-realistic, but that might have been 'cuz my graphics settings were maxed. I accidentally pressed 1 on my keyboard, which was by default mapped to my first hotbar slot, where I normally kept whatever I was using. My in-game character lifted an AXE, and I screamed. Still, I had to get to the bottom of all this, so I took a screenshot and played on.
I walked through some towns, and here's the thing: they were all full of ZAMBIES! Whenever I went near one, I clicked desperately to run away, but instead my character would lift the axe and bring it down on the zambies' heads. Black blood (coz my vision was in black and white) went everywhere. I wandered on. After five minutes, I'd had enough of this scary game. I quit, and navigated to my steam folder. I poked around in there, until I found something that made my heart stop: there was a file called "Unturned.exe". Still, I had to finish what I started.
Ever since I made that decision, I've regretted it. I double-clicked Unturned.exe.
PS. The screenshot can be found here: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140805160050/unturned-bunker/images/thumb/2/2c/2014-08-05_00002.jpg/800px-2014-08-05_00002.jpg