Omg, I need help.
Last weekend, my parents had gone for a vacation, so I was alone and had to babysit my baby brother and my dog. I had gotten extremely bored, so I looked for some games on my laptop on google to play. I typed "Games" and only 1 search result came out, called VVVVVV.
Thinking nothing of it, I clicked it and it opened a white blank website with nothing. A download had started downloading when I hadn't clicked any thing. When the weird download finished, I clicked it. It was a ".rar" file, with a .txt file and a .exe file. The .txt file was called "DONTPLAY", while the .exe was called "VVVVVV.exe".
I read the .txt. "Hello, Alex.". WTF? This game knew my damn name. By now I was pretty freaked out considering the fact it had known my name. The .txt file continued "I'm sorry. Whatever you do, don't press the enter key or he'll come for you tfjnmdfvbfnjvfgbdnjdfgbvnjj". The letter ended there. Who the heck was "he"? I didn't care, I was bored as heck and I thought that this was some joke.
I opened the ".exe" file. This little retro looking guy showed up. There was only one option on the main menu. The fuck? Even if I never played this game before there should be like, options and help! The only option was "play". I pressed play and the screen went over to some sort of black area with the little guy. I tried pressing the arrow keys and he moved.
I remembered the note told me not to press the .exe button, so I decided to try it out. When I pressed it, my computer crashed. I didn't think much of it, so I turned it on again. When it went to the desktop, a really loud static sound came out, and it turned on vvvvvv.exe again. A text file appeared, so I opened it. "YOU DID THIS TO US. NOW WE DO THIS TO YOU.", it read. The text closed, and I was stuck with vvvvvv.exe. The close button was gone, so I had to play.
The game started, and I started controlling a blue guy. There was a hole on black ground I was standing on. I realized I couldn't jump, so I just went in. The fall was really long, and after 2 minutes, he landed in some black place. God, this part was horrible. I heard a crackling, and the blue guy frowned. His legs were bleeding hyper-realistic blood. My legs hurt really bad. It was like I was him. I dragged myself up and looked around. My baby brother came over to watch. After exploring a bit, the scene looked horrible. There were several different colored guys who were decapitated, and hyper-realistic blood was splattered on different places. Then, the blue guy died, and my computer crashed again. I was scared to turn it on again. My baby brother called me a "tigeh" and he turned in my computer.
The game turned on again, and now blue guy was lying on the ground, staring straight at the screen, as if he was watching us! After 1 minute if this, his eyes starting bleeding. After this happened, I felt like crying too. When I wiped what I thought was a tear, I was fucking crying blood! It wasn't too much though. The blue guy stood up and walked to the side. I guess he did not walk, but he did glide. Then he started going really fast, and slammed against the wall. I got dragged back onto the wall behind me, and slammed.
My baby brother was crying so much now. The next part... Too gruesome. The blue guy was going towards a pink guy, with a damn knife in hand. The pink guy's face was really worried. The blue guy took the knife and stabbed the pink guy's eye out. Then my computer crashed. I then took a sledge hammer, and destroyed the CPU. Mom is going to kill me, but it was worth it.