
I wanted to play my Legend of Zelda Four Swords game. Nothing serious. I just wanted to defeat Vaati and save princess Zelda. First floor. Piece of cake, same with the other two. When on with the boss battle of Vaati, it was easy clearing the first part.
Second Part. "Here goes," I thought. Now is time to do it. After trying hard, it seems I have defeated Vaati, but something was happening.
Ive never seen such a thing.Suddenly, a gurgle came from the DS.From Vaati. His body appeared, a mess.There was a liquid pouring from his body, maybe blood, but it sure did not look like it. The so-called "blood" was a black gooey substance pouring everywhere. Then, the DS screen flashed white for about a second, then there laid the body of princess Zelda, with blood and gore everywhere. Red flashed everywhere."Vaati,you bastard!!" I thought.
I tried moving, but Link wouldn't move, as if frozen. Frozen with fear. Finally, after a minute or so,Link tore off. I tried attacking him.Once as my sword laid on the crippled body, Link let out a bloodcurdling scream and ran. He seemed to be on fire, leaving a trail of blood behind him. Then a laugh came from the dying Vaati and suddenly he exploded, black blood everywhere.
Then, a rusty blood-stained triforce appeared. It said in clear words: GAME OVER. Shocked, I looked at the touch screen. There laid the body of Link. To my horror, he was torn apart, blood splattered everywhere. "NO!!" I forced myself to say, and without hesitation, I turned off the DS.
I went to bed, for it was nighttime. I had a dream while sleeping. Vaati was creating a giant tornado, destroying everything in his path. He soon came to me. Soon, I felt excruciating pain, like being torn apart, and I was being ripped up. Soon, after the few minutes of torture, every thing went black. It kind of felt like a DS being turned off.