
Imagine that if you're writing a story, when you submit it, that you will earn all the money in the world? 
You're writing as fast as possible, over 69 chapters written, your greasy sausage fingers slamming down on the keys. You're anxiously sweating as you're pounding the keyboard as fast as possible.
In an hour, you have to submit it to your boss's email.
You're typing as fast as possible, with over 800 hours spent on this, you are dreaming of getting all the mansions in the world, getting all the bitches in the world, being known worldwide as "LE GLORIOUS MEME MASTER".
As you type, you're sweating furiously as you will remember all those 800 hours spent writing this story.
As you type the last word, you save it.
You log onto your email, and go to your bosses email. You attach the story and delete your story from your computer, knowing the story won't be required to save, with all the billions of books sold around the world.
Then, your computer turns off.
Your modem is broken, forgetting that leaving piss jars next to your computer isn't such a good idea, especially when you put up your arms to celebrate. Your modem is broken, and you deleted the story.
The next day, you're fired and you need to pay for a modem.
Oh well, at least you can write this story!