
I was really tightening my belt because it was the Christmas season and everyone in my entire family was out, except me and my little brother.
They didn't want me to go because they were buying my "Christmas gifts."
I was very tired and didn't feel like going out that day, but I had
ordered my brother surprise Christmas gift. Now it's not as hard at all
to decide what he wants for any holiday that includes presents, so I
decided to go online on my laptop and was about to buy him a Wow Wow
Wubbzy VCR. But the price was 50 dollars and that was quite an
unbelievable price for a cheap VCR shipping form some unknown location
according to the website were I bought it, and I was instantly
frustrated because the description mentioned that I had to, "ROT IN HELL
BECAUSE THERE'S NO HOPE FOR YOU!" This made me curious and wanted to
buy it to see what it was about, but then the website completely closed
out and my commuter went off. But then it unexpectedly came back on and
it said that it had a virus on a little notification, which seemed odd
for my computer to be doing that. Then it reopened my web browser and it
said that my purchase was complete even though I didn't even pay for
anything, and my purchase wasn't even complete at all. But then I saw
online on my account that the price had changed to "FREE" and I didn't
need to pay at all for the VCR. But it was kinda strange that the online
store did that.
Later, (and I mean literally) the package
arrived in the mail the next day and I decided to hide it because it was
y little brother's Christmas gift, and everyone was back by then. (Well
we were all living together anyway so of course they're back.) They
were all surprised to see me for some reason, and they smelled like
cocaine and their eyes were all black holes as they all said to me,
"Rot in hell because there's no hope for you." three time before going outside and
screaming in a distorted scream that they had never screamed like
before. But then once I took the VCR tape and picked it up, it had blood
all over it. It was so disgusting that I was throwing up blood or some
reason and then I heard a squeaking sound coming from my bedroom, I
looked in the hallway to find nothing there before I was my little
brother storming out of his room crying and wailing. I asked him what
was wrong, but he was so upset that he couldn't even say anything.
it was Christmas morning and my little brother was excited to see his
Christmas present and wanted to open it up. But then he fell down the
stairs and landed on his butt, but then he proceeded to come back down
and open his Christmas presents in extreme excitement, but he was
surprised to find the whole family gone except for me. My parents who
even said themselves that they were going out for Christmas dinner due
to their turkey being completely burnt and even covered in blood for
some reason. They said that they were just going outside for a friendly
Christmas walk but it looks obvious that they were lying because of
their worried expressions on their faces as they were leaving. They left
me and my little brother alone to open presents. Eventually after loads
and loads of wrapping paper was all over the place, he opened his VCR
tape as his final Christmas gift that he opened up after all the other
random gift brought by our relatives who never even lived close to us.
put the VCR into the player and I of course watched it because I
enjoyed Wow Wow Wubbzy myself. I went to make myself some buttered
popcorn and watch it with him. But then once I opened up the case of the
VCR, it had seemed to have grease stains completely all over the VCR
case including the tape itself. But then once I put the VCR straight
into the player the power instantly went out and I heard groaning noise
coming from my little brother's room. I looked over by my side to find
him gone, and him storming out of his room yet again screaming and
crying, but this time he had black holes coming from his eyes and they
were bleeding of course and his mouth was literally ripped off of his
face. Then he got sucked in by some force and back into his room. Then
stormed into his room to find him completely disappeared and mother
peeking from out of the back window of our house crying and wanting to
get back in, so I let my parents and the rest of my family back in and
they called the police.
Then the power suddenly came back on and
the groaning stopped, and I proceeded with watching the Wow Wow Wubbzy
VCR. Once it was in the player, there were no logos or intros or
anything. It just instantly cut to the episode.
First it displayed a completely black screen, with a human mouth completely
covered in blood, and a text in Ukrainian that translated to, "Rest. In.
Peace. Best Friends." Then it cut to a distorted audio, and
black-and-white video of Wubbzy playing kickity-kick-ball in his
backyard while laughing, throwing up blood, and his eyes becoming
extremely bloodshot as he is playing. At first I thought I was seeing
things, but his bloodshot eyes, and the blood that we was throwing up
was extremely hyper-realistic. Something outrageous and gory like this
had never been seen in the show before, and I instantly became so
disgusted that I literally threw up on the floor in the same way as
Wubbzy. I threw up so hard that even some of my puke was all over the
screen and in some of my buttered popcorn. (My popcorn looked bloody now
because I was actually throwing up blood.)
Then all of a sudden
he stops for a moment. There's no sound at this point, and he looks at
me, the video becomes darker, the static becomes worse, there are
corpses laying on the grass around him as the video is getting darker,
and then I hear a distorted groaning noise. The groaning noise gets
louder and louder and then I hear a bloodcurdling scream at full volume
as it displays transparent scenes of Widget ripping her intestines and
her eyeballs out and then eating them. Then after the transparent scenes
have ended, it cuts back to Wubbzy crying. His eyes are now just black
holes and his mouth is completely stretched, his jaw is broken, and his
oral cavity was completely bloodied. Then his crying becomes louder and
more full of hurt, his black holes become bigger, and his crying turns
into the same screaming sound that my little brother was screaming in.
Plus the sound becomes even more distorted than before. His crying goes
on and on for about a minute or two and then he eventually starts to cry
blood. Then more and more blood comes out, and we can clearly see that
his mouth has exploded and all his teeth are gone. He then sits on a
rock in the next scene, puts a green cloak over his head, has no other
facial features besides his eyes, and he starts banging his head on it
so hard that it gives him a concussion, then he continues to bang his
head until his head bleeds and his brain is visible through his
forehead. Then he takes a pistol, points it at the camera, and pulls the
trigger before fading to black, and then there's blood all over the
screen. The blood is so realistic, that it looked like someone poured a
bucket of blood on the screen.
It cuts to clips of Widget hanging on a noose in her workshop. Her
workshop had been wrecked, there were corpses of huggie, biggie, and
earl with their heads exploded and all of their brain matter in the
machinery of the room. There was also blood everywhere, which was also
the same filter that this scene was in. Widget had black holes for eyes
the same as Wubbzy, and then she starts bleeding from her eyes, the room
gets darker. Then she comes back to life miraculously, escapes from the
noose, and runs to Walden's house literally at the speed of light
before fading to a black screen as the grain gets worse, and the static
gets louder and low pitched.
Then it cuts to black, and then it
immedentally cuts to Widget reaching Walden's house, and he is crying.
His library is completely wrecked in the same way as Widget's. His
dinosaur bone statues are all fallen and broken in a realistic way, his
books are ripped and have intestines, they also have hearts paper cut
straight into the pages, and all of his history books had the corpses of
the Mailman, and the Kooky Kid paper cut straight into them. The Kooky
Kid's eyes were paper cut including the Mailman, and all of their
intestines were ripped out. Then it panned out to find that Walden has
hung himself with a noose and Widget is out of the scene. Walden's
intestines were all over the place, his eyes were half open, and there
was somehow two knifes in both of his shoulders. Then Walden comes back
to life and continues to cry while on the noose, and is this time crying
blood before fading to black with extremely loud static, and a sound
effect of a group of people being killed. These sounds effects sounded
like my family being killed which really started to make me worry.
it fades to a bloodcurdling scream while we see transparent clips of
Widget being hacked away with an axe backwards in the most
hyperrealistic way. It is unknown who is hacking her, but I can see the
shadow of ponytails and a bow. I didn't really know who it was, but it
looked exactly like Daizy. It eventually fades to a distorted screaming
noise with static, then it stops, and it then cuts to Wubbzy's house
completely deserted and everything is bloody, and the video is extremely
grainy and all of the audio is in reverse and distorted. Then all of a
sudden Tiny the Fleagle comes on the screen and screams in the same
distorted scream as from before, his eyes were yet again black holes,
and his mouth was completely black, and he was throwing up blood as he
was screaming. Then after 20 seconds of disturbing screams, he instantly
gets pulled by someone off screen while a groaning and a laughing noise
is being played.
It cuts to a small figure wearing a black hood
on, with black holes, holding a bloody knife, was completely covered in
blood, and had pink ponytails. Then it instantly cuts to black, before
it cuts to the next scene of the most saddest thing I have ever seen. It
was the corpse of Tiny the Fleagle wearing the same black hood that the
figure was wearing but except completely covered in blood with his
intestines, his heart, and his brain completely smashed up with a bloody
axe inside Tiny's body. He was even paper cut with same pages of paper
from Walden's house, and his brain matter is splattered all over the
place. Then Daizy is seen murdering Tiny the Fleagle in reverse. She
takes a bloody axe and starts hacking away at Tiny the Fleagle's body in
reverse. Then Tiny comes back to life, jumps on Daizy, starts biting
Daizy's neck, and says, "Yum yum!"
Then it cuts to Wuzzleburg completely wrecked, everyone's corpses was
scattered all over the place, and there was even an animated and
mutilated corpse of Bob Boyle. Then Daizy jumps up, with a black hoodie
that has flowers all over it, and scares the viewer with blood all over
her face, holding a knife, and screaming a distorted scream. Daizy stays
on the screen for about a minute, and Wuzzleburg has more corpses
scattered all over the place as Daizy's screaming becomes louder and
louder. Then Daizy screams, "ROT IN HELL!!!" Before she runs off into
Wuzzleburg laughing, giggling, and singing her signature La La la song
while a trail of blood and organs is following her as she runs off into
The final scenes of this horrific demonic episode
shows the corpses of all of the Wow Wow Wubbzy characters, and all of
the guest stars (including The Wubb Girls.) All completely chopped up
with bloody axes, all of their body parts covered in feces and blood,
and bloody knifes in their necks. Then it cuts to black with extremely
loud static. The static gets louder and louder before it cuts to Wubbzy
hanging on a noose with blood all over him, a knife in his neck, and his
eyes are on the floor, and his mouth is covered in blood too. Then
after a few seconds, Daizy scares the viewer again, while she is holding
the same bloody knife like from before, but this time she is also
carrying an axe in the other hand. It cuts to a black screen for a
minute and the episode ends with Daizy standing in the dark with her
black hoodie on, and she looks directly at the viewer with a disturbing
face and she screams as a broken radio is playing in the background, and
then she kills herself by sticking a knife straight into her neck as
the corpses of the whole cast of Wow Wow Wubbzy are laying around. Then
it cuts to a black screen before cutting to a scene of a man leaving a
room in the dark with a bloody knife, and then actually killing himself
on camera by sticking the knife straight into his neck. Then he comes
back to life and goes back into the dark. Then there's no sound at this
point, just complete silence. But then all of a sudden a dark figure
comes near the door and then disappears. After a long time of waiting,
the man who killed himself in this scene suddenly scares the viewer with
a noose around his neck, and his mouth is stretched.
After I
saw the VCR, I was in complete shock, I took the VHS and recorded my tv screen using my screen recorder. Then I took the video file of my TV screen capture, uploaded it to the computer, and took some screenshots of the screen capture to report to the police. I will report it
once they arrive for my missing brother, and then I smashed the VCR into
bits with a sledgehammer. But once I smashed it, I was literally
smashing the VCR in reverse for some reason, I saw that my eyes were
black holes as well in the reflection of our car while I was smashing
the VCR outside, and I heard Wubbzy's crying from inside the house. Then
I went back inside hyperventilating and crying so hard that I was
literally crying blood. The VCR somehow was leaked onto the internet and
only if I could go back in time to stop me from watching that horrific
video and not buying it, that would sure make a difference in my life
today. My mind is completely stuck on the VCR, and those disturbing
images of Wubbzy, Wuzzleburg, and that whole Wow Wow Wubbzy episode will
never leave my head at all no matter what I think of.
I went to
the doctor very shortly after watching and the doctor said that I have a
serious illness called CreepyWuzzle. He said that I will to be put to
sleep within a week. I think that death was better off for me anyway. It
turns out that my family entire was kidnapped and murdered by Daizy
anyway. However it turns out my mom and dad were originally going to get
killed by Daizy but escaped, and had both committed suicide including
my brother.
There's no other choice, I have to leave the world in order to escape this horrific life.