
Once upon a gay-ass time, a guy made ear-rape and FNAF videos on his channel. His name was Wubsy Wubsingblunt. He changed his profile-pic every 1.666 seconds, which basically made him a chameleon with a cool name. However, suddenly, he wondered about his past life choices. He shrugged it off and continued making videos.
However, the thought came again; what the fuck am I doing with my life? He stood up, wandered out the door, and looked around. As we all know, the world had been taken over by alien orgasms-- I mean organisms. He was spooked, and went inside again.
But then he wondered a wonder; why were there alien organisms taking over the earth? Nobody knows. So he went to get the answer, and got his standard issue Dew Blaster and went out. TO BE CONTINUED...