...i dont know what just happend. has been see for the past 5 years websites have been going down because a misterious "virus" containing files that would infect the site with videos containing f*** up sh** that the sites workers wont tell what they were about, this virus spread to sites like, newgrounds, and more...and now youtube. i was on youtube watching my favorite youtuber (someoridnarygamers) when suddenly a message saying "a error has occured" i refreshed thinking it wouldv fixed but intead it became a white page saying "the page has been delted" i went back to the youtube home screen to descover only 5 videos were on the front page. a video uploaded by cry another by pewidpie another by someoridnarygamers another by truefiremac and another guy named infected. i clicked on the infected guy since i thought i would maybe i would like this youtuber. the channel contained 1 video "infected" the video contained a black background with white letters saying "infected you wont live it happend wont live wont live wont livvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve" and then a screeching sound appeared right before the vifeo ended. i got scared and decided to check the other videos, they were all the same except for one.... the someoridnarygamers one. the video was just muthar saying "YOUTUBE WAS INFECTED WE GOTTA FIX IT AND SHOW IT WERE THE HOODS AT YO MANNNN I RATHER READ A BOOK!"and ended with a screech sound before all of youtube suddenly delted. now if you enter youtube all you see is this face of muthar