
As any fan of Dragon ball knows Yamcha is the strongest fighter in the show, he singlehandedly defeated every major villan by himself. But did you know that there is a lost episode of DBZ where he is actually the weakest? I found it hard to believe so i found the tape at a local garage sale from i presume was a haunted house from a satanic owner. The tape was a hyper realistic color of red and the tape smelt like burning dog flesh and felt very cold to hold. Every little step i take, he's there now, every little breath i take he says we'll be there forever. I popped the taped in my betamax and the first thing i saw was yamcha in the corner presumably sleeping. He said in a demonic japanese voice that he wants me to join him. Luckily i speak demonic japanese and i told him to get bent. He looked to the screen and had very sharp teeth and his scars were bloody and he said that he was lonely so he pulled me into the tv and i started shitting my pants uncontrollably. The smell made him sick, his visceral discharge was incredibly detailed and hyper uber realistic. He then pulled his pants down and he had the tiniest cock i had ever seen, i still played with it though (no homo). He then gutted me and my guts were hyper realistic. He then said to me a girl like you is like a dream come true, a real life fantasy. As of right now i am living in the dragon ball tape and i am currently training with yamcha so we can improve our skills so we can both becomes the greatest fighters in history.