
The year was 2008 I had just moved into a new apartment closer to my collage so I could save time and get to collage faster. My roommate's names were Zack Ethan and Mike.
Ethan and Mike were normal people with normal lives, they went to same collage I did so we became fast friends. But I'm not writing this to tell you about them, I'm writing to tell you about the formerly mentioned Zack.
My first impression of Zack was that he was a quite kid, he was younger than everyone else in the building so I could understand why he kept to himself, he always dressed in black and red I never bothered to ask why I figured he just preferred to dress like that. Zack was often in his room mumbling to himself I couldn't hear anything he was saying and I assumed it was personal so I didn't ask him about it, his mumbling did sometimes keep me awake as I could hear it through the walls, it was for lack of a better word... disturbing.
Zack didn't go to my collage I thought he went to a different nearby collage but whenever I had lunch I sometimes thought I could see Zack outside the collage grounds just staring at the building. I asked him what school or collage he went to and he told me "I don't go to school my old one burned down" I looked at him confused "why don't you go to a new school" I asked, he just laughed and said with a demonic smile "schools don't accept dead people" I was shocked at what he just told me so I stood up and just went to my room.
From that day onward I kept a very close eye on Zack, I often noticed him leaving the apartment and later coming back hiding his hands in his pockets and whenever he came back he always went to shower for a good 30 minutes sometimes longer, he sometimes caught him staring at Ethan or Mike with his eyes wide open, he didn't blink, he didn't move, he just stared at them. Whatever trance he was in lasted for about 5 minutes, 5 minutes of no blinking or moving just staring. I asked if he could stop doing that and told me that he was "analysing" them.
I had to put up with Zack for 8 years until the day came I could finally buy my own house. I just finished signing the papers and all that so the house was officially mine and I went home to go get my stuff also say goodbye to the others, I didn't like Zack that much but I still wanted to say goodbye to him he might have been a bit of a creep but we were still what I would call a friend.
I went up to my apartment ready to move on to a new stage in my life I was walking up the stairs with a huge smile on my face, I reached my apartment and opened the door, my smile faded instantly. Ethan and Mike's bodies were on the couch with their arms and legs cut off, their chests sliced open, their necks cut and their eyes were wide open and they were looking directly at me. I walked towards them and I heard the door slam shut behind me. "Welcome home" I turned around and I was greeted with Zack dressed in a red vest, a black sleeveless jacket, black pants, black socks and shoes, a red scarf his ginger hair dark blue eyes that same demonic smile that was burned into my memory and in his hand was a blood stained knife.
"Why did you do this" I asked.
he laughed and said "they were a sacrifice".
"a sacrifice?" I made a confused face "a sacrifice to what".
"Him" he said "When he comes and the world is brought to an end I want to be accepted as one of his servants".
"your insane!" I shouted "I'm calling the police".
"Go head they won't believe you as far as the world is concern I died when my school burned down" he confidently claimed.
He charged at me with the knife in his hand I tried to overpower him but he stabbed my in the side of my chest and I feel to the ground. "By the way Zack stopped being my name a long time ago, as far you need to know my name is Zed" that was the last thing he said to me before I fell to the floor with a cut in my side as my blood was poring onto the ground, I accepted what was to come as I heard Zed shut the door behind him as he left while I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.
But fate had something else planned for me, I woke up in an ambulance one of the doctors next to me told me that I was going to have to have stiches on my side, "thank you" was all I could say.
5 weeks in hospital later and I was let out and I could finally go my new house. I did research and Zed was not lying I looked up for school fires and I found his name in a list of deaths for a fire that burned down a school in England. I don't know how Zed survived or why he has dedicated his life to whatever demon he was sacrificing my friends to but whatever he is doing needs to be put to an end.
Zed is insane his life is dedicated to sacrificing innocent people to an unknown bringer of destruction just so when the apocalypse comes he will be spared. He has become mortal ghost, to the world he is dead but the truth is he has been turned into a reaper with no restraint. If you ever find someone who matches the description I given you do everything in your power to put his trail of death to a close. Zed must be found, Zed must be stopped.