
I Was playing LOL (League of Legends) I Was playing with brazilian people... when they became going too stupid.

League of HUEBR

Well.. Playing with Brazilians can let you be Stupid too. so be sure to not play with Brazilians... I gonna tell you the whole story. i was playing league of legends then 3 Brazilians joined my game. i was with my 2 Friends too. they were so idiot... everytime they kill me they say: GG IZI, maybe are they saying ''Good Game, easy.'' That stupid brazilians. It only got worse when they began to say in Portuguese... When We lost that stupids Brazilians Sayed:

Vai Cry???

I understand the ''Cry'', but i don't understand the vai, so i put on google translate and i understand... they were saying: Gonna cry?
NO MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!11 I DONT GONNA CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!! I GONNA KILL YOU ALL! '' THEN I BEGAN A NEW GAME WITH THAT STUPIDS BRS! And my friends too. I CANT LOSE TO THAT STUPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111''

Nossa fera, tá muito exaltado

Another Portuguese thing that they put. Again, i got to google translate and translated. They were saying that i'm exalted... EXALTED THE FUCK!!!! YOUR SHIT MOTHERFUCKERS, I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL! 
i and my friends losed again... I STILL WANTED REVENGE!!! After that.. they said: HEUEHEUEHEUHEUEBRBRBRBRBR GIVE MONI PLOX OR I REPORT U                                                         What the heck are those brazilians?
After that, my computer shut down.
I got yo my Iphone S5 and got in FaceTime. my Friends told that they computer got shut down too, and that LOL Disappeared. They are inviting me to Play Ragnarok... i turn on my computer and for my suprise, there was some photos on my desktop. Everyone With ''Zueira''
I'm gonna show you some photos.


That Stupid, Stupid brazilians...


Then i got to play Ragnarok.. i explain all in one video.