50. Crooked by Alison x Ali


The issue I kept having with people is when they call me: “Scene” Or “Sexy” Or "Hot". I do like compliments but those words do NOT define me. A "Gamer Girl" Is a slut who wears shitty clothes while trying to fuck most likely her brother's gaming controllers, a "Girl who Plays Games" Is someone who plays Call Of Duty non-stop for the whole weekend while swearing like a fucking sailor. I am not "Sexy" I am not "Hot" And I most definitely not "Scene." I don't have fucking peace signs tattooed on my body or pink and lilac strips in my hair, I am just "Carley." And in my opinion that's the best introduction you can give.

I slit my skin for good reasons you hear me? I am NOT some scene girl who goes: "Oh my god, I'm going to cut myself just because.... YOLO !"

I slipped on my sweater and short shorts, the sweater to hide the scars, I slid on my glasses and hunched my schoolbag over my shoulder, "Carley, breakfast is on the table." Mum smiled, I stared at the oatmeal she had made with berries, also the other plate of pancakes; covered in honey. "Oh... I'll just eat a granola bar." I said unwrapping one, "Carley, I do wish you'd eat more." Mum sighed, "Sorry... I'm not a bloody anorexic kid though, that's for sure." I chuckled, Mum let out a small happy sigh, "I know, it's just you NEED to gain a little weight hon, pretty soon a five year old could lift you up." Mum snorted politely, I gave her a simple: 'Pffft' and slid my Books into my bag, "I'll be off." I said, scoffing my granola bar down, "Alright. Love you Darling." Mum said, blowing me a kiss. "You too..." I murmured under my breath. "Time for school." I spoke to myself, I let out an irritated sigh and trotted to school.

Classes, Classes, Classes, Recess ! Classes, Classes, Classes, Lunch !

At Lunch I did the sensible thing and sat in the toilets, Where I'm wanted, I suddenly heard a deep female voice, "Hey Car-geek. Want another trip to swirly-ville?" She said, and a group of other deep voices laughing, "Nicole. You're lucky I'm not coming out to go to your gay town 'Swirly-Ville'." I said irritatedly, "G...Gay!?" She stuttered, "Yeah, You know... Like you and Amelia !" I said Amelia groaned, "I have a fucking boyfriend you twat." Amelia said trying to slam the stall door down, suddenly Miss Hopper walked in, "No Cigarettes in the bathroom. Move it girls." She said in a stern voice, they scurried off, frightened. She gently knocked on the stall door, hearing me weep I assume. "Carley? Is that you?" She asked, "Y....Yeah..." I sniffled. "Don't let them get to you, I'm surprised you haven't started being reckless like cutting or committing suicide." She said with a sigh of relief. I gulped, even though she couldn't see, I pulled down my sleeve to hide the scars, "Come on out, have lunch in the Teachers' Lounge." She said, I unlocked the door and walked with Miss Hopper. I just want to die, or play Halo 3, Either one is heaven for me. I spent the rest of lunch updating my blog, with surprisingly a few amount of followers. And watching netflix, please do not ask Why.

Then, Classes, Classes, Classes, Classes, Classes, Home Time !

I dropped my bag with the tip of my finger, Mum scurried in the kitchen wearing her uniform, "Alright honey, I need to go." She said pecking my cheek. I was afraid of the outcome tonight with Dad. He leaned on a frame of a door, with a sly smirk on his face, he strolled over to me, holding me around my waist, "Mum installed Security Cameras, Be careful what you do." I said, he let go, "You told your mother?" He asked, "Yes, she doesn't believe me but I insisted she install the cameras." I said, "Oh bother, What do I care?" He said sniffling at my neck, "You'll get divorced and sent to Prison." I said, "You're no fun Honey, Let's do something.... Exciting, if you lose, You get punished." He said, "Alright. If I win you get punished." I croaked, "Alright, Your game." Dad said. Suddenly a huge grin appeared on my face, "Twister." I said. He gaped at me, quickly grabbing a pair of scissors, "H...Hey!" I said, he opened the 'Twister' container and cut the mat to shreds, "Uh Oh!" He puffed, "New Game!" He smiled, I backwards walked to the kitchen sink, moving my hand around in there, 'Fuck. Fuck! Where's the knife?'The thoughts quickly passed my mind when my Dad spoke the words: "Do You want this?" While waving a knife around, I groaned running towards him, He slashed at my face, picking me up. "L....Let me go Dad !" I screamed, "Master. It's Master Carley." He corrected, "No! Let me Go ! I'll bite you !" I threatened, "Oh I'm so Scared." He said, mocking my voice.^pHe slammed me on the bed, quickly one thought came into my mind, '.....Fuck My Life.' Suddenly someone broke through the window as my father undid his belt. I gasped, He slit my father's throat, I gasped in horror, watching all the blood pour out, "...." I was in shock. Who is he? Why did he save me?

He knelt down on the bed, I squealed, His eyes circled around me, the paleness of his skin... The shagginess of his hair, he lifted a finger, gently caressing the bottom of my chin, "There will always be then and now, There will never be Forever." He said, My mouth went dry. . . "How can You think that way?" I croaked, pulling my sleeve down. He forced his hand to my neck and pulled up the sleeve, seeing all the scars from me cutting myself, He gave a freakishly big smile.

"I'm Jeff." He whispered into my ear, I felt his tender lips touch my ear, "C...Carley." I said biting my lip, I suddenly heard police sirens and Mum's clacking high heels, Jeff ran back out the window, Leaping like a frog. My face was flushed red. Mum ran in with the police, she just stared at me....

That blank face....