GO TO SLEEP – Renegades story by Renegade

One strange night, just as it hits midnight, a young boy was walking home from a Weekend Rave. He was just an
ordinary thirteen year old kid that snuck out by telling his parents that he was going to a friends house for the weekend
and lied about his age to get into the rave. Anyway, while walking home he heard something fighting in a forest, so he decided
to have a look to see if it was one of his friends. When he got there he saw a person in a white hoodie and
black dress pants with a knife running and slashing his way through the woods. The kid didn’t know what he was chasing,
or why he was chasing it. He could smell alcohol as the guy, well he thought it was a guy, ran past. The man looked like he was bleeding
or had some red liquid sprayed on him. At that moment the kid shrugged and left. “Just a stupid drunk” he said to himself walking away,
then out of no-where he hears more fighting so he goes back. A tall man in a suit was attacking the guy in the hoodie,
so the kid threw a rock at the guy in a suit and it hit him in the arm. At that moment the whit hooded guy slashed at the suit guys arm, cutting it clean off.
The kid gasped and ran out of the forest as fast as he could. On his way out he feels an intense heat suddenly appear out of
no-where, so he stop to look behind him. The forest was on fire. He ran faster then before, making it out of the forest. He looked back for a second
and could see the hooded guy impaled on a tree. He ran past a grave, strangely one of the tombstones was smashed. The name
on the tombstone was Lou. He ran home and jumped straight into bed and slept, without getting undressed or anything. He just slept.

“A young girl by the name of Sarah Burges, had been reported missing. She was last seen at Drop in Bar and Grill at around 9 O’clock P.M.
If you have any idea about the where a bouts of miss Burges, Please call the station number 404 835 HELP. In other news, major forest fire has
broken out in local area, the cause has not been discovered. Investigators are studying the reminensce of the forest. The fire has been extinguished.
This will hurt much of the animal life in the once heavily forested area. We will bring more on this story as it continuous” were the words
of the local news reporter. The kid listened in to see if there was anything on the guys that were fighting last night. There was nothing.
He wondered if it was just a dream. No man can be that tall, right? To think of it, the man in the suit was bald, and pale, almost pure white.
The guy in the hood, he didn’t get a proper look at him, his hood was on. It was a Monday and he was late to school, he quickly grabbed a black
V neck shirt, his black hoodie and his skinny fit black jeans, those were the only thing in his draw due to just moving from Australia.
He grabbed his bag and skate board and quickly got on his way to school.

When he got to school he pulled his purple and light blue hat out of his bag and put it on backwards. This “kid”, we will call him that for now,
had long-ish brown hair that he flicked to the left and a lip piercing on his bottom left lip. During school he spent his time researching the guy’s
from last night. Apparently the tall man is named after his appearance. The Slender Man. His territory was the woods that got burned down last night.
The other was some “killer”. There wasn’t much on them, but whatever there was he wanted more, more information. He wanted to see them closely.

After school he dumped his bag at his house and went straight to the woods that burnt down, hoping for the sight of either Slender Man
or the killer. There was no sight of them anywhere, except for the arm of a suit, and later a scorched lighter. The plastic was half melted
and it couldn’t produce any sparks when he tried to light it. He searched as far as he could, but there was nothing except ash and sticks from the

A few nights went buy and there was nothing on television about the fire since Monday, which he thought was odd. Its like they just disappeared.
Vanished into thin air. The kid made a few friends, and they had a sleepover party and Mitch’s house. One of the others, Zander, started the subject of scary stories
He went on about this so called haunted house a few houses down. “How about we play Truth or dare?” said Mitch, trying to shut Zander up about this house.
“Alright” Replied Zander, in an excited voice. “How about me and Sasha stay in the haunted house for the rest of the night?”. Everyone sighed.
The kid agreed and they walked up to the haunted house. The kid didn’t know much about this house.. Zander had packed some food,
his laptop and his phone for the night, the kid just packed his phone. Since you have heard his name, the kids real name is Sasha. People
at his new school tease him because of it, but back to the house.

During the time they were there, they just chatted and looked up creepy stories on some website named Creepypasta.com. Nothing really happened until around
1 A.M. when they heard a noise upstairs, like a dragging noise. Zander got excited and scared at the same time, while Sasha just kept calm.
After a minute or so the dragging noise just stopped. But just as Zander lost hope, there was a loud banging noise, then some laughter. It was an
evil laugh, one of a psycho-path. Both Zander and Sasha shook, hoping it was all in their head. Zander and Sasha looked at each other in fear, then it went silent.
Zander froze. Sasha wondered why he stopped, but at the moment he opened his mouth to talk, he was ripped away from Zander and was being mauled by what
seemed to be a creature of some sort. It pulled at Sasha’s limbs and face, trying to tear the flesh from his bones. Zander panicked and didn’t know what to do.
Out of no-where Sasha hears a foot step, then a voice as if someone was really pissed off. The footstep turned into a full sprint, then BAM, the monster was tackled
of of Sasha by a man in a white hoodie. It was the killer. The killers knife flew across the room but the killer was too busy smashing the monsters face in to notice.
As the killer reached for his pocket, he was thrown off. The monster crawled into a near by hole in a wall. The killer turned to Sasha and Zaander with an angry look on his face.
The killers face was bleach white, and had a permanent smile on it, his eyes ringed with black and never seemed to close.
He walked towards them but was attacked, the monster jumped onto him and now mauling the killer. Sasha saw, from its shine
the knife and ran for it, picking it up swiftly and running to the killer. Sasha ripped the creatures head back, then with a pull he opened the creatures airways as he sliced
its throat, choking on its own blood. Sasha then proceeded to tear the creatures head off with his hands.

The killer laid on the floor worn out by the attack. Sasha gave him a hand to stand up and handed him his knife back. “You okay?” Asked Sasha, kicking the
bloody head of the Monster down the stairs. “I’m fine” replied the killer. The killer stood their for a second, thinking if he should kill Sasha, or spare him. “So, kid, you gotta name?”
“Yea, my names Sasha”. The killer waited for a few seconds, then laughed. ” HAHAHAHAHA, If you’re gonna be a killer, you’re gonna need a better name”. Sasha looked at him,
blankly. Thinking he could become a friend to the killer, he nodded and agreed. They spent the night getting to know each other. “You know, you’re the only real person I’ve had a
friendly talk to in years”. the killer said, sharpening his blade against a shard of glass. “You’re also my first friend”. Sasha waited, then asked “What’s your name? Do you have any family?”
“No. I killed mine. My mother, my father, My brother Lou-” ” YOUR BROTHER IS LOU?” the killer paused, he thought being cut off in a conversation about his brother was strange.
“Yea, how’d you know? The killer asked, with a look of anger on his smiling face. “Uh I was there when you fought that Slender Man guy, I saw the tombstone” the killer quickly snapped, saying he better keep
his mouth shut. The conversation went quite. They talked a bit, then all three left. “Oh and kid” “Yea?” “My names Jeff”.

The next Monday after school, Sasha arrived home from his sleep over. No-one answered the door, he thought that was strange. Usually someones home to let him in, so he just lock picked
the door and went inside. What he saw was- it was horrible. He’s whole family, slaughtered, his house trashed. He grabbed a kitchen knife and he tried to call 911, but the phone was disconnected.
He ran, bag on his back, and ran. He ended up back at the haunted house hoping Jeff was there. He ran inside and searched everywhere. He was no-where.
He gave up and sat in a corner, not knowing what to do. He picked up his knife and looked into the shiny new blade. He saw his own reflection, and someone else’s. “Kid, what are you doing here?”.
Sasha looked up startled. It was Jeff.”What the FUCK did you do to my family?” yelled Sasha. Jeff looked puzzled and said “Nothing? What happened?” Jeff offered Sasha a place to stay. Denbigh Asylum.
Jeff saw the anger in Sasha. Sasha had this thing for evil and dark things, so Jeff took a sudden liking to him. They had so much in common.

It took a short time to get there, but Sasha was curious.
“Why haven’t you killed me yet?”.
Jeff paused. “Because when I look at you I see me”.
Jeff studied Sasha. “You need a new name, how about Shadow or Death?”
Sasha thought for a second.
“Naa what about Renegade? Renegade and Jeff ”
Jeff laughed. “Sure, but its JEFF and Renegade, not Renegade and Jeff, Got it?” Renegade nodded.

Weeks went by, Jeff tried to teach him to kill mercilessly, but Renegade Had other ideas. He didn’t want to kill.

It wasn’t long before another family was killed the same way as Renegade’s family. He thought of that suspiciously, it wasn’t Jeff. He thought to himself, who else is
a psycho murderer like Jeff.

The next night was Renegade’s ‘solo run’ according to Jeff. Renegade had to slaughter a single person that was hunting down Jeff, But only he could be killed. No-one else in the family,
just him. Jeff said something about Renegades family and he got real pissed off. “I saved your fucking ass, now KILL that son of a bitch”.

Renegade grabbed his knife off Jeff and pick locked the basement door. It was dark, but darkness had become his friend. He could see perfect. He crept up to the inside basement
door and silently opened it, the targets wife was still awake.Renegade thought nothing off it and swiftly made his way up stairs. The target was on his computer doing work. Renegade sneaked up behind
him ready to slit his throat, but noticed the work he was doing was strange. His target was an escaped mental patient. He killed Renegade’s family and the others that suspiciously died in the same way.
He was reading the work when the target turned to leave his work. He had no choice but to kill him now. He stabbed through his throat, piercing the skin like it was paper.
Renegade stood back, pleased with himself. He quickly grabbed the knife in his targets throat and jerked it to one side, leaving his head to dangle, then Renegade punched
his head. A sharp snapping noise was heard as his neck snapped.

When Renegade got back to the Asylum, Jeff looked at him. ” What? ” said Renegade. ” Look in the mirror, dumb ass!!” replied Jeff. Renegade made his way
over to the cracked mirror. There was blood everywhere on him. Renegade looked startled. Jeff looked at Renegade like a older brother to a younger brother, as if to say I’m proud of you.
More murders went on, each giving less mercy. Each murder that happened, the words ‘GO TO SLEEP’ were carved into the heads of their victims. Renegade was turning into a merciless assassin. He
had the same mind set as Jeff. Insane psychopathic blood driven death machines.

One night Renegade was playing around at an abandoned wear house, chasing a man around for fun. “Let us play hide and seek” Renegade said in a demonic voice. “You hide and I seek, sound good?
The man just ran. Renegade jumped from the plank to poles catching up to the man. “BOO MOTHER FUCKER”. The man jumped back as Renegade caught him around a corner.
The man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Renegade. “Hahahaha, seriously, were the fuck do you guys get guns from?” Laughed Renegade. The man started firing and missing every shot.
The guy ran around corner to get to safety when he saw some barrels labeled with an explosive sign. He waited until Renegade reached the corner then BANG! He shot the barrels.
Flammable liquid went every where. Some got into Renegades eyes. He fell to the ground rolling in pain and rubbing his eyes to stop the burning. With what little vision he had left he followed
the guy to the exit, and as soon as he got out and away from the wear house it blew up from the left over explosives and Renegade fell to te ground, unconscious from the fumes
left from the explosive liquids.

After a while Renegade woke up in a hospital with Jeff siting next to him, he shook nervously. “Uhh… Where.. Where am I? Ow! My eyes!” “Just relax, ok Sasha?” Jeff said and straight after that he
left, without saying anything. The nurses came in to check on him.
“Nurse what happened?”
“You were in a bad car accident”
“I meant to my eyes”
“Oh a slow burning liquid ended up in your eyes. What was in you car?” Renegade said nothing.

A few days later he left the hospital to go back to the asylum. When he go there the first thing he did was check his eyes. He was startled by what he saw. There were burn marks to both
eyes that looked like a Gothic clown had done his make-up. His iris and pupils were a silver-ish grey color that blended in together as if he was blind, but he had perfect eye site.
Most of his hair was singed black. Jeff looked at him.
So your beautiful too huh?…”

One strange night, just as it hit midnight, Jeff and Renegade finished their night of death and slaughter. The relaxed in their home and drank alcohol to celebrate. There was a knock at the front gates
so Renegade went to see who was there. His vision blurred, all he saw was a tall, slender like man in a neat suit, missing his left arm….