47. James the Survivor by James The Survivor

The day he returned

This was the night I’d never forget. It was a cold, winters night in Chicago. We lived in an old house, supposedly in the neighbourhood of a crazed killer’s house. Jeff or bob or something. It was Jeff, I know that now, unfortunately.
Anyway it was late at night and I was in bed, restless and unable to sleep. I was listening to the TV downstairs trying to imagine weird scenes to accompany the sound when it happened. I heard the front door click shut. It was only faint but at first I thought I’d imagined it. My room was at the top of the stairs and I just took a quick peek out of my room to see a dark figure in a white hoodie sleek down the hall. I dived back into my bed freaked to the bone, (I was only 9) I had no idea who or what had just entered my house. But what I did know was my sister and parents were downstairs, unaware of the strange being creeping about. I thought it was a burglar at first and thought of what I didn’t want to be stolen, when I heard a loud shriek followed by an eerie silence down the stairs. There were some muffled cries which intrigued and scared me, but I had to go downstairs to face what would soon find me. I used my inner spy to sneak onto the landing and peer under the stairs, (We had those stairs that don’t have backs). But soon regretted my decision, I should have stayed in bed. But no, I witnessed the man slit my parents throats. My mother still gasping for air whilst my sister stood there, frozen with shock. She wouldn’t move even when he came closer. That… That ANIMAL seized her by the throat, cutting off her oxygen supply, she turned purple and he lifted her almost to the ceiling. Then violently slammed her into the floor. She struggled on the floor, paralysed, as he picked her up by the scruff of her top and launched her through the huge window, onto the front yard. My mother gasped loudly as he thrusted his fists into her stomach, coating the cream carpet with thick, red blood. He then turned, hesitated, and looked directly at me. I froze as the murderer made eye contact with me; his next victim. He had horrible eyes, they were huge, wide and glassy. With that distinct look of death far inside them. He grinned at me with his bloody, cracked lips and slit cheeks. I tried to run but my body wasn’t responding. He just looked at me, whispered “Go to sleep James”. Wiped a speck of blood from his hoodie and disappeared out the shattered window. That was that last I saw of him, until last night…

I was 16 by this time. I was living with my aunt and uncle happily, All the events of that night were never spoken of in this household. I knew now that it was Jeff who took my family. I swore to get revenge someday… My aunt took me in and treated me as their own son. I could never forget that night though, why me? I know now. Anyway It was December 20th 2013 and I was getting excited for christmas, hoping for a new BMX. I had just finished my christmas shopping and was heading home when it struck me. Where was everyone? What I didn’t know was Jeff had been sighted in the neighbourhood so everyone was indoors, watching their children and keeping them safe. Except me, I bet my aunt would have been worried sick. My uncle would be trying to calm her when I didn’t show up. But there was a good reason for that. I was nearly home, taking a shortcut round the back when something struck my side, sending sharp pains up my back causing me to fall to the floor, dropping my bags. A shadow slipped down from the trees in front of me. Those beady eyes with black rings stared me in the face. His cracked lips and scarred cheeks grinned that horrible toothy grin. Jeff.

I pulled my retractable knife from my belt but as I did he drove a fist into my chest and knocked it from my hand. I threw a counter punch, my hand hit something hard and he laughed again. I winced as he punched me again in the jaw knocking me down again. He kept kicking me until he finally said “Well well James…” I turned and spat at him. He simply laughed again and replied “I’m not here to kill you”. I made a grab for my knife again but he stamped down on my wrist hard, I let out a small cry. “What do you want from me?!” I shouted at him. “To join me” he said with a chilling grin on his face. “Never! You killed my family!” I screamed back at him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “How dare you!” He cried and thrust a knife into my chest. I struggled on the floor, barely conscious as he said to me; “James the survivor eh? Well done” he slid a knife from the centre of my eyelids down to the edges of my mouth causing a big gash on either side of my face. He ruffled my hair turning it red. I didn’t react. I was barely alive, my cuts were weeping blood and I was moaning on the floor. My wrist was deformed and my green hoodie was covered in thick blood. I don’t remember what happened next but what I do know is:
My name is James the survivor, I am Jeff’s partner in crime. We kill who we want to, and if you’re reading this, you are probably next. So whatever you do…
Don’t look behind you.