Jeff The Killer Untitled Story by Anonymous

Now where do I begin,oh right one night I was getting ready for bed, I brushed my teeth,and all of that junk,when I got into bed,I had a strange feeling that I was not alone...I just shook it off and fell asleep.After a couple hours I began to have strange dreams and a sense of uncontrollable fear, but you know, I just thought it was that horror story I read that night,so I tried to stay strong...that's when I started to hear voices and psychotic laughter. Buy that time I was just about to shit myself, when my mouth was covered by a blood stained,white hand. I looked up to find that the hand belonged to the one and only Jeff the killer "Shhhhh,just go to sleep", he said.All I could do was muffle in between his cold fingers,man did I hate that guy!As he slowly showed his knife to me,still with his hand over my mouth, he said,"Don't be scared, this will only hurt a lot!Well at least for you it will HAHAHAHA!"When he loosened up his grip on my mouth to bring me to my demise,I quickly bit his finger making him let go of me and drop his knife.He looked at me then quickly grabbed his knife, saying to me,"you have potential in killing me kid I'll let you live but next time you won't be so lucky".Then he started out of my room,I quickly slid off of my bed and opened a box that I hide from My parents under my bed,I pulled out the knife, and ran after Jeff with it.I caught him looking through my fathers wine supply and said," you won't get out of this house so easily bitch!"I charged at him with my knife plunging it into his side,blood flowing out like water out of a hose.Something popped inside of me when I saw blood,but when I was little, I always hated the look of blood,the taste,and the feel of blood. But this was different,I actually enjoyed it! I went crazy and let him escape while saying," and don't you ever come back you fucking bitch!" Damn,but it felt so good! I'm actually  living but wandering the streets trying to kill people gets kind of boring, but you'll hang out with me right?We'll play my favorite game! Tag! I'll start TAG IM IT!