22. Jeff the Killer vs Homicidal Liu: Confrontation by DarknessTeddyBear

No... He couldn’t be staring at his brother’s face right now. He SHOULDN’T be staring at his brother right now! And yet, somehow, there he was.

As Jeff had approcahed the graveyeard he recognised very well by now, he was shocked into silence and stillness by the presence of the young man leaning against the gravestone he had gone to see. Liu... was waiting for him.

“Liu?” Jeff called out at the figure he saw, eyes travelling up and down the now late-teenage body of the boy he remembered killing brutally.

Since not too long ago, Jeff had realised how much he had regretted what he had done. His family, maybe not. His parents were never on his side, never there to listen, never understood. Liu was his best friend, took the fall for him, did everything for him on so many occasions! His madness had driven him to seeing even his only friend, his brother, as one of the judgemental prick that he#d have to deal with had he remained and returned to school once he had somewhat recovered- he had never ffecovered from losing his sibling... or murdering him.

“It’s been a long time, Jeff,” he heard a somethat flat voice comign from Liu. It truly had been years. Liu possessed a vice that Jeff almost didn’t recognise, but he was sure that it was probably the same for him too. “Have you missed me, brother?”

Jeff was still stunned, watching as the other boy hopped down from his place, sitting on his own gravestone, not saying anything yet, in both confusion and relief at the same time.

“H-how? How are you ere?!!” Jeffrey yelled, his voice breaking part way through his declaration.

Liu stepped closer, the silver glow of the moonlight falling upon his face, revealing the deep anf still bloody stitches that ran across his face, over his nose and from the corner of his mouth up to his cheek. The half-smile Jeff had carved into his face before fleeing from their family home had been sealed shut, making it difficult for him to make out the slight smirk appearing on his brother’s face as his bright, green eyes landed on Jeff.

“I like that expression, Jeffrey,” he spoke in that same flat voice, “you look so shocked to see me. It was your old friend the Slenderman that stitched me up.”

“Slendy? That fucking octopus?! Wait, why?! How are you alive right now?!”

Liu chuckled, his voice low, his eyes darkening slightly. “Yes, Jeff. He knew that I had some unfinished business with you... Or at least, someone did.”

Jeff wasn’t following what he was saying. “What? Then who? What business? Aw, shit, Liu, please don;t be so pissed, please! I regret what I did I real-”

“YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Finally, there was a tone in Liu’s voice, he sounded livid, his eyes darkening again, almost looking like they were turning completely black instead of the lively green. His face... it didn’t even look like Liu anymore. As the growling he was producing turned into a quiet laugh, Jeff continued to just stand still, watching his lost brother throw his head back and laugh maniacly. “LIU!” the stitched-up man screamed to the darkened sky, confusing Jeff even further. “LIU WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, JEFFREY! NEITHER WILL I! I WILL PROTECT LIU! I’LL KILL YOU!” He screeched, lunging towards Jeff, producing a long knife from inside his coat posket. Jeff produced his own knife, his reflexes kicking in as he blocked the attack, both boys tumbling to the ground.

“Liu, stop! What the hell are you talking about?!”

“It’s Sully! I’m protecting Liu from yoouu!!”

“Then leave my brother the fuck alone!” Jeff managed to puch ‘Sully’ off himself, both standing up in fighting stance.

For a moment, Liu’s shoulder’s hitched, and as he looked up, his face looked.... he looked devastated.

“Jeff,” he spoke and Jeff could tell that his brother was back, “why’d you do it?”

“Liu... I- I don’t know....... I wasn’t in my right mind at all. I was losing my mind!”

“You lost it, Jeff,” the younger boy’s eyebrows furrowed, her teeth gritting, some of the stitches in the corner of his mouth seeming to split just a little. “Why’d you do it, Jeff?” He began to yell again, all hints of sadness replaced with rage. “I went to fucking JAIL for you! You were my best friend!”

 His face darkened again... And out emerged Sully once more, the alter of the stitched boy growling to his other personality.

 “I’m trying to save you, Liu... I’ll get the answers.”

With that, he moved to stab Jeff again. Jeff grabbed his wrist, beinding his arm behind his back until he dropped the blade, gritting his teeth as ahe growled. “I’m not gonna fucking kill you, alright?”

“You already DID KILL LIU!” Sully continued to scream, even as he broke free of Jeff’s grip, spun and punched him in the face. Jeff felt the sting in his face as he stumbled backwards, the same pain then reaching his stomacch as Sully kicked him in the gut. He held his middle, looking up at his attacker.


Jeff didn’t say anything.


“That’s not the reason why, I’ve already told you, I regret this!”

“regret doesn’t take it all back,” Sully sneered, his eye twitching as he quickly lunged to grab the knife he had dropped. Jeff didn’t pick up his own, still standing defenceless in front of the granite stones lining the graveyard. He sprinted forward, aiming to slach at Jeff repeatedly.

In a split second, Jeff found himself being jumped on, but it didn’t... it didn’t feel like hed been stabbed. AS He fell backwards, landing on his back on the ground, he looked down to see his btoher clinging to him, the knife once again ddiscarded on the ground.

“I don’t want this, Sully,” Liu muttered, “I don’t hate him that much...”

Jeff saw Liu’s shaling hands on his hoodie and brough his own white hand up to the back of his head.

“Liu, are you back?”

Liu nodded, rolling off his brohter, lying on his back beside him. “Sorry, Jeff.”

“No, Liu... I deserve it after all I did to you.”

“Fuck that.” Liu nudged him. “I’m alive... Sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner.”

“Nah, had you seen me years ago.... I don’t know. I probably wouldnt have bad the chance to realis just how much I actually missed you, huh?”

Liu smiled only a little, fighting back the screams of his alter, doing his best to remain in charge of this stitched-up body he now had.

“Are you really queer?” Jeff suddenly asked, making Liu laugh properly.


“Well congrats, bro.”

They had a lot of time to get sed to one another again, Sully never really calming down in Jeff’s presence. But Liu was happy, and that was enough for him. They continued their murderous sprees with the rest of their newfound superhuman friends, the proxies, slenderman, and the others they’d found. Jeff never reconciled with Jane, but he didn’t care about that. And no, he wasn’t disgusting and have a secret crush on her, but he approved of the oy his brother seemed to like; another man their age who suffered deep stitches too, Rowan. The brother’s had ofound one another, and would remain close by one another until their days came to an end.