17. Jeff x Clockwork – ~Amnesia~ by Nebula_Cipher

~~Hi, guys I worked on this for a while and I  ended up deciding to put it on Wattpad, hope you enjoy!!~~

“Where am I?” Jeff yelled

He looked around, he had no recollection of ever being here or where he was. He was out of breath and covered in blood. All he remembers is waking up on the pavement, in a graveyard and there was a bunch of dead bodies that were brutality murdered. He had looked in his hand and he had a chef’s knife clutched hard in his hand leaving an imprint of what the knife said. All he could make out was Jeff! That wasn’t much help! Maybe somebody knew him? So he walked for a little while in the pitch dark night all that Illuminated the walk was some street lights along the road.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, I don’t see any-!” Before he could finish he heard A terribly loud scream behind him.

“MURDERER! MURDERER! AHHHHHHH!” A lady across the street, screamed at the top of her lungs.

He ran over to her and covered her mouth, she was now squirming violently, trying to kick him and scream, but her screams couldn’t get through his hand.

He whispered in her ear, making her even more terrified “If you don’t stop trying to scream I will slit your throat and find your family and kill them all in their sleep and bury you all in the same grave, so you can all burn in hell together!” Jeff was surprised by what he had said but It just came out without him even needing to think and it made him feel powerful and more superior! He felt her heartbeat slowly decline.

“Shit, did I actually kill her!?!” Jeff thought

To his surprise he had given her a heart attack from so much fright!

“Am I a monster?” Jeff looked at his hands covered in dry blood, they had a slight shaking to them. His stomach started to grumble.

“How can I be hungry after all that I have done today?” Jeff thought to himself.

Then he felt as if somebody was watching him, so he started to walk faster. He heard rustling in the direction where he felt that somebody was watching him. So without thinking, again, he threw the chef’s knife he still had on him from when he awoke earlier. He heard a slight wimper coming from where he threw the knife followed by maniacal laughter. Then the stranger that was following him was walking out of the shadows with Jeff’s chef knife stuck in her shoulder.

“Is it really you, Jeff?” The stranger asked pulling the knife slowly out of her shoulder, blood now running down her arm.

“Do I know you?” Jeff asked having a sexual attraction to the crazy hot girl standing in front of him.

“Yes! I know you, more than you think! Before you ask how I do, I’ll show you your lost memories!” She tried to lean in and do something, but before she could do anything Jeff slowly pushed her back and had confusion written all over his face.

“Jeff? Do you not want to remember? Me or anybody?” She asked worried

“Fine!” Jeff said and waited for whatever was going to come. Right after he said that she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and began to kiss him. He was surprised by what was happening, but he didn’t want it to stop, so he just went along with it. Their tongues were fighting for dominance the more they kissed. Then he started to feel an intense stinging pain starting from the outside of his lips to his cheeks. The girl pulled back slowly and started to give a devilish smile. She took out a handheld mirror and showed him his bloody cuts that extended for his mouth that revealed his old devilish grin.

“What are you doing here, Clockwork? How long have you been looking for me? Lastly, how did you find me?” Jeff asked very confused but also still surprised by the intense kiss.

“I’m here because I missed you and Ticci Toby and Ben said they thought they saw you in the graveyard, lying there, I yelled at them asking “WHY DIDN’T YOU GO CHECK THEN?” They just shrugged and I’ve been looking for you since I saw you leave a couple days ago and you didn’t come back, and lastly, I found you by luck, because I saw all the disassembled bodies in the graveyard and so I knew you were there previously, and then I heard a really loud scream yelling “MURDERER!!” So I ran as fast as I could to see if it was you! So, if it wasn’t for the screaming I would have never found you!” Clockwork said out of breath smiling at Jeff.

“Wow, so you missed me that badly?” Jeff asked in a flirty way.

“Y-yes, Jeff, I did!” Clockwork said while her cheeks turned a light pink, she felt her face get hot so she put her head down and looked at the ground. Jeff could see what was happening, so he moved closer and hugged her and her head started to come up, from being in his chest, her cheeks now a dark crimson, he then started to blush as well, he looked at her, then began to gently touch her chin, and brought her face closer to his and began to kiss her lips, softly. She was surprised a little but, began to kiss back, the past few days were killing her being apart from Jeff, she wanted to confess her feelings earlier but she was so nervous that when she built up her courage he was leaving. Then they both stopped kissing passionately, when they heard yelling from somebody they wish they didn’t.

“What the fuck, Jeff?” The voice they knew all to well, yelled.

“What’s wrong know, Ticci?” Jeff yelled, looking behind him still hugging Clockwork tightly. She burried her face back into his chest.

“You know what’s wrong, you fucking asshole!” Ticci yelled.

“What?” Jeff yelled confused. Ticci was now closer.

“Why are you kissing, my girl?” Ticci yelled

“First, she’s not your girl, clearly, she likes me and second quit yelling!” Jeff yelled.

“What do you mean, she likes you?” Ticci asked now noticing her face burried in Jeff’s chest, which made him even more angry.

“I mean she likes me and not you! You broke her heart, far too many times!” Jeff yelled

“I NEVER, broke her heart!” Ticci yelled. This made Clockwork angry. She slowly took her face out of Jeff’s chest and her face was red, not from blushing, but from anger.

“YES, YOU DID, YOU’RE A FUCKING LYING, TWO-TIMING, ASSHOLE!” Clockwork yelled then took the knife Jeff threw at her earlier and got off of Jeff and ran over to Ticci Toby and stabbed him right in the back.

“HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE ONE BEING BACKSTABBED? DON’T EVER SAY YOU DIDN’T BREAK MY HEART, YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU DID!” Clockwork yelled she didn’t even feel sorry for him anymore and she laughed at the site of him spitting up blood and trying to get the knife out of his back. Jeff walked over to Ticci and ripped the knife out of his back, which made him scream out loud, from the pain.

“Why did you take it out?” Clockwork asked Jeff, giving a cute pouting face.

“What, It’s my knife and It’s a good quality one too, he’s not keeping it!” Jeff responded. Clockwork started to laugh and then walked over to Jeff and kissed him, right in front of the dying Ticci Toby.

“Bye!” Clockwork yelled and then caught up to Jeff who was walking away, because he was trying to hide his face, she intertwined her fingers with Jeff’s and started to walk with him to wherever they were heading next.

“So, I’ve got a question, do you like me Jeff?” Clockwork asked with a cute but devilish smile.

“Hell yes, and I don’t like you, I love you!” Jeff responded

“Wait till we get home, I’m doing things to you, you wish you had done to you, by me long ago!” Jeff responded blushing hard from what he said trying to be cool but honest. Clockwork was surprised and her face turned an even darker crimson than before.

“Ok!” Clockwork responded hiding her face, with her hoodie. Then Jeff untangled their fingers and wrapped his arm around her. He moved a little lower to whisper in her ear.

“So, what do you want me to do to you, anyway?” Jeff asked in a sexy and flirty voice. Clockwork continued to look down, Jeff stopped her and himself from walking.

“Clockwork, what’s wrong? Did I upset you, if I did I didn’t mean to!” Jeff asked worried now. She still didn’t bring her head up. This made Jeff worry even more. Then she slowly brought her head up and she was crying. This made Jeff really wonder if he did something to her.

“What’s wrong?” Jeff asked wondering if he caused this somehow.

“I feel like Ticci isn’t really dead and he’s going to be coming after you to get rid of you forever and then I will be forced to date him again, but I don’t love him, I love you Jeff, and I have for quite some time, It’s just whenever I built up enough courage to tell you, you were either leaving or I couldn’t find you, so that made me think for a while that you didn’t want to talk to me, or you were trying to avoid me!” Clockwork said wiping away some tears. Jeff was speechless and didn’t know what to say, so he hugged Clockwork and started to cry a little as well, which this is a surprise because Jeff usually doesn’t show his feelings and that made everybody think he had none to show. Clockwork wiped away his tears and kissed him passionately and pulled back, slowly.

“You make me so crazy for you! I love you so much I can’t really put it into words, and I’m willing to bet I’m the first person in a long-time period you’ve shown your feelings to, so that lets me know you do truly love me!” Clockwork said smiling a cute grin, and not her devilish grin, but a sane human-being grin. Jeff smiled back and picked up Clockwork and ran to the destination he had finally settled on.

“Where are we going?” Clockwork asked, starting to blush.

“You’ll find out!” Jeff told her and started to slow down.

“Are we here?” Clockwork asked.

“Yes!” Jeff responded, looking down at her and started to blush, because he never let anybody into where he lived and now he was going to let her stay and do whatever he wanted to her and she wouldn’t mind. He walked in the door and through the hallway, then slowly opened up a door leading into a pitch- dark room. He walked in the room he knew exactly where he was going, Clockwork was just waiting for what was to come, she couldn’t see anything, but could feel Jeff’s body heat and that made her feel safe. Then she was put down onto something soft, and she instantly thought, “I’m on his bed and he’s right above me!” Then she felt Jeff’s hand touch her cheek then his lips touched hers and began to kiss him right back, she wrapped her arms around him and slowly pulled him down until he was right on top of her. She could feel Jeff was slowly pushing his hand up her side, and pushing her shirt up as well. His hands were cold and warm at the same time. She was glad there was no lights on, because he would see her face, and see how dark red it was. Then she felt his hand start to grab her breast and he squeezed lightly. She let out a small moan. Jeff began to squeeze harder and kiss her even more. She was overcome by pleasure, she let out another moan and slowly pulled away from his lips, she could still feel the heat from the kiss. Then Jeff kissed her lips quickly and then started to kiss her neck and then inch by inch down to her breasts.

                          ~~So, this was my first  story on Wattpad, if it’s good, I will try to make more, so hope you enjoyed!!!!!!~~