6.Survivor – A Jeff the Killer short story by Rahbits


My name is Nathan. I am thirteen years old, and last week I was diagnosed with "PTSD" ( Post traumatic stress disorder ). This was because of what happened, last Sunday.


Well, now I guess you're wondering why. I'll tell you...


It was dark outside, only a street lamp giving light outside. There was no moon, nor were there stars outside, it truly was a dark night. A light breeze flowed around the homes in our neighborhood, and flowing through my now open window.  Waking abruptly from a nightmare about spiders, I slowly sat up and wiped the sweat from my brow. I looked over t the window as I felt the breeze brush against my face. Tilting my head slightly, I blankly stared at the window, remembering I had closed it before I went t bed. I got up and trotted over to the window, staring outside at the street for a moment before sighing heavily. I closed the window, then latched it locked before crawling back into bed and covering up, trying to get back to sleep.


     That was when I started to feel like I was being watched, you know. That feeling in your gut, like someone's staring at you and not looking away, like how you would stare at your crush. Hesitantly, I looked up, and wha I saw nearly made me jump out if my skin, and bed. Right there, in the small amount of light shining int my room was a pair of large eyes. However, these eyes were not regular eyes. They were dark, ominous eyes. They were bordered in black and just plain terrified me, they made goosebumps crawl all over my skin. That's when I saw his mouth, a long horrendous smile that made ever hair on my body stand on end. The figure stood there, just watching me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he said it. A simple phrase, but said only in a way that a madman could speak.


     He said to me "Go to sleep." I let out a scream and that's what sent him off, running at me. He pulled up a long silver knife; aiming it toward my heart. He jumped onto my bed, but I fought back. I kicked, punched, rolled, did everything. Could t get him off and away from me. By now, my dad had heard all the noise and bust through my door. The man threw the knife at my dad, a terrible whirring noise happened as the knife flew through the air and right into my dads shoulder! The knife being stuck into my dads shoulder sent a splatter of blood against my white walls. The man probably would have finished my dad off as well, if the sound if sirens had not began to sound. The neighbor had heard all of this and notified the police.


The police had driven not the driveway, and with a slam of their car doors, they ran toward the door. The man turned and ran out of my room and into my hallway. Seconds later I heard the sound of glass breaking. I walked out of my room and not the hallway, seeing the window toward the back of my house was broken, glass all over the floor. I walked to my window and looked out of it, seeing the man vanishing in the distance.


I can tell you one thing... I will never forget that face, those cold, evil, angry eyes, that horrendous, psychotic smile... Those images will never leave my mind.