Voicebox: A Ticci Toby Love Story by Absolon-Resonance


Chapter 1

The day my life changed forever started out like every other day. It was the same routine for the last 7 years, ever since I had turned 10. I woke up at 6:00 am, took a quick shower, tossed on my favorite black skinny jeans, a black Hollywood Undead t-shirt, my crimson hoodie and my red and black running shoes. I pulled my long brown hair up in a ponytail, covered the bruises on my pale face with some makeup, grabbed my backpack for school, and woke up my 6 year-old little sister, Benna. I quickly got her dressed and ready for school, feed her breakfast and took her over to her babysitter. Luckily her babysitter only lives a few houses down so I had time to drop her off and rush back home to make breakfast for my parents. Just like every day I hoped to have breakfast cooked and be out the door before my parents woke up, but once again I was just a little too slow. As I finished cooking my mother walked in and gave me her usual greeting, a punch to the stomach that dropped me to my knees and a swift kick in the ribs. “Get your lazy ass up and clean up the mess you made in the kitchen Shayla, you useless bitch.” She said as she calmly sat down to eat the breakfast I had cooked. I nodded quickly and got to work on the kitchen, still hoping to get out of there before my father came down. I’m just glad that I am able to protect Benna from our parents. As much as my mother’s continual physical and emotional abuse hurt it was nowhere near as bad as my fathers “punishments.” I just had a “punishment” last night since Mother had to work late and I didn’t want to get another one after Mother left for work so I cleaned as fast as I could. Luckily that day I was able to get out before he came down. So for me it started out a better day than most. After catching the bus to school I hurried to my locker. Once again I hoped that I could avoid Jeanie and her group. Jeanie, her boyfriend Biff, Biff’s friend Joel, and Joel’s girlfriend Roxanne were the biggest bullies in the school. They were also the head cheerleaders and the captain and quarterback of the football team, so of course in the teachers’ eyes they could do no wrong. They had bullied me ever since third grade and the abuse from them got worse every year. I quickly grabbed my books for the first half the day and started walking as quickly as I could without running to English class. Luckily I made it to class without being caught. Unfortunately I knew there would be no hiding from them after school. They had made sure of that the day before when they caused me to get detention. Jeanie had been beating me in the girls’ locker room after gym class and when she heard someone come in she rammed her head into the locker and screamed, so of course everyone believed that I had been attacking her. I had tried for years to tell the teachers and the principal what really happens between Jeanie, her friends and me, but of course they never believed me. No one ever believed me, probably because I have a couple disorders that make people think I’m a freak. It’s not my fault that my eyes are two different colors. My right eye is a piercing light blue, like the color of a Siberian husky’s eyes. My left eye is a bright emerald green. I also can’t help that I was diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome when I was 10; shortly after my older sister, Rebekah, and I were in a car accident. I survived without any physical damage, but my sister didn’t and my parents always blamed me for that. I can’t help the twitching that happens or the spontaneous low pitched sinister sounding giggles that freak people out. Anyway the day went on like usual. People either ignored me or made fun of me, at lunch I sat in the library by myself. I never ate lunch at school, my parents wouldn’t let me take a lunch nor would they give me money to buy lunch. After school I went to detention. No one else was there today so I had plenty of time to do my homework. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do it tonight. Mother and Father would be waiting for me to come home from detention so they could beat me again. I knew that Benna would already be in bed by the time I got home, and I hope that Mother and Father didn’t hurt her while I wasn’t there. I just hoped that Mother didn’t leave me alone with Father again like the last time I got detention. I didn’t think I could take Father’s “punishment” two days in a row, I was still sore from the night before. I really hated my life. If it wasn’t for my need to protect Benna I would have run away a long time ago. After detention I tried to make a run for it, but as soon as I left school ground Biff and Joel grabbed me and dragged me into the nearby woods. I tried to scream and struggled to get away, but Joel punched me in the face and I lost consciousness for a few minutes. When I woke up I found myself laying in a small clearing in the woods, I knew this clearing. I had come out here a few times to escape from my life for a while. I was only about a fifteen minute walk from home. I thought that if I could just get away I could make it home before they caught me again, but then I saw Jeanie and Roxanne. I knew I couldn’t get away from all of them. “Well, well, well, what do we have here, hmm?” Jeanie’s shrill voice was so irritating as she smirked over at Roxanne, Joel and Biff. “Looks like the Freak tried to run again. Well boys, I think it’s time to get rid of that eyesore don’t you?” Roxanna chimed in as she handed Joel and Biff large curved skinners. The faint light from the setting sun made the blades gleam a menacing orange. “Thanks babe, you and Jeanie should head back to set up for the party tonight. Biff and I can handle this little slut.” Joel chuckled as he sat on my stomach and almost playfully ran the blade down the right side of my face, causing a shallow wound. I could feel the blood running down my cheek into my hair and I started twitching, my involuntary muscle spasms made Roxanne and Jeanie laugh. “Well, have fun boy; just remember to clean up before you come to the party. Skank blood stinks.” Jeanie said as she and Roxanne left. There was silence for a few before Joel smirked up at Biff. “You thinking what I’m thinking bro?” Joel asked. “Yeah, let’s have some fun with the little slut before we kill her.” Biff’s eyes were full of lust as he looked at me before turning and starting to walk away. “You go ahead first Joel. I know how much you love it when they fight back. I’ll be over there. Call me when you’re done man.” “Sure thing bro,” Joel said with a grim chuckle, “now then let’s see what you hide under that hoody of yours.” As Joel started to rip my hoody off I started to struggle as my twitching got worse. They were going to “punish” me like Father did and then kill me. If I died what happened to me could happen to my little sister. All the years of torture and anguish flooded through my mind as I struggled. The anger and hatred I felt for everyone but my little Benna built and I suddenly felt stronger than I ever had before. The small voice in the back of my mind that would whisper to me in my dreams was suddenly loud and clear. They should all just die! We don’t have to take this anymore Shayla! Stop being weak and fight back! Kill them! Kill them all! And for once I did as she said. In a move too fast for Joel to counter I rolled my hips and pinned him under me. Before he could call out to Biff for help I sank my teeth into his throat and ripped it out, taking his voice box with a large chunk of his throat. He gurgled as his blood rushed out and the light started to fade from his eyes. The taste of his bloody vocal cords was so delicious that I sighed with pleasure as I devoured the delectable treat. I had never tasted anything so exquisite in my life. As I got off Joel’s lifeless body I noticed the skinner on the ground and picked it up. The blade really was beautiful. Good job Shayla. That’s my good, sweet girl. Now we just have to get rid of Biff and those so-called parents of ours. We’ll leave the bitches for another day. I got up and silently walked in the direction Biff had gone. The twitching in my face and neck slowed down and I knew it wouldn’t be long before they stopped and the giggling started so I went as fast as I could while staying silent. I crept up on Biff as he leaned against a tree. I smirked when I saw that Biff had his pants down around his thighs and he was moaning softly. His eyes were closed so I snuck up on him and grabbed the other skinner he had left on the ground. His eyes shot open as I pressed one of the cold blades to his neck and a look of horror came over his face as he saw me. I started giggling in a low and sinister tone as I smirked at him. “Biff, Biff, Biff. It looks like we caught you at a bad time.” I whispered in his ear as I continued giggling. When he tried to move I pressed on the blade a little harder causing blood to flow down his neck. Then I lifted the other skinner so that he could see it and slowly lowered it down to his now deflated manhood. “Oh dear, it seems you’re not happy to see us right now. We thought you wanted to have a little fun with us. But guess you’re not in the mood. That’s alright though; we don’t think you’re going to need this anymore.” With a quick flick of my wrist I severed off the head that did Biff’s thinking for him. Both the voice in my head and I giggled as he let out an agonized scream. I was still a little hungry and was tired of playing with the piece of shit in front of me so while he was screaming and crying I took the skinner that had stolen his manhood and pierced his skull right between the eyes and into his brain. When he fell to the ground I sank my teeth into his neck and tore out his vocal cords too. I moaned in ecstasy as I savored my new favorite treat. Come now Shayla, it’s time to take care of the trash at home. Ok, I thought to the voice in my head as I headed home. So do you have a name? It would be awkward to call you ‘Hey you’ when I talk with you. You can call me Voicebox. You know you really should have listen to me years ago when our Father started ‘punishing’ us. I’m sorry Voicebox. I couldn’t hear you clearly until just know with Joel. I understand Shayla dear. But you hear me now and that is what is most important. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. Whenever you need me I will be here. Thank you Voicebox. We will have to run after we kill Mother and Father, what should we do about Benna? We will take her to Grandmama and Grandpapa. They are the only ones we can trust to keep Benna safe. They would be appalled at what our parents have done to us if they knew.We finished the walk in silence. I decided to wait for Mother and Father to go to bed before killing them. As much as I want to make them suffer for everything they had done I also just wanted to get rid of them, get Benna to our grandparents and get out of here. Besides there was always the chance that they could scream and alert the neighbors or wake up Benna and that was a risk I wasn’t willing to take.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 2 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 2

It was midnight when I finally entered my house. My parents had gone to bed three hours ago and since they are heavy sleepers I knew I didn’t have to worry about them waking up any time soon. I snuck up the stairs being careful to avoid the loose board on the fourth step and slipped into my parent’s bedroom. They looked so peaceful sleeping there, as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Rage filled my mind as all the abuse they had inflicted on me over the last 7 years fills my mind. Shayla, it will be alright. We will never have to worry about them again. Kill them now, we have to protect Benna. I know, Voicebox. If I leave them alive they will just hurt Benna. They deserve to die a slow painful death, but we don’t have the time for that. I tightened my grip on the skinners and felt my mouth stretch into a smile. I walked over to the bed and slowly crawled up the bed until I was directly between my parents. I raised both skinners up over my head and slammed them both down at the same time into my parents’ heads. Rage had given me more strength than I thought and the skinners sunk into their heads all the way to the handles. I giggled that sinister giggle again as I wrenched the skinners out of their skulls. The blood started to flow out of the puncture wound in their heads. I then tore out their vocal cords with my bare hands and ate them. Oh how I loved the taste. Once I finished my treat I went and took a quick shower since the killing had been so silent I didn’t need to worry about leaving quickly. I loved the feel of the warm water caressing my skin. I felt something wet and furry brush against my calves and quickly looked over my shoulder to see what it was. I felt my eyes widen and my mouth dropped open when I saw that I now had a very beautiful red tail. I concentrated on moving it and it moved. I ran my hands through the fur and shivered in pleasure as I stroked my new tail. I noticed that the tip of my tail was black; it looked like a fox tail. I felt my ears twitch, but they were no longer on the sides of my head. I reached up and found large furry ears on top of my head. I would have screamed, but I knew I couldn’t draw attention to the house or I would be in deep trouble. I quickly turned the water off and rung the water out of my hair, which I now noticed was blood red, and out of my tail. I had to see what I looked like. I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and used the towel to wipe the steam off the mirror. I was shocked when I saw my new looks. I had two red fox ears with black tips on top of my head, a healed scar on my right cheek from when Joel had cut me, but the most striking difference was my left eye. Instead of the brilliant emerald green I had since birth, it was black with a slitted blood red puple and there was black oozing from it, like I was crying black tears. The way it was slitted reminded me of a cat’s eye. I tilted my head and smiled a big toothy grin and noticed that my canine teeth were longer and sharper than they had been. I loved this new look. I looked at the blood stained hoody and jean I had been wearing and thought that I should have a new outfit to match my new looks. I went back to my parents’ room and raided Mother’s closet. Most of her close were business outfits, but in the very back I noticed an outfit that was just right for my new looks. It was a long sleeved, very short leather top and a very short leather skirt. The sleeves of the top were black with red stripes; the rest was a sky blue color that matched the skirt. I grabbed the outfit and some black leather boots and headed to my room to get dressed. I tossed on a black lacy thong, the outfit and the boots, which came up to mid-thigh, and stood in front of the full length mirror in my room. The leather shirt covered most of my breasts and acted like a bra, but left the underside of my breasts exposed. Another thing I noticed was that the bruises from all those beating had disappeared. We look great, Shayla. Now we should take all the money our parents have, pack a bag for Benna, get Benna to our grandparents’ house and get out of here. You might also want to add a black leather belt so when we get the sheaths for the skinners from Roxanne we can have easy access to them. Great idea, Voicebox. I think I saw one in Mother’s room. After I packed some of my clothes and essentials in my teal backpack, tucked the skinners in the side pocket and went to the kitchen. I raided the pantry for all the non-perishable food I could find, some silverware and dishes and a can opener and stuffed it all in my backpack. Then I ran back to my parents’ room, grabbed the belt, put it on, and raided my parents’ wallets and the small lock box, and headed to Benna’s room. I grabbed her purple duffle bag and threw in a bunch of clothes and her favorite toys. Then I picked her up, making sure that her blanket was wrapped tightly around her and headed out of the house. In this case I was happy that it was difficult to wake Benna up. It was about three in the morning when I headed out for our grandparents’ house, so the streets were empty. Benna sleep through the whole three hour walk, it was just before six in the morning when I laid Benna on the porch swing, put her duffle bag in front of the door, rang the doorbell and hid in the nearby bushes. It took Grandpapa a few minutes to answer the door and he looked puzzled at first, until he saw the duffle bag. I saw him look around and notice Benna. As soon as he picked her up and went inside I took off into the woods. I decided to stay in the old fort Rebekah and I had made just before she died. It wasn’t too far from my house and I needed some sleep before I head back out to deal with Roxanne and Jeanie. It was already dark by the time I woke up. I checked my watch and saw it was already 8:00 pm, so after eating a couple of Poptarts and grabbing my skinners I headed over to Roxanne’s house. Voicebox and I talked during the hour it took to reach our destination. We planned to head out of town as soon as I finished killing those stupid girls. We hadn’t decide where exactly we would go, but we both thought it was best to get as far away from here as we could, seeing how by then we will have killed six or more people, depending if I had to kill the girls’ parents. When I reached Roxanne’s the place was empty, but after a little searching I found out that her parents’ were out of town on a business trip and she was staying at Jeanie’s. I grinned at this because Jeanie lived outside of town. Her nearest neighbor was three miles away and her house was close to the woods, making for a fast getaway. I searched Roxanne’s room and found the sheaths for my skinners and attached them to my belt. Then I headed back to the fort for my backpack since I would be able to kill them both tonight I would just head out right from Jeanie’s house and I could even take a shower before leaving. I started twitching and giggling as I hiked to Jeanie’s. By the time I reached Jeanie’s I had myself under control again. It was now about 11:00 and the house was dark and silent. Shayla, kill her parents first. Then we can have some fun with those two before we kill them. Great idea, I’ll see what I can find to tie them up with in her parents’ room. I’ll have to be very quick and quiet while tying them up. I checked the back door of the house and found that the idiots hadn’t even locked it. Slowly and quietly I snuck up the stairs and peeked in the rooms. I found her parents’ room and crawled to the end of their bed. This kill was almost too easy. Jeanie’s mom had her head resting on her husband’s chest. I quickly stabbed the skinners into their skulls, killing them before they even had a chance to open their eyes. I quickly cut out their vocal cords and ate them while I searched their room for belts or scarves to tie Jeanie and Roxanne up with. I was in luck; Jeanie’s dad had a lot of belts. I grabbed eight of them and snuck into Jeanie’s room. Both girls were fast asleep on Jeanie’s bed. I carefully tied them up with the belts, first by slowly and carefully stretching their arms up and tying them to the bars of the headboard. I was careful to spread them far enough apart that they wouldn’t be able to untie themselves. I did the same with their ankles and the bars of the footboard. Once they were safely secured I started giggling sinisterly. They both woke up with a start and tried to sit up only to find out they couldn’t. The fear and panic on their faces made me grin revealing my sharp canines. They both started yelling for Jeanie’s parents and demanding that I release them. “Did you really think that we wouldn’t have taken care of your parents before we came for our revenge?” I chuckled as I drew the skinners out of their sheaths “Shayla!!! What…How…Why…” Roxanne stuttered. “Let us go you skanky bitch!” Jeanie yelled. “I don’t think so Jeanie. After all I thought you might like to be reunited with your boyfriends and parents. It’s just too bad that Roxanne’s parents couldn’t join the party, but I’ll make sure they join you soon enough.” Before they had time to say anything else I cut their cheeks just like Joel had cut mine. I felt my tail swishing back and forth with glee as I started leaving shallow cuts all over the girls. I grinned as their screams of agony and fear serenaded me. It was music to my ears to hear them suffer just as I had. After a few hours of torturing them I ripped Roxanne’s vocal cords out with my teeth. I grinned at Jeanie and she watched with horrified eyes as I ate them. Roxanne gurgled as she choked to death on her own blood. “Don’t worry Jeanie; you’ll be joining her soon.” I said, but to my surprise it was Roxanne’s voice that came out of my throat. I giggled again and tore Jeanie’s throat out too. I ate her vocal cords too and laughed as she too drowned in her own blood. It was at that moment that I heard clapping from the doorway of the room. I spun around, raised my skinners, and growled at the figure standing there. He was taller than me, maybe about 6’1” tall. He was thin, but even with the bloodstained white hoody on I could tell he was fit. His hair was coal black and hung down to his shoulders. But these things were not what really caught my attention. It was his face that intrigued me. It was white, not the normal Caucasian white, but white, white, like it had been bleached. His eyes were large and unblinking; I could see that his eyelids had been burnt off. As if that wasn’t unusual enough there was his smile. His lips were a burnt red and he had deep gashes in his cheeks extending his smile almost to his ears. But the most perplexing thing was that while I knew I should be scared of him and the giant butcher knife in his hand, I wasn’t. “Who are you and what do you want?” I growled. “Name’s Jeff, Jeff the Killer. What I wanted sweetcheeks, was to kill these idiot. Unfortunately it looks like I got here too late. Well, not too late to watch the show you put on with those girls. I gotta say I’m impressed with how you handle those skinners.” He chuckled. Don’t give him your real name, Shayla. Tell him that you are Voicebox. We will share that name from now on. Alright Voicebox. “The name is Voicebox, not sweetcheeks.” I replied. I wasn’t about to let my guard down with Jeff, he is, after all, a killer. “Nice name, sweetcheeks. You know I have some friends that would find you as interesting as I do. You ever heard of the Creepypastas?” “No. What are the Creepypastas?” “Well to human’s we’re urban legends and scary stories. But what we really are is practically immortal killers. Most of us live in Slender Mansion with Slenderman. You do realize that you are a new Creepypasta right?” “Really, so that’s what I am.” “Yep, and that means you can live with us in Slender Mansion.” “I don’t know…” Shayla, go with him. I know that everything will be alright. We can trust Slenderman. Are you sure we can trust him? I’m sure. Slenderman may be a killer, but he would never harm us. Alright. “Ok, just let me grab my backpack and we can head out.” “No problem, sweetcheeks.” He grinned bigger as I growled at him. “My name is Voicebox. Don’t call me sweetcheeks.” I sheathed my skinners and left the room. Jeff followed behind me and we left the house. I grabbed my backpack and motioned for Jeff to take the lead. He smirked as he lead me deeper into the wood. We soon reached a large cherry tree in a clearing. I was confused as to why Jeff had lead me here, until he walked up to the tree and shoved a key into a small knot hole in the trunk. There was a slight rumbling sound as a doorway appeared in the trunk of the tree. Jeff motioned for me to follow him as he walked through the doorway. The first thing I saw after I passed through the doorway was a huge mansion. It looked slightly creepy and possibly abandoned. Jeff grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards the mansion. “Well, this is Slender Mansion. Don’t worry, sweetcheeks, it looks much better on the inside.” “Jeff, quit calling me sweetcheeks.” I said as he opened the door. “Hey Slendy, I’m back and I brought a friend.” He yelled. “Child do not call me Slendy, and you know you are not supposed to…” I heard the deep voice trail off. I looked away from Jeff and saw an 8’ or 9’ tall man in a black business suit and no face standing in the foyer. “Daughter…you are alive.” The man Jeff called Slendy said as he scooped me up in a tight hug. “I thought you both your sister and you died with your mother.” “Huh, Slendy what do you mean daughter? Since when do you got kids?” Jeff looked just as confused as I was. “I’m sorry, but I think you might be confused. I just killed my parents yesterday.” “Shayla, you would not remember since you were very young when your mother died, but did your aunt never tell you? What about your sister Rebekah, is she still alive too?” “Whose Shayla, she said her name is Voicebox?” Shayla, Slenderman is telling you the truth. He is our father. The people you called your parents were actually our mother’s sister and her husband. Benna is our cousin. Our aunt should have told you about our mother years ago, but she never knew who our father was. Now answer our father, tell him what happened to Rebekah. He deserves to know everything, and I mean everything. He needs to know what our Uncle did to us. I’ll tell him about Rebekah, but I don’t want to tell him everything until we are alone. It is no one else’s business. Very well. “Father, I do go by Voicebox now. As for Rebekah, she died…ten years ago in a car accident. I’m sorry; no one ever told me that I was adopted.” “That is alright my dear. I have mourned for your mother and sister for 17 years. I am just happy that I have you back. Come, daughter, let me introduce you to the rest of the household. Then later tonight we shall sit down and get to know each other.” Father finally put me down and lead me into the living room. There were six guys sitting around playing games, talking or reading.“Everyone, I have someone I would like to introduce you too.” With that six pairs of eyes looked over towards me. “Everyone, this is my daughter, Voicebox.”

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 3 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 3

The six people who were sitting in the living room stared at Father as if he had grown a second head. There was one in black and white who looked like a gothic clown with a striped cone nose. His jaw dropped and a bunch of half chewed candy fell out. Sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. was a boy who looked a lot like Link, but had black eyes with red pupils. After staring at Father for a minute his eyes landed on me and he gave me a perverted grin. A young man in black and dark blue, wearing a dark blue mask with black ooze coming out of the eye sockets was sitting in a chair with an open book in his lap. I couldn’t really tell what he was thinking because of his mask. One the couch were three young men, two of them were wearing masks, the third had some kind of mouth guard on and orange goggles. One of the masked men was wearing an orange hoody that shaded his face, leaving only glowing red eyes and a red stitched frown showing. The other masked man was wearing a yellow hoody and his mask was white with black eyes and a black painted mouth. The man with the goggles and mouth guard was wearing a brown long sleeved hoody with grey and brown stripped sleeves and was sharpening two hatchets while twitching every now and then. Jeff stood behind me laughing at the others in the room. With all the staring I was starting to get nervous and I started twitching again. At first no one said anything, but I could sense that they were all looking at me. My tail started swishing back and forth and I started to get irritated with the starting, especially from the Link look-alike. “Voicebox, these are my three proxies. Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby.” He said as he pointed them out to me. By this time my twitching was getting bad, my neck started cracking and my lips started twitching into a smile every few seconds. “That is Laughing Jack, most people call him L.J., next is Eyeless Jack, most call him E.J., and last is BEN Drowned. BEN, stop thinking like that about my daughter.” “N…nice to m…meet you.” I greeted between the twitches. I was hoping that I could leave the room soon, I could feel the twitching start to lessen, and I really didn’t want to start giggling in front of everyone. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to leave in time. As the guys in the room started greeting me in return the twitching stopped and my sinister giggling started. I could tell I was blushing as my giggling took hold. “S…sorry. C…can’t h…help it.” I managed to get out between the giggling. “I h…have Tou…Tourette S…Syndrome. I…it w…will s…stop in a mi…minute.” “That’s cool babe, I like your laugh.” BEN smirked as he winked at me. “So do you like videogames, babe?” “D…don’t call m…me babe. My n…name is V…Voicebox. Videogames a…are ok.” My giggling was finally starting to die down. “Ha, Ha, Ha, I agree with BEN. Ha, Ha, Ha, your giggling is very cute, Voicebox.” L.J. said as he stuffed more candy in his mouth. “Ha, Ha, Ha, do you like candy?” “I like candy ev…every once in a wh…while.” “How do you feel about eating kidneys?” E.J. asked. “Um…I prefer vocal cords, but whatever floats your boat.” “Hoodie and I want to know if you like cheesecake.” Masky said. “I love cheesecake, who wouldn’t like cheesecake.” “Do you like pancakes?” Toby asked. “I adore pancakes, especially blueberry pancakes with boysenberry preserves on them.” By this time my giggling had completely stopped and I smiled at them revealing my sharp canine teeth. After chatting with the boys for a while and explaining how I was Slenderman’s daughter I started yawning. Father sent everyone to bed and asked me to follow him to his office. I waved goodnight to everyone, BEN smirked and winked at me and Jeff, of course called me sweetcheeks again which earned them both growls from me and a smack to the back of their heads from Father. I followed Father up the stairs and down a few corridors to his office; the door was black and had a white circle with a white X through it. Inside the office was a large desk, three walls covered in floor to ceiling bookshelves crowded with books, and a few chairs. Father sat down in the tall chair behind the desk and motioned for me to sit down in one of the other chairs. “Shayla, tell me about your life. I have missed so much; I wish I had known you were still alive. I would have brought you and Rebekah to live with me hear if I had only known.” I swear that I could see pain on Father’s featureless face. I suspect that he would have cried if he could have. “Father,” I sighed, “there is so much to tell you. I just ask that you listen to everything I have to say before you say anything.” “Of course, daughter.” Father said in a worried tone. Remember Shayla, you must tell him everything. He will be angry, but not with us. He loves us and would never hurt us. Trust me on this. I do trust you Voicebox. You may not always tell me everything, but you have not lied to me before and I doubt you will start now. I took a deep, calming breath and started telling Father about how life was ok while Rebekah was alive, but I knew that she was getting hit by the people I thought were my parents. I explained that I knew that Rebekah was protecting me, but that after she died they had turned their abuse towards me and how I stayed to protect Benna from their cruelty. I told him about the bullying and the teasing from the other kids at school. It was especially difficult to tell Father about the “punishments” I would receive from the man who I had thought was my father. Finally I told him about killing Biff, Joel, my “parents”, Jeanie’s parents, Jeanie and Roxanne. The entire time I was telling Father about my life, I started at my hands as I stroked my tail for comfort. I was afraid to look at Father, afraid that he would blame me for being raped. Most people blame the girl, said she was begging for it and lying about it. A few minutes after I finished telling Father about my life, I felt his tendrils lift me up and he pulled me into a hug. He rocked me back and forth as though I was still a baby and wiped away the tears I hadn’t know I was crying. I noticed that the tears from my left eye were as black as night but the tears from my right eye were blood red. I looked up at Father and hugged him back, sobbing into his suit jacket. Finally I could let my tears fall, I cried out all the loneliness and pain I had felt for so many years. There was finally someone there who would hold me like Rebekah had; with love and understanding. After crying for about half an hour I drifted off to sleep, still cuddled in Father’s arms as he whispered words of love and comfort to me. I felt like I was finally home. I woke up the next morning in a large canopy bed. The silk sheets were blood red, the blanket was white with a black forest scene on it, the bed itself was made of purple heart wood, and the canopy was as red as the sheets. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, got up and looked around the room. The walls were painted sky blue and there was a dresser, a desk, and a vanity all made of purple heart wood like the bed. The carpet was black, there was a large bay window with a built in love seat and there were three doors in the room. I walked to the door nearest to the window and found a walk in closet with a wide selection of clothes, everything from jeans and tee-shirts to formal dresses. I also found my backpack and I picked out some underclothes, a pair of black low-rider jeans, a blue spaghetti strap belly shirt and a pair of black running shoes. I checked the second door on the same wall and found a private bathroom. With a squeal of delight I tossed my clothes on the white marble countertop, ran back to my backpack, grabbed my lavender scented shampoo, conditioner, body wash, my wild cherry blossom deodorant, my hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, and ran back to take a shower. I found some towels and washcloths under the sink and enjoyed the relaxing hot water. For once I was truly happy and I started to sing my favorite song, “Come Little Children” by Erutan. Once I was done I quickly dried off, changed into my outfit, put my clothes in the hamper and opened the door. To my surprise I found that my room had been invaded while I was in the bathroom. BEN, E.J., L.J., Masky, Hoody, Toby, Jeff and a cute little girl in a torn pink dress with brown messy hair and blood on her face were sitting in my room. The little girl jumped up off the bed and ran over to me as she held a brown teddy bear in her arms and smiled up at me. “Hello miss Voicebox. I’m Sally and this is Charlie. You sing really pretty, will you play with me?” She said as she looked up at me with large green eyes full of joy. “Well hello Sally and Charlie, it’s nice to meet you,” I said as I squatted down to her level. “I would love to play with you, but I’m kind of hungry. Maybe we could have breakfast together first and then play. Would that be ok?” “Sure, I’ll show you to the kitchen, Daddy Slendy should have breakfast ready soon.” “Sally,” I whispered to her as I bent closer to her, “do you know why everyone seems to be in my room?” “Yep.” She whispered back. “They heard your singing and came here so they could hear it better. BEN wanted to go into the bathroom, but the others wouldn’t let him.” “I see, thank you. If you would wait just a minute while I talk to the guys, I would love to walk down to the kitchen with you. I haven’t been there yet so I could use the help finding it.” “Ok. You’re real nice, miss Voicebox. Charlie says he likes you.” “Thank you Charlie, I like you too.” I stood up and looked at the guys. I raised an eyebrow and said in a very cold tone of voice, “you know boys it isn’t polite to come into a girl’s room without permission. I would appreciate if you would get my permission first. If not then I could always do to you what I did to Biff, and remove the head that does your thinking for you. Now if you would all be so kind as to leave, I would like to finish getting ready for breakfast without a male audience.” With that the boys all rushed out of my room, BEN looked almost as white as Jeff, and even Jeff looked a bit paler than he had been. I giggled as I walked over to the vanity and sat down to brush out my hair. When I was done I sat Sally down on the chair and fixed her hair up in a French braid. Then Sally and I walked down to the kitchen together. All the boys were seated at the table while Father was standing at the stove finishing up breakfast. I noticed that none of the boys were looking at me, and smirked. I helped Sally into her seat and walked over to Father. “Father, is there anything I can do to help?” “Thank you for offering, Daughter, but I am almost finished. Please take the seat next to Sally and I will be finished soon.” “Alright Father, perhaps I can help you with dinner then.” “That would be fine, I would enjoy the company.” I went back to the table and sat next to Sally. A few minutes later Father handed out everyone’s plates and sat down by me at the head of the table. I chuckled at all the different dishes Father had made. L.J. had a big bowl of candy, E.J. had kidneys, eggs and bacon, Masky and Hoodie had cheesecake pancakes, Jeff had bacon, sausage, eggs and toast, Father had a raw steak and some sausage, and the rest of us had blueberry pancakes. It was delicious; Father even had my favorite boysenberry preserves on the table for me. It was interesting to see that Father really did have a mouth. For some reason I wasn’t afraid of his sharp pointed teeth or his long black and white tongue. After breakfast I followed Sally up to her room and we played dress up and had a tea party. After a few hours playing, Sally, Charlie and I headed downstairs and had lunch. Apparently lunch here is a fend for yourself affair, so I made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiched for Sally and me. Playing with Sally really made me miss Benna and Rebekah. I remembered Rebekah playing the same games with me and I played them with Benna. Shayla, you can still check up on Benna. You just can’t let her see us. Our new appearance might scare her. If you want we can ask Father to take us to check on her. We could follow her back to our grandparents’ house to make sure she is alright. Thanks Voicebox, that is a great idea. Let’s go ask him now. “Hey Sally, I need to go see Father for a bit. I’ll play with you again later, ok?” “Ok Voicebox. Charlie and I had a lot of fun. See you later.” She hugged me and then ran off towards the living room. I headed up to Father’s office and knocked on the door. After a minute I heard him call for me to come in. Father was once again sitting behind his desk and it looked like he was working on some paperwork. “Ah Shayla, please come in.” He stood up and gave me a warm hug before sitting back behind the desk. I took a seat and smiled up at him. “Daughter, I already know what you want to ask. I’m afraid that I am unable to take you to see Benna today, but I can have one of my proxies take you back to the mortal realm instead.” “How did you know what I wanted to ask Father?” “My dear, I am able to read other people’s minds, though it is difficult for me to read yours. I have only been able to read your mind when you are upset or sad about something. I do try not to invade people’s privacy too much, but when you are upset you tend to project your thoughts.” “Oh, well thank you Father. Which one of your proxies is going to take me to see Benna?” “Since Masky and Hoodie are stalking my next victim I will be sending Toby with you. He hasn’t been assigned a mission this week and he has been getting restless staying here.” “Alright. Thank you. Would you like me to ask him to come up here?” “That is quite alright, my dear. I have already told him that he would be accompanying you and he is waiting by the front door. I also have telepathy which is how I usually inform my proxies of their missions.” “That is a useful talent to have. Well I will see you later this afternoon, Father. I’m still planning on helping you with dinner tonight.” “Very well. Have a good time my child.” I stood up and Father gave me another hug before I left the office. I headed down to meet up with Toby, who was waiting by the front door. I smiled at him and we headed outside. A few feet away from the mansion Toby took out a key just like the one Jeff had and made a slashing movement with it in the air in front of him. A black portal opened up and on the other side I could see a meadow. We walked through the portal into the meadow that Jeff had brought me to before. “Toby, do you know the way to Elmira from here?” I asked as I looked around. “Sure. N…no problem.” He started twitching as he lead the way through the forest. After about an hour and a half I saw my old fort and knew the way from there, so I took the lead. “It’s only another twenty minutes until we reach Benna’s school. I’m just glad that the way to our grandparents’ house is through a forested area. We should have no problem staying hidden as we follow her.”“That’s good. I was s…surprised when Slendy said you were his daughter. N…none of us knew that he had any children of his own, though he calls everyone who lives with him his child.”“I didn’t know he was my Father either. I thought I had killed my parents, thought it turns out they were really my aunt and uncle.”“Why’d you kill them?”“I would really rather not discuss that if you don’t mind.”“Sure, no problem. We all have secrets we would rather keep.”“Thanks.” We spent the rest of the walk in silence. When we arrived at Benna’s school we hid in the woods and waited for the bell to ring. Fortunately it was only a few minutes later that school was let out. As all the kids rushed out I watched for Benna. As soon as Benna started walking back to our grandparents’ Toby and I followed. About five minutes after we left the school grounds I saw a slightly older boy run up behind Benna and push her down. I quietly growled at the boy started laughing at her and pushed her backpack into a mud puddle. I could tell he was saying something, but he was too far away for me to make out what. Benna started crying, grabbed her muddy backpack, got up and ran away, leaving the boy standing there laughing.“Toby, be a dear and follow that brat home for me please. I’ll meet you back here after I make sure Benna gets back safely.” I called over my shoulder as I ran through the woods following Benna. I followed her back to our grandparents’ house and thankfully nothing else happened to her. Then I ran back to where I left Toby and waited for him to come back. It was only a few minutes later that he showed up.“I followed him home. It looks like it’s just him and his father living there. I saw no evidence of a woman living in the house.” Toby said as soon as he saw me.“Well then, how about we pay them a little visit after dinner tonight. That boy should not have dared touch Benna. For that he and his father will be punished.” I growled as I spoke and then let out an evil sounding laugh.“I wouldn’t mind going out killing myself. It’s been a while since I’ve had fun. We will have to clear it with Slendy, but I don’t think he will have a problem with that.”“Good, well let’s head home. I still have to help Father cook dinner and get ready for tonight. I also know a few other people in this area who have been begging for death. I think tonight would be a good time to give them what they want.” With another evil laugh Toby and I headed home.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 4 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 4

That night after helping Father prepare several different dishes for everyone’s dinner, getting Father’s permission to go on a killing spree and changing into our normal killing outfits, Toby and I snuck through the woods near that little brat’s house. “Toby, you can kill the dad, I’ll take out the brat. After this there is a house on the next street that we can hit. I know of a few people in this area that deserve to die.” I looked over at Toby who nodded at me and quietly giggled. Even with the mouth guard, goggles and random twitching he looked cute. I blushed a little at that thought and turned back to the house. All the lights were out when we arrived so we slipped into the house through the unlocked bathroom window. After we crept up the stairs and quietly peeked into the two rooms, Toby slipped into the father’s room while I snuck into the brat’s room.I quietly walked over to the sleeping boy and grinned. I carefully crawled onto the bed over the boy, raised one of my skinners over my head and quickly covered his mouth with my left hand. The brat jolted awake and looked up at me, his brown eyes widened with fear as he saw me and he tried to struggle. I started to grin, showing off my sharp canines, and then leaned down to whisper in his ear.“You know, it’s not nice to pick on little girls.” I said sweetly as my tail swished back in forth. “You talk too much, I can fix that.”With that I sunk my teeth into his throat and ripped out his voice box. Tears of pain and fear were streaming down his cheeks and falling into his hair as a chewed them up and swallowed them.“There now, I think I can put your vocal cords to better use.” I whispered, and once again my voice had changed. I didn’t recognize the young boyish voice that spilled out my mouth, but I assumed it was his. I then slammed my skinner down into his skull and watched as the life drained from his eyes. His own laugh came out of my mouth as the last bit of life flickered and died.‘Shayla, why don’t we have a little fun and use his blood to write a message on the wall?’‘Cool. How about “He talked too much, I fixed that” or maybe “I’ll put his voice to better use”? What do you think, Voicebox?’‘How about “He talked too much, I’ll put his voice to better use”? We can sign it Voicebox. It can be our calling card.’‘Perfect.’ I grinned as I used the brat’s blood to write our new calling card on the wall above his bed. After that I meet up with Toby and we slipped back out of the house. Toby’s outfit was covered with blood splatter and I giggled before wiping some blood off his goggles. As we headed to the next house I licked the blood off my hands and my skinner, it wasn’t as satisfying as vocal cords, but it did taste pretty good. After a few more houses, Toby and I sat down in a clearing in the woods to rest. There was only one more house I wanted to hit that night and Toby and I were already covered in so much blood that I wasn’t sure if we would be able to get the stains all out. Getting blood out of leather can be a real pain. As we sat there Toby told me about his sister who had died and I told him a bit about Rebekah. We both found it interesting that we had both lost an older sister in a car accident that we had survived. Every now and then I would be distracted by him running one gloved hand through his thick auburn hair. I couldn’t help but wonder if his hair was as soft as it looked. Then I would give a mental head shake and focus back on the conversation. Even with the slight stuttering he sometimes had, his velvety voice made me smile and sometimes blush. He was just so cute.After a half hour of resting we decided to head the last kill of the evening. The house held a family of four. Toby and I quickly took out the parents, and I was happy to see that Toby didn’t seem disgusted when I ate their vocal cords. We them split up, Toby was going to take out the boy, while I headed in to take care of my fellow classmate and tormentor. Kyra wasn’t as bad as Jeanie’s group was, but she would constantly call me names and insult my sisters. That, in my book, was unacceptable; no one insults my sisters and gets away with it, not any more.Imagine my surprise when I found Jeff in Kyra’s room already writing “Go To Sleep” on the wall with Kyra’s blood. I let out a frustrated growl and Jeff turned to face me. I saw his smiling face turn into a smiling smirking face and sighed.“Jeff, this was supposed to be my kill. Toby and I already took out the others. I wanted to kill that little bitch.”“Look at it as payment for taking my kills yesterday, sweetcheeks.” He said as he strutted over to me. I backed up a bit and leaned against the wall silently fuming at not being able to kill Kyra myself. “You know, you look hot covered in blood.”“Nice to know, Jeff, now back off.” I was starting to get uncomfortable with how close he was getting. Jeff just smiled bigger and leaned his face in close to mine. I growled and I could hear Voicebox in my head telling me to get out of there, but I was caged between the wall and him. My muscles started twitching and I growled lowly. “I m…mean it, J…Jeff. Back the h…hell off, n…now.”“Aww, sweetcheeks, you really don’t have to play hard to get. I know you like me.”“Jeff, I see y…you as a f…friend. N…nothing m…more and I r…really don’t w…want to h…hurt you, b…but if y…you don’t b…back the f…fuck off r…right now I’m g…going to have to hurt you.”He leaned in closer to me and I growled louder as my neck on mouth twitching got worse. Just then I heard a loud cracking sound and from the corner of my eye I saw Toby rush over. He tackled Jeff and started hitting him with his fist over and over again.“S…She said t…to b…back off.” Toby said over and over again as he kept hitting Jeff. Jeff tried to fight back, but since Toby couldn’t feel pain there wasn’t much he could do. After a couple minutes my twitching stopped and I started giggling. I managed to convince Toby not to kill Jeff and between the giggles told him that Jeff had probably learned his lesson. By this time, Jeff had been knocked out, so Toby and I ended up carrying him back home. When we got there I was still upset about what Jeff had tried to pull, so of course Father picked up what happened and once Jeff woke up Father took him into his office. I’m not sure what he said to Jeff because I had gone up to my room to shower and change into a pair of blue sweatpants and a white tee-shirt, but later that night Jeff apologized and seemed paler than usual, so I’m guessing that it wasn’t a pleasant conversation. Father then called me into his office and as soon as I walked in I was in his arms as he hugged me tightly.“Shayla, I do not want to come off as overbearing, but I am going to have Toby accompany you any time you leave the mansion. It is only for a few months, just until you turn 18. I will not have to worry so much when you are not here after your birthday. You will finally be immortal and I will not have to ever loss you again.”“I understand Father. I feel the same way about Benna. I’ll try not to worry you too much.”“I love you my daughter. It is getting late; you should go up to bed now. I will see you in the morning.”“Love you too, Father, goodnight.” I said as I hugged him once more before going to my room. I quickly hopped into bed; it had been a busy day and I was so tired that I feel asleep almost before my head hit my pillow. A gentle breeze tugged at my hair as the warmth of the sun heated my skin. I was in the meadow that Rebekah used to bring me to when I was a child. I sat by the small pond where my big sister had taught me how to swim. I kept thinking of all the good times we had here and laughed as I remembered how I used to start water fights with Rebekah. I missed my sister, I could barely remember the sound of her voice, but I remember her laugh. I remember the way her silver-blue eyes would sparkle when she smiled at me, the way her long brown hair had copper highlights when the sun shown down on her. I remember he warm hugs and how she would swoop me up in her arms and twirl me around. Rebekah had been the best sister anyone could ever ask for. She played with me, protected me, and always loved me. I wondered if she would still love me if she could see me now.“Shayla.” I heard Voicebox and turned to looked at her. Standing behind me was a girl who looked a lot like me, she even looked like she was the same height as me. She had long blood red hair held out of her face by a mint green ribbon, black tipped blood red fox ears and tail, and I could see her canine teeth were like mine as she smiled down at me. She was wearing a sky blue shirt that had a purple collar with a mint green stripe on it and a pumpkin on the sleeves. The sleeves reached her elbows, had a small slit in them and were trimmed in the same purple as the collar. Her skirt reached mid-thigh and matched the purple of her on her shirt. She was also wearing tights that were a slightly lighter shade of purple with pumpkin on the outer ankles and mint green vines with leaves trailed up her tights, disappearing under her skirt and down her tights under her feet. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any shoes, but shrugged it off. The one thing about her that really caught my attention was her eyes. Those eyes that seemed to smile down at me with love and understanding. Her beautiful silver-blue eyes that told me that everything would be alright and that she was there for me. My sister’s eyes.“R…Rebekah!” I leapt to my feet and hugged her tightly, afraid that if I didn’t she would disappear. I could feel tears stream down my face as I sobbed into her shirt. “Rebekah, I missed you so much. You have changed so much too. Is it really you, sissy? Are you and Voicebox really the same person?”“Oh Shayla, my dear little sister. Of course it is really me. I promised I would take care of you, did I not. I tried so hard to speak with you before that terrible night, but you could not hear me. When you could hear me I knew that you would think you had gone insane if I told you who I really was, so I became Voicebox.” She explained as she hugged me back and stoked my hair, just like she used to when I was young. “This is the first time you have ever let me into your dreams though. I am so happy I can hold you again. I am so proud of you Shayla.”“Sissy, how did you end up in my head?” I asked as I smiled up at her through my tears.“Sweetie, when we were in that accident, do you remember what I said just before I passed out?”“You said that you loved me and would always be with me.”“The last thought I had before I died, was that I could not leave you alone with those people. My desire to keep you safe and the fact that we were both still mortal made it possible for my soul to enter you. It would not have worked if we were fully human, but since our father is not human it did work for us.”“Wait, Sissy, I’m turning 18 and immortal in a few months. What happens when I turn immortal? You’ll still be with me right?” Rebekah looked down at me with sad teary eyes and shook her head.“I am so sorry, Shayla, but two souls cannot survive in an immortal body. When you turn 18, I will have to go.” Tears slowly started falling down her face. I could tell that she didn’t want to leave me and I cried harder as I held on to her.“Sissy, there has to be some way you can stay. I can’t lose you again, I just can’t.”“Oh Shayla, I don’t want to leave you either, but I don’t know of any way I can stay without sending your soul to the other side in my place and I refuse to do that. You must live and I’m already dead. I wish there was another way, sweetie. I really wish there was.”“I wish so too. Sissy, I love you.”“I love you too, Shayla. At least we still have a few months together, that is something we can be thankful for.”“Rebekah, we need to tell Father about this. I think he has the right to know. He’s been alone for so long and he’s missed us so much. I think that he should be able to spend time with us before you have to leave. Please Sissy, please say I can tell Father.” I looked up at her giving her my cutest puppy dog face, the one she has never been able to say no to. She laughed and shook her head slightly.“Alright Shayla. You know I cannot say no to that face, and it is even cuter with your ears pinned back like that. After breakfast you can tell Father that I am here. If you open your mind fully to him he should be able to hear me too. Now I would love to hold you some more, but it is almost time for breakfast so you have to wake up now sweetie.”“Alright, Sissy. Just talk to me when I wake up and tell me that this dream was real. I really hope this dream is real.”“I will, now hurry your butt up little sister, or Father will make everyone wait for their breakfast.” With that I closed my eyes.<p style="text-align:center"End of DreamI opened my eyes and wiped the tears off my face as I sat up.‘Good morning, little sister. I am so glad you allowed me into your dream last night and yes sweetie, everything we talked about in the dream was real.’‘I’m so glad that it was real, Sissy. I know Father will be happy to get to talk to you again.’‘I will be happy to be able to speak with Father again too. Now get dressed and go to breakfast.’‘Alright Sissy.’ I quickly tossed on a pair of black underwear, a matching bra, blue skinny jeans, a green tee-shirt, and my socks and running shoes. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail and run down stairs into the dining room for breakfast. The others were already at the table talking or fighting. Jeff was arguing with BEN about whether or not BEN had cheated when they were playing CoD Ghost Ops, Sally was trying to get Laughing Jack to play dress up with her after breakfast and Hoodie and Masky were arguing with Eyeless Jack about whether cheesecake was better than kidneys. I sat down in the empty seat nest to Toby and smiled at him.“Hey, Voicebox. Would you like to practice with me today?” He asked as he twitched.“I have to talk to Father first, but sure Toby, I’d love to.” I blushed as I looked over at him. Father came in with all of our plates and we all started eating. I was ecstatic to see that Father had given me some vocal cords with my pancakes. I smiled up at Father and thanked him before digging in. After everyone was done eating I helped Father with the dishes.“Father, may I talk with you before you start with your paperwork?”“Of course daughter. I will always have time to talk with you.”‘Now I see where you get your habit of using proper English from, Sissy. I always wondered why you didn’t take like everyone else.’‘Yes dear sister, I spent a lot of time with Father before Mother passed away. I wish you could have known Father sooner and that you had a chance to get to know Mother.’ She laughed as we followed Father up to his office. Once again Father gave us a hug before sitting down in his chair. “What is it you wanted to talk about, Shayla? Your mind is closed to me right now.”“Well Father, I just learned something last night that I thought you should know.” With that I opened my mind to Father so that Rebekah could speak to him too.‘Hello, Father. It has been a long time since we have been able to speak with one another.’ ‘Rebekah!’‘Yes Father, it is I.’ Father scooped us up in a hug and held us close. I could feel his tall frame shake, as though he was crying. I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck to comfort him.‘I just found out last night that Rebekah’s soul stayed with me in my body. But…’‘I know dear child, I know. Two immortal souls cannot reside in the same immortal body.’‘I wish we had more than three months to be together Father, but I will not rob my baby sister of her life. Shayla and I just thought you should know so that we could all spend my last three months together.’‘I am so glad that you girls informed me of this. I have missed you greatly Rebekah, and I am proud of you that you would sacrifice so much for you sister. However, I do not want to lose you either, and I know a way to bring you back to life in your own body.’‘You do Father! But if you know a way to bring her back why didn’t you tell me when I told you about Rebekah’s death?’‘I did not tell you because I cannot bring back someone whose soul has already crossed over to the afterlife. But I must tell you girls that Rebekah will come back at the same age she was when she died and if she dies again before her 18th birthday then I will not be able to revive her again.’‘I understand Father, so it would seem that I will be Shayla’s twin instead of her elder sister.’‘What do we have to do Father? I’ve missed Sissy so much and I don’t want to lose her again either.’‘I will have to find the spell book to answer that Shayla. All I remember of this particular spell is that it must be done on a Friday the 13th.’‘There is one next month and this month is almost over. That only gives us two weeks to find the spell and collect everything we need. Will that be enough time Father?’‘It should be enough time. I will put work on hold for a while and find the spell book. I will call you when I have found the book, for now try not to worry.’‘Thank you Father. I did not want to leave you and Shayla again either. We both love you Father.’‘I love both of you girls too.’ We gave Father one more hug wiped, the tears from my eyes and left the office to go find Toby, after all I did say we would practice together.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 5 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 5

Toby and I practiced hand to hand combat for a couple of hours while I waited for Father to find the spell to bring my sister back. Hand to hand combat with Toby was interesting to say the least. About half the time I would end up pinning him to the ground and blushing, the other half of the time he would get me pinned and I would still blush. I’m usually not comfortable around guys, but with Toby it’s different. I feel safe when I’m with him and he knows what it’s like to be picked on and bullied for being different. I couldn’t really tell with his face mostly covered but I think I saw Toby blush a couple of times too. Two hours had passed and Father still hadn’t called for me, so Toby and I headed into the kitchen for a snack and some water. ‘Aww, my dear little sister is falling in love. You two are so cute together.’‘W…what! No I’m not! W…why would y…you say that?!’ I could feel myself blush at Rebekah’s comment and I stared down at the ground as Toby looked in the fridge for something to eat.‘Deny it all you want Shayla, but I know you are. I am in your head after all. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it. Toby seems like a very nice boy and he is only a year older than you. I think he likes you too.’‘Really, you think he likes me? How can you tell?’ I felt my tail wag happily at the thought that Toby might like me.‘He sneaks glances at you when he thinks you are not looking and we both saw him blush when you managed to pin him during practice. Plus he looked really jealous when Jeff tried to kiss you last night.’‘So what should I do?’‘Well next time he does something nice for you try hugging him.’‘Ok, thanks Sissy.’“PANCAKES!!!!” I jumped slightly when Toby yelled.Toby and I were both happy to see that there were plenty of pancakes left over from breakfast and we chatted while we ate. I told Toby about Father’s plan to resurrect Rebekah and how her soul was with me, I felt like I could tell him anything. We talked about how my aunt and uncle had hit me and how I was bullied in school, though I left out my uncle’s “punishments” and what Joel and Biff tried to do to me other than the beating and how they planned to kill me. I didn’t want Toby to know about that, I didn’t want him to start hating me. It was about a half an hour later that Father called both Toby and I up to his office. After I hugged Father Toby and I sat down and Father handed me a list.“This is a list of everything we need to bring Rebekah back. I need you and Toby to collect all these items by the end of the week. According to the spell book it will take me a week to prepare the herbs to make the smudge sticks and the ointments.”“Ok Father, Toby and I will get right on it.” I said as I jumped up and hugged him again. “Come on Toby, let’s go.”“Toby, please make sure that nothing happens to Voicebox while you are out.” Toby nodded and followed me out of the office.“So what are we looking for, Voicebox?” I looked down at the list.“A bundle of dried white sage, a bundle of dried rosemary, lavender extract, six dried willow switches 1/8th inch in diameter and 8 inches long, three black taper candles, three red taper candles, three purple taper candles, 9 sterling silver candlesticks, a black marble mortar and pestle, 5 apache’s tears crystals at least two inches long, 5 medium size onyx stones, 5 amethyst crystals between two and four inches long, 3 lbs. of powdered chalk, a ceremonial dagger blessed by a voodoo priestess, a vial of king scorpion venom, a fat live chicken, 6 rattlesnake tails, and Rebekah’s body.” I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Toby. “Well I know where we can get everything but the dagger, the venom, the snake tails and the chicken. Do you think they advertise voodoo shops in the yellow pages Toby?”“It can’t hurt to try. If not I’m sure we can find one on the internet.” He said with a laugh. “Well if we are going to go shopping we are going to have to change clothes.”“Yeah and I’ll have to hide my ears and tail. I think I have a hat in my room that will work, and a long skirt will hide my tail. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.” I ran up to my room and changed into a long blue skirt, a blue spaghetti string top, and my black running shoes. I styled my hair so it would hide my left eye and put my black Stetson cowboy hat on to hide my ears. Once I was sure that I looked human I grabbed my now empty backpack, stuck my skinners in the side pocket and ran back down stairs. Toby looked different too; he was wearing black leather pants, a red tee-shirt that showed off his muscular chest and arms, black hiking boots, and a brown backpack. He still had his mouth guard and goggles on but he had brushed his hair so it wasn’t sticking up everywhere. He looked hot in those pants and that shirt, I couldn’t help but blush. As I walked up to him I remembered Sissy’s advice and decided to take it. When I reached him I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.“Thanks Toby. I’m glad that you’re going with me.” I felt Toby stiffen briefly before he relaxed and hugged me back.“No problem, Voicebox. I like being with you.” I blushed as I tilted my head and looked up at Toby. He was slightly blushing too. After a minute we both pulled back and headed to the human realm.It only took about two and a half hours to get into the slightly larger town of Rosenberg. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to find a wiccan shop in Elmira, plus I didn’t want to chance running into anyone who knew me, but I remembered Rebekah bringing me into Rosenberg the summer before she died. When I asked her about it she had also remembered seeing a wiccan store there too and that it hadn’t been too far from the icecream parlor she had taken me to that day. Just before we left the woods Toby took off his goggles and his mouth guard and put them in his backpack. I had though he was handsome with them on, but he was completely hot without them. His eyes were a dazzling hazel color and his face was slightly rugged looking with a straight nose, a firm chin and kissable lips. When he smiled down at me I saw his teeth were bright white and perfectly straight. I blushed and smiled back up at him as Rebekah giggled in my head. I quickly looked back towards the town and started looking for that wiccan shop.We were in luck; the shop was still there and had most of what we needed. Toby and I searched through the stones and crystals for over an hour until we found the ones we needed. They even had the candlesticks, rattlesnake tails and dried herb. The only things we didn’t find there were the venom, chicken, dagger and of course Rebekah’s body. After we bought everything and stowed it away in our backpacks we headed down the street. I noticed that the icecream parlor Sissy and I had gone to was still there as well. I guess Toby must have seen my wistful look because he offered to buy us some icecream for the trip back home. I smiled up at him and gave him another hug. As he hugged me back I felt him run his hand through my hair.“Why don’t you wait over by the woods while I grab the icecream, that way you can take a break from walking? The line isn’t long so I should only be a few minutes.” Toby said as he walked me to the edge of the woods.“Sure thanks Toby. I’d like a cherry vanilla cone please.”“No problem, be back soon.” He turned and jogged off towns the icecream parlor.A few minutes later I saw a group of four teenage boys headed my direction. They were wearing ripped jeans, muscle shirts and leather boots. Two of them were wearing chains and all four of them looked like trouble. ‘Shayla, we need to go now. I don’t like the looks of those boys.’‘I know Sissy, but I can’t just leave Toby here. He should be here anytime now.’Now I knew I could handle two of them without too much difficulty, but with four of them I didn’t think I could win by myself so I slipped back into the trees tree line and checked to see if Toby was on his way yet. I didn’t see him, but when I looked back at the group of boys I saw that two of them had disappeared. I knew that this was not good news, they were probably already in the woods to catch me if I could slip away from their buddies. I slipped further back into the woods quickly trying to find a place to hide while I waited for Toby to come help me, but before I knew it the two boys had me trapped between them and a tree. “Hey there beautiful. What’s a cute little thing like you doing out here by yourself?” One of them asked as the other one crowded closer to me making escape impossible.“I know,” the other one said as he picked up a lock of my hair and started playing with it. “You probably saw us in town and were just waiting for us to come find you, weren’t you babe.”“Leave me alone, I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” I almost growled as the first one leaned in closer and slide his right hand around my waist. I slapped his hand away from me. “Don’t touch me and just go away.”“Don’t be like that beautiful. I’m sure your boyfriend won’t mind if we keep you company for a bit.”“Yeah babe, we can have some fun while we wait. What do say?” I suddenly froze in place, in my mind I was trapped back in that meadow in the woods with Biff and Joel. I could feel my breathing pick up and my face go pale. I never wanted to be in this situation again, I flashed back to all those times I was helpless to stop my uncle from raping me. I felt my chest tighten as those scenes just kept repeating over and over again in my mind. I could faintly hear Rebekah trying to calm me down and some kind of hollow thuds, but I was trapped in my mind and couldn’t move. The next thing I knew someone was hugging me tightly and I panicked, struggling to get away from whoever was holding me but I couldn’t break free.“Not again, never again. You’re dead you can’t touch me anymore. No, let me go. Let me go, I didn’t do anything. No more punishments, please. I’ll be good just please don’t do this. Please.” I whimpered over and over again as I struggled and tears streamed down my face. “Please not again.”“Voicebox, calm down,” I felt someone turning me to face them. “Calm down, it’s me, Toby. Sweetie their gone, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. I’m here now.”“T…Toby?” I looked up at Toby and started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around him, clinging to him tightly as I wept. “I…I’m sorry T…Toby.”“There is nothing to be sorry for.” He ran his hand through my hair and hugged me tightly. “I’ll keep you safe, Voicebox.”“Shayla. My real name is Shayla.”“Shayla.” Toby lifted my chin and gently kissed my lips. The kiss was over before I really realized that he had kissed me. I blushed as I wiped the last of my tears off my face. I glanced up at Toby through my lashes and saw him blush too. “Shayla, w…would you…um…be my…err…girlfriend?”“I’d love t…to be y…your g…girlfriend Toby, but t…there is s…something I have to t…tell you first.” I knew that if I wanted to have Toby as my boyfriend I’d have to tell him about what happened to me. I would need him to understand why sometimes I would break down, like I did today. I couldn’t keep this from him. “J…just promise m…me you won’t t…tell anyone, p…please?”“I won’t tell anyone Shayla. I promise.” Toby rubbed my back and cradled me in his arms as I told him about how my uncle would punish me by beating me while he raped me, and how Joel and Biff were going to rape me too before killing me. I told him how when I was cornered by those guys I was trapped in my own mind and couldn’t move. I cried again as I told him that he, Father and Rebekah were the only ones who knew the whole story and were allowed to call me by my real name. “Please don’t hate me Toby…I couldn’t bear it if you hated me.” I whispered after I finished telling him everything. He hugged me tighter and tilted my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes.“I could never hate you Shayla. None of what happened to you was your fault. I just wish those assholes were still alive so I could kill them again. I love you, Shayla. Don’t let the past keep us apart. I still want you to be mine.” Toby leaned down and kissed me again. Just another sweet gentle kiss and I melted into him and kissed him back. After we broke apart I looked around. The first thing I noticed is that it was getting dark; the second thing I noticed was the lifeless bodies of the four guys.“Toby, we may want to head home now before those boys parents send out a search party for them. On the way you can tell me what happened while I was out of it, ok?”“Sure, do you want me to carry you? You must be tired.”“That’s sweet Toby, but I’m can walk. If I get tired I’ll let you know.” I leaned in and kissed Toby’s cheek, then blushed. Toby held my hand and told me how when he got there all four of the boys had been standing around me. He didn’t even stop to see what they were up to, all he saw was my face was pale white and I was shaking. He had taken his hatchets out of his backpack and killed two before they even knew they weren’t alone. The other two had tried to run as soon as they saw their buddies were dead, but Toby managed to kill them too. That is when he noticed that I wasn’t responding anything and had pulled me into a hug. It was almost time for dinner when we arrived home, so Toby and I quickly ran up to our rooms to change. We sat next to each other during dinner and I couldn’t help sneaking glances over at him. A few times I caught him glancing at me too and we would share a small smile, blush and look back at our dinner. After dinner Toby and I grabbed our backpacks and headed to Father’s office. He called us in before we had a chance to knock and pulled me into a hug.“I already know what happened today, your sister informed me of what transpired earlier during dinner. I am glad that you are alright dear daughter, and though I dislike the idea of you having a suitor, I know that I can trust Toby to keep you safe. You have my blessing to court my daughter Toby.”“Thank you Slender.”“Thank you Father. We also have some good news. We managed to get almost everything on the list; we just need the venom, the dagger, the chicken and Rebekah’s body.” We handed over the shopping bags we had tucked into or backpacks. “That is very good news Shayla. Tomorrow I would like the two of you to search the internet and see if you can find a voodoo shop near here. If there is not one within walking distance from here I will have to transport you to the nearest one. Then Thursday night we will retrieve Rebekah’s body and I will be able to start the preparations.”“Ok Father.”“Yes, Slender.”“Very well, now come give me a hug and head off to bed.” I had to laugh when Toby joined in on the hug. Father chuckled and I got the feeling that he would have rolled his eyes if he could have. “Toby, child, you know I was speaking to Shayla.”“I know, but I wanted a hug too. You have been like a father to me ever since I killed my father. Besides, I like hugs.” I smiled over at Toby while still hugging Father.“I know child. I think of you as my child as well. All the children living here are as dear to me as my own daughters, though some of them tend to give me quite a few headaches. Shayla I am quite glad that you chose Toby as a suitor over Jeffrey or Ben. Those two alone give me more headaches than all the rest of the children combined do.” The hug ended, Toby and I wished Father goodnight, and went to our rooms to get some sleep. I knew that the next day was going to be just as hectic as that one had been.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 6 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 6

The next morning after breakfast Toby and I invaded BEN’s room and “borrowed” a laptop so that we could look up the information on Voodoo shops and priestesses. Unfortunately we couldn’t find on within walking distance from our home. The nearest one we found was in New Orleans, Louisiana. So Toby and I went to get changed into our disguises and met back up at Father’s office. ‘Shayla, do not work too hard. I want you to have some fun too. I am sure that you and Toby would like some alone time together as well.’‘Thanks Sissy, but we only have today and tomorrow to finish getting what we need for the spell. Next week Toby and I will be able to relax a bit while Father does the preparations.’‘Alright, just promise me that you will not stress out too much during the wait. Father is quite good with using magic rituals and I know that everything will be alright.’‘Ok Sissy, I promise.’Father called us into his office and after Toby and I hugged him we all sat down to discuss what the plans were for that day. Toby told Father about the Voodoo shop we found in New Orleans that was run by a priestess. “Very well, I will transport you two to New Orleans, but first.” Father reached into a drawer in his desk and handed Toby and I each a cellphone. “New Orleans is too far away for a mind connection to work, so as soon as you finish your shopping you need to call me so I can come pick you up. My number is already programed on speed dial, so you only have to press one. I also programed the numbers of the other Creepypastas into the phones in case you need them.”“Thank you, Father.” I jumped up and hugged him again. I had never been allowed to have a cellphone before. Toby also thanked him, but this time he didn’t hug him. I guess he didn’t want to get on Father’s nerves by hugging him all the time. Father stood up with me still in his arms and wrapped a tendril around Toby.“Shayla, since this is the first time I will be transporting you, you should close your eyes. I will let you know when you can open them again.”“Ok Father.” I closed my eyes and held onto Father tightly. I felt a tugging sensation in my stomach and felt bone chillingly cold for a minute. Soon enough I was warm again and Father said I could open my eyes. I looked around and saw that we were now standing in a forested swamp area. I could see old Victorian houses and newer brick buildings that made up the city. There were thousands of people walking around and I could make out some very old cemeteries with high fences around them. I turned back towards father and hugged him goodbye. After he disappeared Toby stashed his goggles and mouth guard in his backpack with his hatchets and we headed out of the swamp and into the city.The streets were confusing, and it took us about two hours to finally find the Voodoo shop. If we hadn’t been paying close attention we would have missed it because it looked like a private house. The only reason we found it was because of a small brass plaque on the brick wall in front of the building. Toby and I entered the shop and were surprised that it looked like a normal wiccan store. I had expected to find a lot of creepy items in there like jars full of eyes or something, but it was really clean and smelled like vanilla. As we looked around the owner of the shop came out. She was a tall African American woman with chocolate brown eyes and long hair who looked about 20 to 30 years-old. She wore a long multicolored skirt and an emerald green spaghetti sting shirt; her wrists were covered in hundreds of different colored bangle bracelets and two large silver hoops hung from each ear. She greeted us with a warm smile and gently shook my hand.“Ah, child. Aye knew that ye would be coming today. Aye sees yer sister’s soul is still safe.”“How do you know about my sister and how did you know we would be coming today?” At started twitching all of a sudden and I could hear Toby’s neck cracking like it does when he twitches.“The spirits told meh that ye would be coming, child. It has been over 65 years since Aye last saw someone from the other realm. Tell meh child, is mah old friend Laughing Jack doing well? Aye haven’t seen ‘im since Aye was a child meh self.”“Did the spirits tell you what we were coming for?” Toby asked as he twitched.“Yes, child. Aye have yer ceremonial dagger blessed, the scorpion venom is fresh from this morn, and Aye picked out mah fattest sacrificial chicken for ye. All Aye ask for in turn is that ye tell mah friend Laughing Jack that Saraphina says hi and that she runned out of ‘is candy fer the children about 63 years ago. If he wants meh to help ‘im Aye’m gonna need some more.”I looked over at Toby and shrugged as my twitching started dying down and I started giggling. He shrugged back before looking back at Saraphina.“We can do that. You know you look very young to be over 65 years old.” Toby remarked as I giggled.“Thank ye child, it’s an old secret ritual that was handed down in mah family. Aye won’t be aging again till Aye’m over 150 years-old. Not as long lived as ye from the other realm are, but not everyone is blessed or cursed with living ferever.” She turned and walked behind a curtained area in the shop. A few seconds later she came back with a small black plastic bag and a cage containing a very big, fat chicken. “There ye are children, now don’t be fergetting to give Laughing Jack mah message.”“We won’t forget and thank you for your help.” I promised as Toby and I headed to the door. “I’ll tell him as soon as I see him.”It took Toby and I another two hours to find our way back to the forested swamp where Father had dropped us off. I called Father since Toby insisted on carrying the chicken and the bag. A few seconds later Father came and we were back at the mansion. Father hugged me, reminded me that Toby and I had to go grave robbing tonight and took the chicken and the bags up to his office. Since it was only three in the afternoon Toby headed up to rest until dinner. I headed for Laughing Jack’s room to give him Saraphina’s message. Unfortunately Laughing Jack wasn’t in when I stopped by, so I wrote him a note and used his pile of candy to hold it down so it wouldn’t get lost. I then headed back to my room, grabbed the laptop I had “borrowed” from BEN and returned it. He wasn’t happy to see that I had borrowed his laptop without asking, but he was too afraid of me and Father to make a big deal about it. After that I headed to my room to catch a nap before dinner. I knew it was going to be a long night, so sleep sounded good to me.That night after dinner Toby and I headed out to the cemetery with a body bag to retrieve Rebekah’s body. Since the cemetery was in the country side and Rebekah had been buried in the back corner we didn’t have to worry too much about being discovered. I cut out a big area of grass, rolled it up and placed it to the side of the grave. Toby and I took turns digging; he would dig for a half hour then I would dig for the next half hour. It took us a total of six hours to finish digging and Toby was nice enough to get Rebekah’s body it the bag so I didn’t have to see what she looked like after being buried for ten years. After Toby and I got the body bag out of the hole we quickly filled it back in with dirt and covered it back up with the strip of grass and stomped it down so that it looked like it hadn’t been touched. It was almost dawn by the time we finished at the cemetery so as Toby carried the body bag we raced the sun to the portal. We didn’t want anyone to see Toby carrying a body bag, though how he carried Rebekah’s body touched my heart. Most guys would have slung the body bag over their shoulder, but not Toby. He carried Sissy’s body as if she were still alive, gently cradled bridal style in his arms. Almost everyone was asleep when we got home, so we headed straight up to Father’s office. Father was waiting for us at the door and gently relieved Toby of Rebekah’s body. He then gave me a quick hug, sent us to take showers and told us to get some rest.Toby walked me to my room and gave me a gentle kiss before heading to his room of the night. I smiled as I gathered my nightie and took a long shower. The hot water eased my tired muscles and relaxed me enough that I was almost half asleep by the time I finished drying off and getting dressed for bed. I didn’t bother turning my light on was I stumbled over to my bed and laid down, snuggled under the covers with one hand resting on the skinner I kept tucked under my pillow. I was just about to fall asleep when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hard male body. I was instantly awake and carefully pulled my skinner out of its sheath as I pretended to be asleep. With my eyes half way shut I rolled over and looked at the guy in my bed, with the way my eyes had changed I had no problem seeing in the dark room and I almost growled when I saw Jeff in my bed with a sleeping mask over his eyes. Slowly and carefully I moved my arm down until I had my skinner positioned right next to his crotch. I leaned in close and whispered in Jeff’s ear.“Stay still if you don’t want to lose something important to you.” I felt him stiffen as he woke up. “Tell me Jeff, why the hell are you in my bed?”“Aww, sweetcheeks. You know you want me.”“Stop calling me sweetcheeks. What the hell ever gave you the idea that I wanted you? Didn’t you learn anything from the talk Father had with you last time you tried to pull something with me?”“Come on, sweetcheeks, I know you’ve been checking me out. You don’t have to play hard to get with me.”“Jeff, get it through your thick skull, I am not interested in you like that. I’m starting to doubt that I even want to be friends with you. I love Toby and Toby is my boyfriend so I want you to stop trying to win me. It’s not going to happen.” As I was talking to Jeff I could hear Father and Rebekah talking in my head. I knew that he would be here in a second to get Jeff out of my room so I just ignored his whining about how he would be a better boyfriend than Toby was. A minute later Father transported into my room and yanked Jeff out of my bed with his tendrils. He disappeared with Jeff and a second later there was a knock on my door. I answered the door and invited Toby in. It looked like he had just gotten out of bed and his goggles and mouth guard weren’t on.“Slender told me what happened, are you alright Shayla?” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to him. I nodded as I buried my face in his tee-shirt and wrapped my arms around his waist.“I’m ok, Toby. Thanks. He just pissed me off, that’s all.”“Are you sure? I could stay with you tonight if you don’t want to be alone.” I looked up at Toby and smiled as he blushed.“I’d like that, but I don’t think Father would be happy to find out that you were in my bed. I know that you wouldn’t do anything, but Father would still not like it.”“Alright, but you know where I am if you need me. Goodnight Shayla.” He hugged me tighter for a moment before letting me go.“Goodnight Toby.” I smiled at him as he walked out the door and blew me a kiss. That night in my dreams Rebekah and I laughed and talked about Toby and how she couldn’t wait to find a boyfriend of her own. Turns out she had never had one, but that’s not much of a surprise considering who raised us.It was one o’clock in the afternoon when I finally woke up. I quickly got dressed and heading to Father’s office to see if he needed me to do anything, but after he gave me a hug and told me that he had left pancakes and vocal cords in the oven for me he said he would be busy with the preparations for the rest of the week and that he just wanted me to have some fun. I smiled and hugged him again before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Toby was in the kitchen when I got there and I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my food and sitting at the table. Toby sat with me and finished eating his pancakes. After breakfast Toby asked me if I’d take a walk with him. I smiled and nodded them ran upstairs to grab my running shoes. We walked together for hours, talking and laughing. Toby was so sweet; he lifted me over mud puddles and swept me into his arms when I got tired of walking. It was getting close to dinner time when we came to a meadow and I saw a picnic set up by a small lake. The blanket that was set up on the ground was orange and blue, there were two white candles in candle holders waiting to be lit and delicious aromas drifted on the air coming from a picnic basket sitting in the center of the blanket.“Surprise Shayla.” Toby said as he gently set me down on the blanket. I looked up at him and smiled as he sat down next to me.“Toby, this is so nice. How did you set this up?”“I asked Slender if he would mind setting this up for me. I wanted to take you out on a date, but didn’t want you to feel the need to hide yourself. Do you really like it?”“I love it.” I watched as Toby lit the candles and dished out the food. Father must have put a lot of effort into making the picnic for us and I reminded myself to thank him when we got home. We had steak, baked potatoes with sour cream bacon pieces and shredded cheese, broccoli with cheese sauce, and sparkling grape juice; desert was triple chocolate black forest cake with vanilla icing. Toby and I talked and laughed the entire time and after we finished eating we laid next to each other and looked up at the stars. For me it was a perfect evening and I snuggled with Toby with my head on his chest was we watched a meteor shower. After a few hours Toby and I packed up the picnic and headed home. Toby kissed me at the door and headed into the kitchen to take care of the leftovers from the picnic. I headed up to Father’s office to thank him and let him know I was back. I knocked on the door and after a minute Father called for me to come in. I ran up and hugged him.“Thank you Father, for making Toby and I that picnic. The food was great.”“Well, I am glad that had a good time Shayla. I did not, however make the food. Toby made it before you woke up today; I only reheated it for you and set up the picnic.”“I didn’t know that Toby could cook.”“He does not tell many people, but his sister taught him when he was younger and there are times when he has had to do his own cooking during missions. I do not tell the others because it is quite amusing to watch Toby annoy Masky so that he will make pancakes or waffles.”“I can see how that would be funny. Maybe I can help Toby next time he does that. Well I’m going to head to bed now Father. I love you, goodnight.” I hugged Father again.“I love you too Daughter, sleep well.” I smiled up at Father before heading to my room. I had a quick shower and, after checking to make sure there were no uninvited visitors, I jumped into bed and went to sleep.The next week passed quickly, every day Toby and I would practice together in the morning and head out to do something fun together in the afternoon. He would surprise me by taking me to a fair in our dimension, or to Laughing Jacks carnival. He would take me on picnics and we would go swimming in the small lake in the meadow. At night we would go out and make a few kills, I would collect the vocal cords and the kidneys to take with me. I figured that I might as well help Eyeless Jack out with collecting since they weren’t going to need their kidneys anymore.Every night in my dreams Rebekah and I would talk about our hopes and dreams. She would give me advice about everything and we would even talk about what we had gone through together when our aunt and uncle were still alive. She never really told me what all happened to her, but by the advice she gave and the takes we had I came to the conclusion that what had happened to me had also happened to her. I didn’t want to ask her if it did, I figured that she would talk to me about it when she was ready. Finally Friday the thirteenth arrived. Rebekah and I were excited and nervous at the same time. Father hadn’t explained what all we had to do, though I did know that we would have to be there for the ceremony. Toby kept me company and calm all day. We watched movies together and snuggled on the couch. Finally it was time for me to get ready for the ceremony. I dressed in the black and silver silk flowing dress and silver sandals that Father had given me for the ceremony and headed out to the back yard.There was an alter set up under a willow tree in the middle of a pentagram drawn with chalk; I knew Rebekah’s body was on it, but there was a black silk sheet laying over her so I couldn’t see her. I carefully stepped into the pentagram and stood next to the alter. Father then used the last of the chalk to draw a perfect circle around the pentagram. He lit the candles, incense and smudge sticks and placed them around the circle. He picked up the crystals and placed one of each on the circle at each point of the pentagram then started the spell.“Lux oritur tenebris mors ita vita pariunt.” (As light gives birth to dark, so let death give birth to life.)Father picked up the chicken and used the ceremonial dagger to behead it. Again he walked the circle letting the chicken’s blood cover the chalk. And as the circle closed again a purple fog like screen enclosed the me and Rebekah blocking off the view of everything outside of the circle.“Phoenix ortu, anima, sicut de reliquis reviviscat. (Like a phoenix rising from the ashes let the soul return to life.)Da huic formae Calamitosam animam presumpti omnibus quæ habebat. (Give this tragic soul taken too soon the form she should have had.)Et quasi in nocte, conversa est ad mortem, sic, quod sic, ut det vitam. (Like night gives way to day so must death give way to life.)Per vires terrae, aeris, spiritus, aqua et igni iubeo cogam. (By the powers of the earth, air, water and fire I compel the spirits to do my bidding.)Viribus solis et lunae, ac lux et tenebræ eam adducere corpus ad animam illius iterum vivere.” (By the powers of the sun and moon, the light and dark, bring the soul of Rebekah back to her body to live once more.)As Father spoke the last line I could feel Rebekah’s soul leaving me and it almost hurt when I could no longer feel her. I looked over towards the alter and saw a bright lavender light enclose it for a few seconds before Rebekah sat up and the sheet slid off her. She looked just like she had in my dreams, so much like me, but her eyes were still the same silver-blue I remember. She looked over at me and smiled. As the purple fog receded I saw Father breaking the circle of blood and chalk. Rebekah got up off the alter and hugged me, both of our tail swished back and forth in happiness.“Little sister, it is so good to be back with you. I have missed holding you so much, those dream could not compare to really feeling you in my arms again.”“Oh Sissy, I’m glad I don’t have to lose you again.” We both started crying as Father came and hugged us both to him.“I am delighted to finally have both my daughters back, safe and sound. I will never let anything happen to you girls again.”“Sissy, you should tell Father the new name you decided on. That way he can introduce you to everyone.” Rebekah smiled at my enthusiasm and nodded.“Father, Shayla and I talked about this and since she is now Voicebox to most people we decided I should have a new name as well. The name we decided on is Dark Phoenix.”“Dark Phoenix, that is a very good name, Daughter.” Father hugged us tighter and then led us both back into the mansion. Rebekah stood behind Father and I as Father called everyone into the living room. Toby came and stood next to me with his arm over my shoulder. I snuggled into his embrace as everyone else sat down and waited for Father to speak.“Everyone, I have someone I wish to introduce you to.” He stepped to one side letting the others see my sister for the first time. “This is my other daughter, Dark Phoenix. I expect you all to make her feel welcomed.”Father, Dark Phoenix and I then spent the next two hours answering a ton of questions, like how she came back, why we looked like twins, and where she had been. It was three o’clock in the morning when Father sent everyone to bed. Father had fixed up the room next to mine for Sissy. Father and Toby walked us up to our rooms and Father hugged us both goodnight before heading to his own room. Toby hugged me and gave me a sweet gentle kiss before he said goodnight and headed to his room.I barely had the energy to shower and change. I made sure my room was empty and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. Rebekah met me in my dreams; we found out that while we were no longer in the same body, after spending ten years together our minds had formed a connection. Like twins were rumored to have, we had developed telepathy between us. We were both happy that we were still connected and we spent the night talking about my birthday that was coming up in soon and how her birthday was only a month after mine. Finally we would both be immortal and we would never be separated again.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 7 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 7

The next month went by quickly; my birthday was in two days and Father planned a party and invited a lot of Creepypastas. Uncle Splendor and Uncle Trender were already at the mansion helping Father and Dark Phoenix decorate the ballroom; Uncle Offender and Uncle Ender were coming the day of the party. Toby and I would spend our time training, killing and going out on dates. Toby was the perfect boyfriend; kind, caring, protective, and he never pushed for more than I was comfortable to give. That morning Uncle Splendor fixed breakfast for everyone, giving Father time to relax in the morning. Toby, Dark Phoenix and I went found Father sitting at the head of the table reading a human world newspaper. Phoenix and I gave Father a hug and a kiss on the cheek when we came in, and I caught a glimpse of a picture in the obituary section. I was shocked; staring out from the paper was my grandparents. “Father, is that what I think it is?” I pointed to the picture. Father looked at where I was pointing and nodded.“I am afraid so, daughter. It seems that your grandparents died a week ago. The article says they were hit by a drunk driver on their way home from celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.”“Father, does the paper say what happened with Benna? We did not have any other living relatives.” Phoenix was teary eyed when she hear the news of our grandparents.“It says she was placed in the Sacred Hearts Orphanage. Most humans do not know this, but that orphanage is run by some very cruel people.” I gave him a worried look. Father tended to understate things, so if he said that they were cruel they were most likely sadistic people. “Father, I can’t leave her there; can I bring her to live with us?”“Voicebox, this is not the environment to raise a child in; especially a human child.”“I know Father, but I’ll keep her safe and take care of her. Please Father, I spent the last 6 years keeping her safe, I would never forgive myself if something happened to her because I’m not there.” I looked up at Father with wide teary eyes, my ears laid back on my head and my lower lip pouted and trembled slightly.“I will help her Father, I too care about Benna. She may not be our sister, but she is family and we are all the family she has left.” Phoenix gave Father the same puppy dog look as I did.“Very well, but you will have to tell the others that she is off limits and watch her closely so that she does not wander off by herself.” Father folded his paper as Uncle Splendor placed breakfast on the table. “Voicebox, you and Toby will go rescue Benna, Dark Phoenix I need you to stay here and help your uncles and I finish preparing for Voicebox’s party.”“Alright Father. If it is alright I would also like ask Uncle Trender to help me prepare the room next to mine for Benna.”“That is fine Dark Phoenix. Voicebox, I know you want to leave now and rescue Benna, but you must wait until nightfall. You and Toby are to do as little killing as possible at the orphanage.”“Thank you Father.” I hugged him tightly then settled into my seat by Toby for breakfast.After breakfast Toby and I trained until lunch as Phoenix helped finish up the decorating and started on Benna’s room. Then Toby walked me to my room and kissed me sweetly before we split up to rest before our rescue mission. It was just before dinner when I woke up and changed into my killing outfit. I meet Toby in the dining room and we hurried through dinner and headed out to get Benna. We held hands as we ran to the portal and through the woods to the orphanage outside of the town I grew up in. The lights were all out by the time we got there so Toby and I snuck in through the open office window. We searched through the records and found out which room was Benna’s. We also found out that the couple that ran the orphanage we selling some of the children to people who make child pornography movies and ran illegal child brothels. We took Benna’s file and left the other files on the desk so that the police, when they arrived, would be able to find the children who had been sold if they were still alive. Toby and I nodded in agreement that the couple who ran the orphanage would not survive the night. Slowly and quietly we crept into the couples’ room and while Toby chopped the man up with his axe I bit out the woman’s vocal cords and ate them while she drowned in her own blood unable to scream. After that I wrote “She talked too much, I’ll put her voice to better use. Voicebox” on the wall in her blood, wiped my hands off on her shirt and Toby and I made our way up to Benna’s room.I almost screamed when I saw Benna. Her short blond hair was matted with blood from a head wound and her left eye was covered in bandages. The green sweater and white skirt were covered in blood and she was strapped to the bed with iron shackles. I skimmed through her file to see why she was like this while Toby went back to the couples’ room to find the keys. I was shocked to learn that her first day there she had gotten into a fight with an older boy and had been cut across her eye. It also says that they had several children go missing in the week that she had been there and that just this evening they had to knock her out after they found her using an old axe to chop the arms off one of the other boys. They had strapped here to the bed and searched to grounds and in a small corner of the yard in a wooded area they had found a ‘garden of arms’. Further investigating showed that she had killed and buried the children who had gone missing. I smiled and my tail swished happily from side to side as I kept reading. It turns out that the couple wasn’t willing to call the police, since that would mean an investigation so they had been planning on killing her the next day if she wasn’t already dead from the blow to the head.“Found them,” Toby whispered as he unlocked the shackles. I let out a quiet but evil laugh.“Hey Toby it looks like Benna’s going to fit in at home just fine.” I laughed again as I told Toby what I had found out. He looked impressed as he gathered up what little Benna had and I lifted Benna into my arms. When we got back into the woods I used the untraceable cellphone Father had given me to call the police and make an anonymous phone call to the police, then we all headed home.When I was close enough to home to reach Father’s thoughts I told him everything we had done and what we had learned. He was surprised that a six-year-old was able to do what Benna had and told me that he would meet us at the door with E.J. E.J. is the only one other than Dr. Smiley who had any medical experience, so while Dr. Smiley was gone E.J. would treat any injuries that the other Creepypasta’s had that didn’t heal right away. As soon as we got to the door Father opened it and let us in. E.J. quickly took Benna to her new room and started checking her over. Father, Toby and I met Phoenix and Masky at Benna’s room and we all talked about what had happened.“It is interesting. I can sense that young Benna is not fully human, yet neither your aunt nor you uncle were anything but human.” Father tilted his head as he seemed to stare at Benna. “Her energy feels familiar, but I cannot tell whose it is.”“It wouldn’t surprise me if she cheated on uncle. That would explain all those nights that she didn’t come home until late at night.”“What a despicable pair they were. I am so glad that we killed them. Just imagine what uncle would have done if he had found out that Benna was not his child.”“Phoenix, I don’t even want to think about it. I’m just glad that we were able to get Benna out of there before they killed her.”“Well, it seems like she has some fractures in her skull, but they are healing fast. Whoever is the father of this girl, he is definitely not human. She should wake up some time tomorrow.” E.J. finished examining Benna and looked over at us. “I think it’s best that Voicebox stays here incase Benna wakes up.”“That’s fine with me; do you think she’ll be able to come to my birthday party the day after tomorrow E.J.?”“I’ll check on her tomorrow, but if she keeps healing at this rate then I don’t see why she couldn’t. Slender, if you need me I’ll be in my room.” After Phoenix and Father hugged me everyone but Toby left. “I’ll keep you company Shayla.” He hugged me, pulled a chair next to Benna’s bed, sat down and pulled me into his lap.“Thanks Toby.” I looked down at Benna and couldn’t help crying a bit. I still remembered the day she was born. Rebekah had died four years earlier and I had felt so alone and useless. Benna’s birth changed everything; I wasn’t alone anymore. I had a reason to live if only to protect Benna and keep her safe from the people I had thought were my parents. Four six years Benna had been the only reason I didn’t kill myself and to see her broken and battered on the bed hurt so much. “I should have been there for her. I shouldn’t have left her; our grandparents were old. I should have brought her with me; this is all my fault.” Toby hugged me tighter and wiped away my tears.“Shayla, you didn’t know this would happen. This isn’t your fault; nothing that happened to you or your sister was your fault. Besides, you were there to save her, that’s what’s important.” I cried some more into Toby’s shirt as he rocked me back and forth. “Hush, sweetheart. I’m here and Benna will be fine.”I eventually cried myself to sleep in Toby’s arms.The next morning I woke up still in Toby’s arms in the chair. He was fast asleep and I smiled at the innocent look on his face. I glanced over at the bed, Benna was looking better than she did the night before and her breathing was deep and steady. I gently shook Toby awake and told him I was going to take a quick shower and to change clothes. He nodded and said he would stay there with Benna until I was back. With a grateful look and a quick kiss I hopped off of his lap and raced to my room. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, my favorite tee-shirt, a clean bra and panties and headed to take a shower. After a half hour I was showered, dressed and headed back to Benna’s room. I heard a crash come from her room and ran back to see what was going on. When I opened the door I was shocked to see Benna was awake, and had somehow managed to overpower Toby. Benna had one of Toby’s hatchets raised over her head and was about to swing it when I ran over and grabbed her arm.“Benna, stop! You’re safe now; Toby wasn’t going to hurt you.” Benna stiffened briefly then looked up at me, her bright green eye widened when she saw me.“I…is that you Shayla? Y…you sound like Shayla, and you look a little like her, but you don’t look the same as my sister.” Benna stuttered as tears started falling.“Benna bunny, it’s really me. I’m really Shayla, I know I look different, but I’m still me. I’m the same Shayla who would get you up every morning and brush your hair before taking you to Mrs. Macgregor’s house in the morning.” I took the hatchet from her and hugged her tightly. She didn’t react at first but soon she relaxed into me and sobbed into my shirt.“Sissy, I missed you so much, why did you leave me? Whatever I did I won’t do it again. Don’t leave me again Sissy, I promise I’ll be good.” She cried like her heart was breaking and clung to me as if she was afraid I would disappear if she didn’t.“Oh bunny, of course it wasn’t your fault. I had to leave you with grandmama and grandpapa. I don’t look human anymore and…Benna, I’m sorry to tell you but I killed your mom and dad. Please don’t hate me.” I held her tightly and rocked her back and forth like I always did when she would have a nightmare. She looked up at me, her green eye shining from tears and gave me a little smile.“I can’t hate you, Sissy. I hated what mommy would do to you. I wanted to kill daddy so bad for hurting you like he did when mommy wasn’t home.”“Y…you knew about that?” I felt terrible. I thought I had at least managed to protect her from knowing that. I didn’t want her to have to live with that knowledge.“Yeah, sometimes daddy would make me watch from the closet. He said that since he wasn’t my real dad that when I was old enough he’d make me as much a whore as mommy is. Sissy, what’s a whore?” She looked up at me with such an innocent expression on her face that I had to hug her again.“Bunny, I’ll explain that to you when you turn 12. That’s something you shouldn’t have to know about at your age. Now I wish that man was still alive so I could torture and kill him again.” I growled as I thought about what Uncle had planned for my sweet little bunny. My tail whipped back and forth as I hugged Benna tightly. “No one will ever hurt you like that and get away with it. Not as long as I live. I’ll do my best to keep you safe, Bunny; I promise I will kill anyone who hurts you.”“I know, Sissy. You always keep me safe.” She hugged me tightly and grinned up at me. “I’ll never lose you again, right Sissy?”“Not as long as I live Bunny. I may have to leave for a few days here and there, but I promise that I will come back. Now, how about we get you a bath and a change of clothes then we can go down and have breakfast with the rest of our new family.”“We have a new family? Did you replace me, Sissy?” Tears started to form in her eye again.“No Bunny, I could and would never replace you. I just found a family for us, one that accepts us for who we are.” I stood up and turned to Toby. I was kind of surprised that he was still there; he had been so quiet that I thought he had left. “Benna, this is my boyfriend Toby.”“Sorry Toby, I thought you were a bad man who was going to hurt me.” She blushed a bit as she looked down sheepishly.“That’s alright Benna. I’m sorry I scared you. Shayla, I’ll go down and tell the others that Benna is awake so they hold breakfast until you and Benna get there.” Toby hugged us and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.After I got Benna cleaned up and changed, though she wouldn’t let me change the bandage over her eye, we headed down to the dining room. On the way down I told her that almost everyone called me Voicebox and she promised to do the same. Everyone was already there and I introduce Benna. The boys all asked her the same questions she asked me, Sally squealed with joy at having another girl close to her age to play with, and Smile decided that he had to clean her face for her. We ate breakfast and I explained to Benna who everyone was and how I found out that Slenderman was my real father. I assured her that no matter what she was still my little sister. Benna wasn’t at all scared of the others in the room, and she loved finding out that she had another big sister. After breakfast I could see that Benna was starting to get tired again, so I took her back to her room and tucked her in. I told her that I was going down to train, and that if she needed me she could ask Phoenix to bring her to the training field. She didn’t want me to leave, so I promised to stay until she fell asleep. It was only ten minutes before she was out like a light and I headed down to train.The day went by fast; after training I had lunch with Toby and Benna. Then Phoenix and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing tea party and dress up with Benna and Sally. Dinner passed and Benna found out that BEN had video games, so she spent the two hours after dinner playing with BEN before I got her ready for bed and tucked her in. Toby came and told Benna a bedtime story and we both hugged her goodnight. Toby gave me another sweet kiss before we went to our separate rooms for the night.The next day started out with a severe pain in my back. I was almost crying from how bad my back hurt. I think Father must have been listening in, because in a second I was cradled in his arms and he was rocking me back and forth. I was in too much pain to really hear what he said, but I caught something about tendrils and over soon. I really hoped he was saying that the pain would be over soon. After what felt like an eternity, but was really only 15 minutes or so, I felt something push its way out of my back and the pain slowly faded. I rested for a few minutes before looking over my shoulder to see four sky blue tendrils coming out of my back. I thought about making them move and accidently hit Father in the face.Fortunately Father just laughed and assured me that he knew how difficult it was to control them when they first emerge. I giggled when Father told me a story about when he first got his tendrils. I can just imagine the shock Uncle Enderman must have felt when he found himself dangling upside down from the chandelier. Once the pain was fully gone I hugged and kissed Father’s cheek and hurried to get Benna up for breakfast. We decided to eat in our nighties since we had to get ready for the party. Phoenix, Benna and I ran upstairs after breakfast and help each other get ready for the party. It was starting shortly before lunch and would last until late in the night. I have to say my family really knows how to throw a good party. Benna had picked out a green party dress with white roses embroidered from the left shoulder to the right side of her waist. The roses circled her waist and the hem of her calf length skirt. Her short blonde hair was tied back with a white ribbon and she had a new bandage over her left eye that had a green rose embroidered on it. I was wearing a backless sky blue dress with white ivy embroidered down the long sleeves. The hem of the skirt stopped at my knees and had white ivy embroidered around it. Phoenix was wearing a short sleeved black dress with red roses embroidered around the waist and the ends of the sleeves. The skirt of the dress stopped just below her knees. We all had shoes that matched our dresses and after Phoenix and I put on some makeup the three of us headed down the stairs. Father had just answered the door and there stood Uncle Offender and Uncle Ender. Uncle Offender must have been arguing with Uncle Ender because his white tendrils were out and he seemed aggravated about something.“DADDY!!!” Benna yelled as she ran up to Uncle Offender and wrapped her arms around his left leg. We were all shocked, but Uncle Offender seemed more shocked than the rest that a small girl was hanging on his leg and calling him daddy. “Mommy always said you had the prettiest white tendrils. She said she really liked what they could do. Daddy, what did she mean by that?”“Ummm…” Uncle Offender looked over at Father as if asking for help. “That explains why Benna’s energy felt familiar. Congratulations brother, you have a daughter.” Father sounded like he was trying not to laugh. Benna tugged on Uncle Offender’s pants leg and he looked back down at her.“Daddy, you didn’t answer my question.” I didn’t even have to see her face to know she was giving him the puppy dog look. I could tell just by the quivering tone of voice she used.“Umm…Benna, I’ll explain what she meant when you’re 17. It’s not really something a child should know about.” I could tell Uncle Offender wasn’t used to children.“But Sissy said almost the same thing when I asked her what a whore was.” I raised an eyebrow when he looked over towards Phoenix and I. “Benna, this really isn’t something that people talk about at parties, why don’t we go get some chips and go play videogames until everyone else gets here.” BEN held out his hand to Benna, she squealed with joy and practically dragged BEN out of the room.“Well, this is certainly interesting. Offender we should discuss this after the party. For now I would like to introduce you and Ender to my long lost daughters, Voicebox and Dark Phoenix. Daughters I am sure you have guessed by now that this is your Uncle Offender and your Uncle Ender.”“Hello Uncle Offender, Uncle Ender it is nice to see you again. I believe the last time I saw you was when I was five.”“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” I was a little worried about finding out that Uncle Offender was Benna’s father. I don’t think I could take it if he decided to take her to live with him. I just got her back and I didn’t want to lose either of my sisters again.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 8 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 8

The party was soon in full swing, almost all the Creepypastas who didn’t live with us attended. The only ones who had not been invited were those who had tried to kill a member of our family before such as the Rake, the Skin Taker, Jane the killer and of course Zalgo. Even though I was worried about Uncle Offender possibly taking Benna away, Toby and Father made sure that I enjoyed the party. Benna hung out with BEN, Glitchy Red, Lost Silver, BRVR, and Strangled Red. I laughed as I saw Benna drag BEN away from his DS and out onto the dance floor. Father danced a couple of times with Benna, Phoenix and me during the party but spent most of his time watching from the side as everyone else danced. I was dancing with Toby when Jeff cut in. Before Toby could say anything Clockwork grabbed his hand and pulled him away to dance with her. I watched as Toby tried to get away without making a scene but finally he just sent me a sorrowful look and gave in.“Hey Sweetcheeks,” Jeff was smirking as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. “You know, you should dump that loser Toby and be with me. I know how to please you better than he ever could.”“Jeff, I told you not to call me sweetcheeks and I love Toby. If you don’t knock this crap off, I won’t even consider you a friend.” I felt his hands slide down and grab my ass as he pulled me tightly to him. I pulled away when I felt how excited he was. I pulled my skinner out my wrist sheath I had on under my long sleeves and laid it next to the bulge in his pants. “If you want to keep your manhood I suggest you keep your hands off my ass and stop messing with me. We will never be more than friends Jeff.”“This is why we are perfect for each other, Sweetcheeks. We both like it rough.” He ground himself against me and licked my neck. I started twitching and decided that I had had enough. I willed my tendrils to wrap around his arms and remove them from me. “Touch me one more time Jeff and I will geld you with a rusty knife and rub salt into your open wound.” I said while twitching. I slide my skinner back into its sheath and I used my tendrils to hang him from the chandelier by the back of his pants; from the look on his face I got the impression that he had a mega wedgie. “Do you understand me this time Jeff? I will never be your girl and QUIT CALLING ME SWEETCHEEKS!”I heard laughter and applause coming from the others at the party. Father shook his head and laughed as Jeff struggled and demanded to be let down. My twitching settled down and I giggled evilly as he swung around on the chandelier. Toby joined me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he laughed and twitched.“That is one unique piñata you have there, Voicebox.” Toby chuckled as he hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head. “I hope your finally get the message Jeff. Voicebox and I are together. No one and nothing is going to break us apart.”“Fine, I get now just get me down! Fuck, should have worn underwear! Damn wedgie!” I couldn’t help but laugh louder as Jeff yelled. Finally Father removed Jeff from the chandelier and transported up to his office to have another “talk” with Jeff. Everyone else went back to partying. Toby and I went to the buffet table, grabbed some crapes and punch, and sat down at one of the tables. We talked and laughed as we ate. Toby even feed me part of his crapes. I blushed as he held out his fork for me to take a bite. It was romantic especially when I know he doesn’t usually share his food with anyone.The party lasted until about 1:00 am when the last of the guests that weren’t staying left after wishing me happy birthday again. Benna and BEN had left to go play video games shortly after I had opened all my presents. I got a lot of cool stuff, but my favorite presents were from Father, Phoenix and Toby. Father gave me a ruby and sapphire heart shaped pendant that had belonged to my real mom. Phoenix gave me two new black sheathes for my skinners that had silver foxes painted on them. Toby gave me two brand new skinners. The blades were black making them perfect for killing in the dark since no light would reflect off them. The handles of the skinners were wrapped in black leather and the end of the handles were shaped like fox heads.After everyone left Father called Phoenix, Uncle Offender and me into his office to discuss Benna and where she would live. I held onto Phoenix’s hand for comfort and she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Father gestured for all of us to sit down before sighing and starting the conversation.“Well brother. It seems we have a dilemma on our hands.”“What dilemma, Benna is my daughter so it’s obvious that she should come live with me.”“Uncle Offender, have you ever raised a child before?” Uncle Offender looked over at Phoenix as she spoke. “It is not easy to raise a child. Benna has also had to deal with a lot of changes in her life lately. It would not be a good idea to change her life again right now.”“Dark Phoenix, I may not know much about kids, but I’m her father. I want her to live with me.”“Uncle, Benna didn’t take being away from me well the last time we were separated…”“I know, Slender told me what happened, but I’m here now and I can keep her safe.”“Brother, I understand that feeling, but we must think of what is best for Benna, she only fully trusts Voicebox.”“Enough, Benna is my daughter and she will live with me.” When Uncle Offender shouted that I heard someone run away from the door and transported into the hallway to see Benna running out the front door.“Benna, come back!” I started running after her as I heard Father’s office door open. I saw Toby run out of the living room and heard him following me as I ran out the door. I caught just a glimpse of Benna as she disappeared into the forest. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I tried to find Benna. I had just gotten her back and I couldn’t lose her again. She was my baby sister. I had to protect her.“We’ll find her Shayla.” I glanced over at Toby and nodded. I could hear the others out in the forest. ‘Shayla, concentrate. You should be able to feel her. You have spent six years with her so you know her aura.’ I heard Father’s voice in my head.‘Father, where is Rebekah? She should be able to find her too.’‘I am with Masky and Eyeless Jack. I very faintly feel her spirit. It’s coming from your direction, but there seems to be other auras around her. We are about 50 feet behind you, just keep going we will catch up.’ As I connected with Rebekah I could feel what she meant about auras. I barely recognized Benna’s aura it seemed angry and chaotic. There were other auras around her, but they seemed to be disappearing fast.“Toby, she’s not too far ahead of us.” Toby nodded as we kept running. By the time we caught up to Benna the last of the other auras disappeared and I felt Benna’s aura settle back down and was now clouded with sorrow. As Toby and I entered the clearing I saw Benna sitting in the middle of a blood bath. There were several bodies torn up and thrown around the cleaning as well as the remains of four tents. As I ran to Benna and scooped her up into my arms I caught a glimpse of the tattered remains of a Boy Scout uniform. Benna cried as she clung to me. “Sissy, don’t let Daddy take me away. Please Sissy. I don’t want to leave you again.” Benna sobbed as she buried her face into the front of my dress. I heard and felt the others enter the clearing. I turned to look at Uncle Offender as he took in the scene. I could tell from his aura that as proud as the slaughter made him it also worried him. I felt his need to raise Benna and Benna’s need of both me and her father. As I rocked her gently and walked towards the others, Phoenix ran over and added her comfort to mine. It suddenly hit me, the best solution to our problem.‘Father, I can’t let her go again. What if we have Uncle Offender move in with us? That way she won’t have to leave me and Uncle can still help raise her.’‘As much as I dislike the idea of Offender living with us it does seem to be the best solution. Come daughter, let us take young Benna back to the mansion and get her cleaned up. I will discuss this with Offender while you tuck her into bed.’‘Alright father.’ Toby wrapped is arm around my waist as I carried Benna back to the mansion. Phoenix stayed right next to me calmly talking to Benna and helping me comfort her. We took her up to her bathroom and helped her out of her bloody clothes, though oddly enough the bandage over her left eye was completely clean. Phoenix and I got Benna into her pajamas and tucked her into bed. She was so tired from the stressful day that she fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. We kissed her forehead and headed to Father’s office. Father and Uncle Offender called us in and after hugging Father we sat back down in front of his desk.“Well it seems Offender and I have come to an agreement.”“Yes, since it seems Benna would suffer if I just took her to live with me your Father and I agreed that I’ll move into the mansion. I’ll be taking the room across from Slender’s.”“We will also be converting part of the dungeon into a soundproof room so that we do not have to listen to Offender and his victims.”“Thank you Father and Uncle. I don’t think I could have borne to lose Benna again.”“Yes, thank you both. I am glad to see that you no longer dislike each other. I still remember the fight you had over mother when I was five.”“Heh, well let’s just say that we agreed to disagree on some things.”“Indeed. Now it is late, you two should head to bed now.”“Goodnight Father, Uncle.” Phoenix hugged them both and headed out of the office.“Night Father. Night Uncle.” I hugged Father and Uncle and headed up to my room. It had been a long day, and I was really tired. I quickly changed into my nightie and fell asleep as soon as I laid down.When I woke the next morning I found Benna cuddling with me sound asleep. I smiled as I pried her fingers off my tail. She whimpered a bit before rolling over and settling down again. I took a quick shower and tossed on my blue bra and undies, a black tee-shirt that I had cut a hole in for my tendrils, black skinny jeans and my black boots. The tee-shirt had “I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it” written on the front in red. After brushing my hair I woke Benna up and got her dressed. She was wearing a green tee-shirt that said “You’re just jealous the voices talk to me and not you” in white, a white knee length skirt, green socks and green and white running shoes. Her hair was held out of her face by a green and white ribbon and her bandage was green with a white rose on it.Once we were ready we went to Phoenix’s room. She was already up and ready. She wore a purple shirt that had “I’m out of my mind but feel free to leave a message” written in black, a black knee length skirt, purple ankle socks and black and purple running shoes. We all giggled as we read each other’s shirts and headed to the dining room for breakfast. Toby met me at the bottom of the stairs and gave me a hug and kissed my hand as we all sat down at the table.Before too long the others stumbled in and sat down. Father delivered all the plates and everyone started eating. Breakfast was quiet until BEN fell asleep with his head in his plate of pancakes and eggs. He woke up quickly when we all started laughing. We laughed even harder when he raised his head and we saw part of his pancakes stuck to his face. Benna, who was sitting next to him, reached up and took the pancake off his face and ate it as she giggled. BEN’s face turned bright red and he quickly wiped his face off. Just before everyone finished eating Father stood up and called for everyone’s attention.“As you all know Benna is Offender’s daughter. Since Benna does not want to move and leave Voicebox and Dark Phoenix Offender will be moving into the mansion. I will need volunteers to help soundproof part of the dungeon for his work.” Benna cheered while everyone else looked shocked. After a few minutes of looking back and forth between Father and Uncle Offender Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Masky and Hoodie volunteered to help. That day was just as busy as the last few had been. Phoenix, Benna, Toby and I helped Uncle Offender move into his room while Father and the others worked on the dungeon. We were all tired by the time we finished, so Masky, Hoodie and Toby went to town and picked up pizzas for dinner. I was surprised to find out that they had vocal cord pizza here in the Creepypasta realm. It tasted so good and I could tell that Eyeless Jack loved his kidney pizza. After dinner I helped Benna take a bath and Uncle Offender tucked her in and told her a bedtime story. I had to smile at the picture they made. Who knew Uncle Offender had a soft spot for children. I left them alone and transported out to the porch. I laughed as I remembered pride in father’s aura when he told me that I had inherited his transportation ability. Toby soon joined me on the porch and I leaned on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist. We just sat there looking up at the stars for a while. I giggled when I felt my tail wrap around his waist and he started to pet it. I looked up at Toby and he lowered his mouth guard and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Soon his tongue trailed along my lower lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips and our tongues briefly battled for dominance. When he won and started exploring my mouth I crawled onto his lap, and kissed him deeper. After a bit we broke the kiss for air and Toby started trailing kisses down my neck. I moaned as he found the sweet spot and he started sucking and nipping it. I buried my hands in his hair as his hands slipped under my shirt caressing my bare back. I gasped when I felt him caress one of my tendrils. I hadn’t realized just how sensitive they were and how turned on it would make me. He held me tighter to him and I felt just how much he wanted me. When I felt the hard bulge, I froze and pulled away from him.“I…I’m sorry. I…I c…can’t.” I tried to get up but Toby pulled me gently back down and wrapped his arms around me as I started shaking.“It’s ok, Shayla. I can wait until you are ready. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to rush you.” Toby stroked my hair and rocked me in his arms until I stopped shaking. “I will never force you to do something you don’t want to do. I love you Shayla.”“I love you too Toby.” I laid my head on his chest and snuggled into him. Before too long I fell asleep still cradled in Toby’s arms with my tail wrapped around his waist.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 9 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 9

The next month passed quickly for me. Benna started going out on kills with Uncle Offender and had started a lovely garden of arms in the back yard next to Uncle Offender’s roses. Uncle Splendor had given me a late birthday present, a beautiful black horse with blood red mane, tail and flaming hooves that I named Dark Flame. He gave Benna a pet cute little dark grey bunny with big sharp dagger-like teeth and blood dripping from her cute fuzzy ears. The bunny had a black bow with blood red poke-a-dots tied around her neck. She named the bunny Midnight Mist. Uncle Offender had also given Benna a present, though I had to wonder how he managed to get the cat man to agree to be a pet. Tsume looks about 18 years old. He is 6’5” tall with cute black cat ears on his head, black hair and tail, blood red cat eyes, and light tan skin. He usually wears a three quarter sleeve black silk shirt with a blood red sleeveless velvet tunic like shirt over it, a black collar with a gold cat bell, and black leather pants and boots. Tsume was really shy at first, but he warmed up quickly once Benna stopped trying to pet his ears and pull his tail. Toby didn’t really like him, but he never told me why he didn’t care for Tsume. Tsume was always really nice to me, he played with Benna and Sally, and he helped around the house. He is also really cute in his cat form, though he only sleeps in that form.Masky and Eyeless Jack had been sticking to Phoenix like glue anytime she left the house. She had taken to killing pedophiles with a sword. She liked to cut off their genitals and then kill them by thrusting her sword up their asses so far that it ruptured their stomachs and their stomach acid would start digesting their internal organs. The day before Phoenix’s 18th birthday Masky, Eyeless Jack and Toby took Benna, Phoenix and I out shopping for new dresses for the party. I talked Phoenix into getting ( <a href="http://nicepricesell.com/6-off-the-shoulder-little-black-dress/off-the-shoulder-cocktail-dress-2/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"nicepricesell.com/6-off-the-shoul...</a ) this little off the shoulder lacy black dress for the party, a gold bead bracelet and black heeled sandals. Benna chose this ( <a href="http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/gifonline888/ClothB7_001.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"ClothB7_001</a ) green ballerina style dress with a green rose attached to the waist, a green and white rose hair clip and silver sandals. I picked this ( <a href="http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/550548256/Free-shipping-2012-New-Sexy-party-dresses-Fashion-cocktail-dresses-DL5403-Free-size-Purple.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"Free-shipping-2012-New-Sexy-pa</a ) short purple party dress with long black see through lacy sleeves and back and thigh high black heeled boots. It is really hard to tell what the boys thought of our dresses due to their masks, but Toby gave a wolf whistle when he saw me in my dress.After dress shopping the guys treated us to lunch at the Creepypasta Café. It was such a fun day, though there was this one guy over in the corner of the Café that made me nervous. I couldn’t tell much about how he looked since he was sitting in the darkest corner, but I could see he had one bright crimson eye and one glowing golden eye and it looked like he had horns on his head. I don’t know why, but when I mentioned the person to Phoenix she said that she felt the same. We were all tired when we got home that night and turned in early.The next morning I woke up to hearing Phoenix’s silent screams of pain ringing in my head. I felt terrible for her I know how bad it hurt when my tendrils grew, but I could feel Father there comforting her and I knew she didn’t need me right then, so I went and got Benna ready for breakfast. After about an hour Phoenix had calmed down and I couldn’t hear her in my head anymore. Everyone else was sitting at the table eating and talking. Toby kissed my cheek as I sat down next to him and Benna sat across from me next to Uncle Offender.“Sissy,” Benna looked over at me with a frown, “why isn’t Phoenix and Uncle Slendy here? They are always down here by now.”“Don’t worry Bunny, they will be down shortly. Remember when I got my tendrils, well Phoenix is getting hers today and it takes some time. Father is helping Phoenix with that right now.”“Do you think her tendrils will be like yours Sissy?”“I’m not sure, bunny.”“Most likely they won’t be. Most of our kind has black, grey or white tendrils that help us blend in with our surroundings,” Uncle Offender looked over at me. “Voicebox’s tendrils are unique among our kind, and I have noticed that they go invisible when she hunts.”“Really, I didn’t know they turned invisible.” I looked over at Toby and saw him nodding his head. I was a little disappointed that he didn’t tell me since we usually went out killing together.“I’ve noticed that too. I thought you already knew or I would have told you.” He kissed my cheek and went back to eating. I thought that Toby seemed a little distant that day. Usually he would talk with me while we ate, but that day he was unnaturally quiet. A short time later Father and Phoenix came into the dining room and all conversation stopped. I shook off my thoughts and looked up at my sister. My jaw drop as I took in all the changes.Phoenix still had fox ears and a tail, but they were now a teal blue. Her hair was also teal and her eyes had turned a lavender color. Four lavender tendrils with swirls of teal and black were wrapped around her waist as though hugging her. She blushed as everyone stared and started twisting her hair around her finger while her tail twitched. “Dayam, Phoenix looks hot with green hair.” Jeff eyed her up and down and licked his lips. “Jeffery, if you do not quit thinking about my daughters in that manner I will be forced to remove the part of your body that is doing the thinking for you.” Father’s voice was stern and I could tell that Jeff was getting on his last nerve.“Jeff those are my nieces you are thinking of and if I ever catch you thinking of my daughter like that I will turn you into a girl.” Everyone stared at Uncle Offender in shock, though I knew that Uncle Offender had only changed his attitude about the women in his family. I saw the way he would glance down at Benna and knew he must have been thinking about how he would feel if it was his daughter Jeff was lusting after. Laughing Jack started laughing when Jeff started stuttering and everyone went back to eating and talking. Phoenix and Father sat down and started eating.As soon as breakfast was over Benna, Phoenix and I headed upstairs to get ready for the party. We all talked and laughed as we got ready, Benna her green eye patch with the white bow. I helped her with her hair clip and then Benna and I did Phoenix’s hair. I thought of asking Phoenix what she thought about the way Toby was acting during breakfast, but decided against it. I didn’t want her to worry on her birthday.After the party was in full swing I was sure that something was wrong with Toby. He had only danced with me twice and spent most of his time talking with the other Creepypastas instead of me. I decided to ask Toby point blank what was going on, so after I finished dancing with Benna and Sally I went searching for Toby. It took me an hour to find him, and when I did I wished I hadn’t. I found Toby leaning against the wall in the hallway kissing Clockwork. She had her hand in his pants and he was holding her shoulders. I must have made a sound, because Toby looked over at me and pushed Clockwork away.“Voicebox…it’s n…not…” He started as Clockwork gave me a smug little smile. I was so angry and hurt that all I did was slap Toby across the face and ran off with tears streaming down my face. I heard Toby calling my name, but I didn’t stop running. I was shattered. I had trusted Toby and he cheated on me. I don’t know how long I ran, but it was well after dark when I stopped in a small clearing and collapsed in tears next to a small pond. Toby had said he would never hurt me and he lied. I was so hurt and angry that I didn’t even hear when Phoenix arrived. One minute I was sobbing into my hands and the next Phoenix had me wrapped in her arms. She stroked my hair as I cried on her shoulder. We didn’t talk, we just sat there until I started calming down. “Shayla, let’s we go on a killing spree,” Phoenix wiped the tears from my cheeks as I finally stopped crying and gave me a sad smile. “You can pretend that every victim is either Clockwork or Toby. That will help relieve your anger. What do you say little sister?”I nodded and we headed out. We didn’t even head back home for our weapons, we went straight to the human realm and transported to the nearest city to hunt. We were in luck and quickly found a gang in the city park that was raping three girls. The girlfriends of the gang members laughed as the terrified begged the men to let them go or the girlfriends to help them. I was disgusted that those girls would watch as their boyfriends raped people in front of them. I nodded to Phoenix and we went to work. We both grabbed the gang members and their girlfriends with our tendrils and pulled them deeper into the woods away from the three frightened girls.“Run home girls. Run and forget everything that happened tonight.” I called out to them from the shadows. “Go now dear ones. Speak of this to no one, they would not believe you anyway.” Phoenix coaxed them when they stood frozen for a minute. We knew they couldn’t see us in the shadows, but they could hear the now frightened gang whimpering in fear as our tendrils held them so firmly they couldn’t even move. “Thank you…” One of the girls said as she grabbed the other two and forced them to start running with her. Phoenix and I transported back to the Creepypasta realm with our victims. Phoenix slowly tortured three of the girls and one of the boys, ripping the boy’s dick off and using it to rape the three girls who had laughed at those three girls pain. I listened to their blood curdling screams as I giggled evilly and used my tendrils to tear the last girl apart in front of the other three boys. After I ate her vocal cords I looked over at the three boys and smiled.“So you think rape it fun.” The girl’s voice said as I spoke. “Let’s just see how much fun you think it is now.” I then ripped the clothes off them and started shoving tree branches up their asses. “You know, this is a little fun. Are you boys having fun yet?”I giggled as the three boys screamed and begged me to stop. After a half hour of torturing the boys with various sizes of tree branches and watching them bleed and scream I impaled them each on a tree branch so hard that it went right through their bodies. I laughed at the gruesome decorations.“Hey Sissy, think we’re related to Vlad the Impaler?”“Anything is possible little sis.” Phoenix laughed and we both sat down under my decorated tree. We just sat there for a while. I was emotionally and physically exhausted and laid my head on Phoenix’s lap. She ran her fingers through my hair and I slowly drifted to sleep.The next thing I knew I fell violently to the ground. I saw Phoenix struggling in the grasp of a dark shadowy creature. Before I could get up to help her I was hit from behind and felt myself loss consciousness and fall into darkness. When I woke up again I was in a dark, blood stained dungeon. Chains rattled as I tried to move and I could see that I was chained to the wall by my wrists and ankles. I looked around and saw that Phoenix was chained to the wall across from me. She had a large bruise on her face and a bleeding cut on her forehead. I tried to transport, but when I did I felt a sharp piercing pain in my head. I tried to use my tendrils to pick the locks, but the locks burned my tendrils when I touched them. I tried to call out to Phoenix with my telepathy, but I was met with more pain.“Phoenix. Phoenix, are you ok?” I called out. She didn’t answer and her eyes were still closed. I would have panicked if I hadn’t been able to see her breathing. “PHOENIX, WAKE UP!!”“Voicebox?!” Phoenix jolted awake and quickly looked around. “Little sister, are you alright?”“I’m ok, but where are we? What happened?”“I do not know. I was grabbed from behind and tried to struggle but I was knocked out.” Her chains rattled as she tried without success to break free. Just then the door opened and a man walked in. I knew he was a Creepypasta, the horns and crimson and golden eyes gave that away, but I didn’t think I had ever seen him at our mansion before. His skin was greyish silver, his grin showed off his sharp white teeth and shoulder length hair was a dark bluish grey.“Well, well, well. I see the little princesses have woken up.” His voice was smooth and seductive, but cold. “Who are you and what do you want with us?” I struggled against my chains.“Oh, how rude of me, I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Zalgo, I am the one who will sing the song that will end the world.” He chuckled darkly as he sauntered over to Phoenix and caressed her cheek. He then came over to me and leaned close as if he was going to tell me a secret though he didn’t lower his voice. “As for why you are here, I have chosen the two of you to be my wives. We will be married in two weeks.”“No way would we marry you.” I growled and tried to bite him. I wanted to rip his throat out. He gave a sinister laugh as he strolled back over to Phoenix and punched her in the stomach. I heard he gasp in pain and I yelled for her.“My dear little princess, I can be kind and gentle or I can be cruel. You will both marry me at the end of two weeks and if one of you misbehaves the other will receive the punishment. The more you misbehave, the worse your sister’s punishment will be.” He then stroked Phoenix’s cheek almost lovingly before heading back to the dungeon door. “I can bring you either great pleasure or horrible pain. The choice is yours.”He exited the room and the thick iron door banged closed and the lights grew to dim to see properly. I was left chained to the wall listening to my sister sobbing and praying that Father would find us. I don’t know how long I sat there in the dark before I started drifting to sleep, but I felt a few more tears drip down my cheeks.“Toby.” I whispered as I fell asleep once more.

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 10 -- Ticci Tuesdays

Chapter 10

When I woke up I was disappointed to see that it hadn’t been a dream. Phoenix and I were still chained to the wall of Zalgo’s dungeon. I tried to break free again with the same results as before. I couldn’t call for help, I couldn’t pick the locks, I couldn’t transport, and I couldn’t break the chains. Phoenix woke up when the door opened and Zalgo strolled in with two servants following close behind. The servants quickly placed two trays of food on a torture table and scurried out of the dungeon. Zalgo’s gaze drifted from Phoenix to me. Smirking he cocked a hip and raised an eyebrow when he saw the fresh blood streaming down my arms from my struggle with the chains.“Little princess, it is impossible for you to escape those chains. No one of Slender blood will be able to unlock them or even sense the aura of the people wearing them.” He chuckled as he strolled up to me and caressed my face. I wanted to bite him so bad, but I knew that Phoenix would be the one to get punished if I did. “You will soon learn to accept the honor I am giving you and your sister. You will come to crave my touch.”I glared at him and turned my head to the side. He grabbed my hair and forced me to look at him. He then kissed me hungrily and forced his tongue down my throat as he ran his hands down my body. I panicked and bite down on his tongue, then head-butted him when he pulled away from me. “It seems you haven’t learned your lesson yet princess.” Zalgo stormed over to Phoenix and punched her in the face so hard that I heard a crack from all the way across the room. Phoenix screamed and sobbed as her nose started gushing blood. He then ripped her clothes off and raked his sharp nails down her stomach causing four large bloody gashes. Phoenix didn’t say anything, though she whimpered and cried.“STOP IT!!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!” I pulled against my chains causing my wrists and ankles to bleed again. He looked back over at me and smirked.“Have you learned your lesson yet princess? Are you ready to behave?” He gently kissed Phoenix’s cheek when I nodded my head. I could feel tears streaming down my face. “Good, I would rather my brides look presentable for our wedding.” Striding over to the torture bed he picked up on of the plates and fed Phoenix, though I could tell that she was in too much pain to eat much. Once she was done eating Zalgo kissed her forehead and brought me my plate. As much as I would have loved to spit in his face and refuse to eat, I behaved and ate what he fed me. I couldn’t stand to get Phoenix beaten again. After Zalgo finished feeding me he kissed me again, and this time I managed to keep myself from attacking him. After a minute he pulled away and caressed my cheek.“See, that wasn’t so bad, now was it princess. Now I have some work I must finish, wedding invitations to have delivered and prisoners to torture. I will see you at lunch my lovely brides.” He collected the plates and with another kiss to both of our foreheads sauntered out of the dungeon. Once again Phoenix and I were left alone in the dark chained to the walls. Again the only sound I could hear was Phoenix sobbing.“Phoenix…I’m so sorry. I…I just panicked.”“I know. Do not worry about me. I am sure we will be rescued soon.” It was hard to hear her through her crying, but it gave me a little comfort that she didn’t blame me. Though I still felt horrible about being the reason my sister was beaten.(Time Skip brought to you by Voicebox’s Skinners, the only weapon you will ever need.)The days pasted with no rescue in sight and I was starting to give up hope on Father finding us. Phoenix tried to keep my hopes up, but I could tell she was starting to doubt too. I couldn’t help but blame our situation on Toby. If he hadn’t cheated on me I wouldn’t have left the mansion, Phoenix wouldn’t have followed me and neither of us would be chained to the wall in this dungeon. The only other person we saw besides Zalgo was the servant who brought our meals and took our measurements for our wedding gowns. He would never speak and only looked at us when he took our measurements. If it wasn’t for Phoenix I would have fallen for Zalgo’s plan.Stockholm syndrome, that was his plan. He kept us isolated and dependent on him for everything. Heck we even had to wait to use the small bathroom until he came with our meals and he would unhook the chains from the wall and hold them while Phoenix or I relieved ourselves. Zalgo was trying to make us crave his attention to relieve the boredom and keep what sanity we had left. I might have fallen into that trap if Phoenix hadn’t been there with me, encouraging me to hold on. After the second day I stopped resisting when he came in, though letting him kiss me and fondle me made me want to puke. I just couldn’t stand to be the source of my sister’s pain. Luckily Phoenix healed quickly and we had come up with a plan. Each day we would “warm up” to Zalgo a little more. It was simple, let him think his plan was working and hope that he takes us out of the dungeon before the wedding. Then once the chains were removed and he trusted us to stay with him, we would find a way to escape. Unfortunately Zalgo wasn’t taking us lightly. We were in that dungeon until the day before the wedding and when we were escorted to a regular room we had a shackle around our necks and a long chain attached to the bedposts. Neither of us could touch the chains without being burned and there was nothing in the room that we could use to pick the locks. Though on the bright side we were able to move around, and since it is considered bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding we didn’t have to pretend that we had fallen for him.That night three female servants came and bathed Phoenix and I so that we were clean and sweet smelling for the ceremony in the morning. We didn’t even try to talk to them and they didn’t talk after informing us what they had been instructed to do. Two of the women were older, hollow eyed and showed no emotion what-so-ever, but the third was younger and looked at me with pity and sorrow. I figured she must not have been here as long as the other two. After they bathed us they dressed us in white satin nightgowns and chained us back to the bedposts. The older women took our clothes as the younger one finished chaining us. As the three of them turned to leave the younger woman discretely dropped a white object near my hand on the bed. After I was sure they were gone I picked up the object. It was a note wrapped around a small key. I smiled as I read the note and then showed it to Phoenix and hid the key under the pillow. The younger woman had given us just what we needed to escape. Her name was Silent Tears and she said that she couldn’t let what happened to her before she died happen to us. The note told us exactly what time we needed to pretend to sleep so that the servants sent to check on us wouldn’t raise an alarm until it was too late. It seemed that Zalgo had neglected to post any guards since we were kept chained so we only had to worry about getting out without the loyal servants seeing us. She had taken care to tell us that there was a secret exit just down the hall from us and that Zalgo would be able to hear it if we tried to call for help before we leave his territory. She also warned us to keep the shackles on until we were out of his territory or he would be able to find us. The shackles worked for anyone looking for us, not just those with Slender blood. She wished us well and hoped we would have happy lives. I wished we could have taken her with us, but there was no way we would have able to find her in that place without being caught. After the midnight check-in by the servants Phoenix and I quietly unlocked the chains, but left the shackles on just as Silent Tears instructed. I held the note and the key tightly and silently swore to find a way to thank her someday. We snuck out of the bedroom in just our nightgowns and bedroom slippers and kept close to the wall as we crept down the hall to the secret passage. It took a minute or two to find the right brick to push but in less than 10 minutes we had escaped our prison and were running into the woods. A half hour after we reached the woods we stopped to remove the shackles and though we felt stronger, we weren’t strong enough to transport yet. We could finally talk to each other silently again and we both called out to Father to come pick us up. I could feel Father’s joy at hearing our voices and when we told him what had happened he told us to keep running. It seems we took the shackles off a little too soon and Father could tell that we were still in Zalgo’s territory, where he could not transport. We took off running again and Father told us that he would transport with some of the others to the edge of Zalgo’s territory and find us on foot. After that we broke off contact so that Zalgo couldn’t hear us.After another ten minutes I could feel two very powerful auras. Father’s was reassuringly close, but Zalgo’s was just a little closer. Phoenix told me to keep running and that she would distract him until Father arrived. I tried to argue, but she wouldn’t change her mind. I had no choice but to run and leave my sister to face him alone until Father could reach her.A short time later I ran into Father and told him what was happening, he instructed Toby and Laughing Jack to get me back home as soon as they crossed the territorial divide. Father, followed by Masky, Hoodie, Jeff and Eyeless Jack took off as fast as they could towards Phoenix. Toby tried to hug me but I pushed him away and hugged LJ. He hugged me back, picked me up and started running back the way they had come with Toby left to follow.Ten minutes later we were back in Slender Woods and LJ transported us back to the mansion. Benna was in an awful state when I got there. She sobbed herself to sleep on my shoulder while we waited for Father to bring the others back home. Once Benna was asleep I tucked her into bed and went to the living room to wait. Tsume came into the room and hugged me close.“Voicebox, I’ve missed you so much. I would have gone with the others to find you, but I’m Benna’s bodyguard and I couldn’t leave her here.”“I’ve missed you too Tsume. I’m glad you’ve been taking care of Benna for me while I’ve been gone.”“It wasn’t easy. There were a few times these last two weeks when Benna’s sanity snapped and she added several new limbs to her garden.” Tsume laughed as he let me go and we sat down on the couch. I appreciated his company; it distracted me from worrying about the rest of my family. We sat there talking about Benna for a few minutes before Toby came in. “Tsume, would you mind giving Voicebox and me a few minutes alone.” The question sounded more like a demand. Tsume shrugged and started to get up, but I grabbed his arm to keep him seated.“Toby, I really have nothing to say to you. Why don’t you go talk to Clockwork, I’m sure she would be happen to listen to you.”“Damn it, Voicebox. It wasn’t…”“Toby, I don’t want to hear how it wasn’t what it looked like. Everyone says that, I know what I saw. You and Clockwork were kissing and she had her hand down your pants! What’s to explain about that!! If it wasn’t for you, Phoenix and I wouldn’t have been kidnapped by Zalgo!!! It’s your fault that Phoenix was beaten!!!!! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!” I started crying as I screamed. My tail and tendrils thrashed back and forth in anger as I stood up and ran up to my room. I fell on my bed crying and still worrying about Father, Phoenix and the others. It was a few minutes later that I heard Father and Phoenix in my head letting me know that they were back. I rushed downstairs and hugged everyone tightly. None of them were seriously hurt; just a few gashes and Jeff had a broken nose. We were all tired so Father sent us up to bed, stating that they would tell me in the morning everything that happened. So, after I hugged Phoenix and Father one more time, we all went to our rooms and fell into bed. I was still awake ten minutes later when there was a light knock on my door. I quietly got up and went to answer the knock, hoping it wasn’t Toby because I was just too tired to deal with him again. I was surprised to see Tsume standing nervously in the hallway scratching behind his ear. I smiled at how cute he was while blushing and fidgeting.“Tsume, what bring you here?” I whispered so I wouldn’t wake anyone.“Well, there is something I’ve wanted to ask you for a while now.” He blushed and looked down at the floor.“Go ahead, what did you want to know?” I tilted my head wondering way he was acting so shy. I thought he had gotten used to me a while ago, so I had no clue as to why he was suddenly shy again.“Well, Voicebox, I…I’ve loved you for a while now, and…I was hoping you would be my girlfriend. I know it may be too soon for you, with just breaking up with Toby. I don’t want to rush you. Just think about it ok.” His blush was almost as red as my eyes and the way he rushed at the end was cute. I giggled and smiled up at him. I really liked Tsume and I knew he was a sweetheart. I didn’t have to think about it too long and as he turned to leave I grabbed his arm.“I don’t know it I love you or not, but I’m willing to find out. I’ll be your girlfriend, Tsume.” I kissed his cheek then closed the door while he stood there with a stunned look on his face. I went back to bed and fell right to sleep thinking of Tsume and how sweet he was.

Chapter 11

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 11 -- Ticci Tuesdays

AN: Hi this is WhiteSiren. I would like to apologize for the long wait. It has been a hectic few months for me, but I'm hoping to have time to write the next chapter this weekend. Thank you my dear pasta lovers, for your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Have a great day and a happy Fourth of July for any other Americans who are reading this. I woke up the next morning to the sound of yelling and things breaking. I ran downstairs to see Toby and Tsume fighting in the living room. Tsume dragged himself out of the wrecked coffee table and stood with his fists clenched.“TOBY, CALM DOWN OKAY!” Tsume had to yell to be heard over Toby’s ranting.“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! YOU STOLE MY TRUE LOVE FROM ME AND NOW YOU TRY TO ACT LIKE WE’RE FRIENDS! HOW DARE YOU!” Toby punched Tsume in the gut sending him crashing into the wall. I snapped. I had had enough. After just getting back from that hell hole Toby had to start crap again!“TOBY STOP BEING A LITTLE GIRL! YOU CHEATED ON ME! IF I WAS YOUR TURE LOVE YOU WOULDN’T HAVE DONE THAT!” I screamed everyone was staring at me if ran over to Toby and grabbed him by his hair and slammed him into the floor and allowed my tendrils to beat his body like a doll that a little girl no longer wanted.“Voice.” I heard Benna whimper. I threw Toby to the floor and walked out the door and took my anger out on a tree.“Voice you need to calm down.” I looked over to see Clocky. I growled.“What do you want?!” “Toby didn’t cheat. I forced him to kiss me. He was trying to push me away, but I was a little stronger than he was. I wanted him for myself.” She looked down her voice sounded like it was filled with sorrow and misery. I slammed my fist into the tree again before I attacked her. I slammed her into a tree and pinned her there.“Why Clocky?” I was on the verge of tears.“I love Toby and I still do, but I can tell he loves you more.” she stared at the ground. I was pissed and with one last shove I left before I lost control and killed her. I stormed over to Benna’s garden and found the tree that I adored and climbed up into its branches to think. I couldn’t stay here, there were too many memories and I didn’t want to see Toby. I didn’t care about Clockworks confession; he could have pushed her away if he really wanted too. It didn’t change the fact that he let Clockworks stick her hand down his pants. I decided what I was going to leave. I was going to try and live a normal life away from here. I transported to my room and put in my contacts. Then I changed into my skinny jeans, my brand new gray hoodie and my converse. I grabbed my skateboard and packed up most of my things in to my bag. I wrote a note for Father, Dark, Benna and Tsume so they wouldn’t worry about me. With one last look around my room I turned and climbed out the window. “Good bye friends. Dark, please don’t get hurt. Tsume, take care of Benna. As for Toby, you can go rot in hell.” I whispered as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I turned away from the best home I had ever known and ran to the portal, leaving Slender Woods and the Creepypasta dimension behind. (Time skip brought to you by Benna’s garden there’s no garden like a garden of arms.) A few months later I had learned a spell to make myself appear human again. I had found a nice little house and bought it with the money I had taken from my victims. I only killed once or twice a month now and never in my town. I spent a lot of my time riding the rails at a skate park in the human realm. I loved the skate park. Although I was usually the only girl there, the boys seemed jelly that I better than them on a skateboard. I had just finished with my normal routine and decided to take a break. I flipped my skateboard up, took a quick sip of water from my water bottle and leaned back on my bench. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and light one. I sighed, man my life still seems like hell.“Hey Shayne, I think it was right.” A teenager with dyed black hair and green eyes walked up to me as I sat there smoking my cigarette. “It’s Shay and what do you want?” I sighed. I felt that this kids gonna want to fight or have me beat him at skateboarding. If so he would just be one more in a long line of losers who had their asses handed to them by me. “Okay Shay, well me and the guys over there,” he pointed to the group of guys that always were at the skate park. “We wanted to know if you would like to come over to their place with us right now and party with us.” I thought about it for a second. There were five guys including the kid. They weren’t part of the usual group of idiots who challenged me and from what I had seen of them they seemed like alright guys. Plus I’m a killer so they wouldn’t live long if they do try anything.“Sure why not. Sounds like fun.” (Time skip brought to us by chicken livers, because I can.) I sighed as I looked at the bloody mess of bodies. They really shouldn’t have touched my hat. Man that was a fun party. I giggled as I ran out the door and hid in the woods. I had called the cops pretending to be a concerned citizen who had just heard some screams.“My god, I thought you were dead.” I turned around and saw Toby standing not ten feet away looking shocked and relieved. He looked like he had lost weight and there were dark circles under his eyes that even his goggles couldn’t hide. “Voice, what Clocky told you was the truth.”As he walked towards me I backed away until my back hit a tree. I cursed under my breath. Toby grabbed my chin and lifted my face up towards him. I tore my head away from his grasp I started twitching uncontrollably.“Voice, you know that I love you. Why won’t you believe me? I could prove it to you.” I felt Toby start to rub my tendrils. I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. It was like trying to move a wall. I felt him grab my ass and as he leaned in to kiss me I punched in the nose, duck under his arm and ran. I ducked into the first building I came across and found myself in an abandoned looking house. I quickly hid in a small room under the stairs as I heard Toby run into the house.“Where are you Voice?” I heard him running in a different direction. I sighed and sat there for 5 minutes before I heard Toby storm out of the house cussing. I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave the room when I heard someone crying. “Hello, if you’re scared or alone you can come out I won’t hurt you.” I whispered in a soft comforting tone. The sound of the crying reminded me of Benna when she would cry. I heard a little hiccup and saw a little boy covered in blood holding a bloody kusarigama crawl out from behind some boxes. “Mommy, I killed daddy. Then baby sitter and big brother and little sister and our kittens. I’m sorry Mommy, please don’t hate me.” “Sorry sweetie, I’m not your mommy.” I dropped the illusion and smiled down at the little boy. “But I will take you to my home. The people who live there will accept you and not judge you. Would you like that?” The little boy smiled, nodded and showed me to his room. We packed a bag of clothes for him and gathered his red and black teddy bear. Then headed out of the house. I smiled as I gave him a piggy back ride like I used to with Benna.“I’m Voicebox, by the way. What’s your name and how old are you?”“My names Link and I’m seven years old.” I was impressed he was only seven yet he managed to kill four people and some pets. It took me a few seconds before I realized we would have a problem with names…Dark Link and Link. Great two Links, that isn’t going to work. Two Jacks in one house was confusing enough. I smiled as the perfect solution came to me.“Hey since you use a kusarigama, which means Karma, why don’t we call you Karma?” “Okay Mommy.” Karma said. I smiled as Karma called me mommy again. I liked the sound of that. I realized that it was time for me to stop running. Since Toby had found me anyway I would rather be back with my family than alone. I had really missed Father, Benna and Dark. I ran to the portal and Karma giggled as we went through. I laughed with him as I kept running the rest of the way home. I called out to Father and Dark that I was back and told them about Karma. Father said he would set up another room in the family wing, and that since Karma thought of me as his mom that I would be his main care giver. As I walked through the door I could see Dark Phoenix waiting in the living room. “Karma you see that girl with the teal hair, that’s Mommy’s sister, your new aunt Dark Phoenix. Go hang out with her alright. I got to go do some stuff.”“Ok Mommy.” I watched Karma walk over to Dark. She smiled over at me as she picked Karma up and started playing with him and his bear, Coda. The guys all came over and welcomed me back saying how they had missed me and how things weren’t the same since I had left. Benna ran up and hugged me tightly and I laughed as she told me about how she had put red food coloring in Uncle Offender’s rose scented body wash, which had turned him pink for three days. He had blamed BEN and had chased him around the mansion until Benna had fessed up to it. After about fifteen minutes Tsume walked in and immediately hugged me. I wasn’t comfortable with that so I pushed Tsume away and walked over to Karma.“Hey, let’s go introduce you to your new grandpa alright little buddy?”“Okay Mommy.” Karma said as I picked him up and carried him upstairs to Father’s office. I didn’t even have the chance to knock before the door opened. Karma and I were swept into Father’s arms and I felt safe and happy for the first time in months. “I have missed you baby girl.”“I missed you to Daddy.” He chuckled and brushed my hair out of my face.“So this is my new grandson. Hello child, I am Slenderman.”“Hi, I’m Karma and I’m seven years old.” He smiled as he looked up at his new grandfather. “Can I call you Grampa?”“That is fine Karma. Welcome to the family, now I will show you to your new room. It is getting late and I know you are tired.”“Ok Grampa.” Karma yawned as his eyes drooped and he snuggled into Father’s arms. Father carried both of us to Karma’s room, which had been decorated in a Japanese theme and had a weapon rack for his kusarigama. There were a lot of little boy toys in a toy box by the closet and a few stuffed animals on the bed. We tucked Karma in for the night and as soon as he fell asleep we left the room, leaving a nightlight on for him.“I see Uncle Trender was here when I told you I was coming home with Karma.”“Yes, as a matter of fact Trender and Splendor are planning a welcome home party for you. We have all missed you.” Father walked with me to my room and hugged me. “Get some sleep Shayla. We will talk more in the morning after you have rested.”“Alright Father.” Father kissed my forehead and tucked me into bed.“I do not mind if you want to call me Daddy. I love you my daughter. Goodnight.”“Night Daddy, love you too.” I was sound asleep before Father even got to the door.

Chapter 12

VOICEBOX- A Ticci Toby Love Story - Chapter 12 -- Ticci Tuesdays

The next few days were difficult for me. Toby had come home while I was sleeping and gotten into a fight with Tsume again. Dark told me that Toby tried to get Tsume to back off and let him try to fix things with me, but Tsume refused. He told Toby that I had agreed to give him a chance and he wasn’t going to throw that chance away for any reason. I blushed a little when I heard that and decided to still give him a chance. After all I did say that I would date him before I ran off. The next morning Tsume greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. During breakfast Tsume asked me if I would go to dinner and a movie with him at the Creepypasta Theater. I nodded and out of the corner of my eye I could see Toby push away his half eaten waffles and storm out of the room. After helping Karma train with his kusarigama and practicing with Dark I changed into a nice black and purple dress and asked Father if he would watch Karma for me. I kissed Karma goodbye and left with Tsume. Tsume was a complete gentleman the whole date. He opened doors for me, held my chair at the restaurant and paid for everything. The whole evening was great. When we got back to the mansion after the date he walked me to my door and kissed my cheek. I spent the night thinking over everything that had happened since I had killed my aunt and uncle. I missed Toby, but I did think I could trust him again. Seeing him with Clockwork had hurt too much. I decided to try to forget about Toby and really try to fall for Tsume. The next three weeks were great. Tsume treated me like a princess and though Toby still looked at me sadly he had backed off when he saw how happy Tsume made me. Karma didn’t like Tsume much, but I just put it down to him not wanting to share my attention. It was the start of our fourth week of dating when Tsume started acting strangely. At first he would just snap at me for something I said, but as the days passed things got worse. One night, when everyone else was out killing, Tsume lost his temper and slapped me. I didn’t even know what I had done that ticked him off. I was shocked, no one had hit me since I had started killing. Tsume must have seen the tears in my eyes cause he started apologizing and begging my forgiveness. He said he had been under a lot of stress and he didn’t mean to hit me. He promised that he would never lose his temper with me again and he looks so sincere that I forgave him. A few more weeks had passed before Tsume lost his temper and hit me again. I was going to break up with him that time, but he told me to keep my mouth shut or he would kill Benna and Karma. I wanted to tell Father about this, but any time he wasn’t with me he was with Benna and I couldn’t risk her safety. Tsume started hitting me more often, though he was always careful to never leave bruises where the others could see them. Every day the beating would get worse. After a week of being beaten by Tsume the whole house went on a killing spree competition, Father said that I should stay home and rest since it looked like I wasn’t feeling well. I had bags under my eye from lack of sleep and I knew I had lost some weight since Tsume thought I was fat. Once everyone had left I laid down on my bed and tried to sleep. Unfortunately not everyone had left. I found that out when Tsume suddenly pinned me to the bed and started kissing me. I panicked and tried to push him off but he punched me in the face so hard that I was dazed. By the time my head cleared he had my jeans and panties off and was working on getting his pants off. I tried to get away from him, but I found out he had tied my hands to the bed posts with his belt. When he saw me trying to get away again he started punching me again and I screamed in pain as he raked his sharp claws across my stomach. I would have used my tendrils to free me, but he had me pinned to the bed in such a way that my tendrils were trapped under me. My vision dimmed a bit when he hit me in the temple, but I suddenly heard the sound of wood breaking. I couldn’t really tell but I thought I saw a streak of brown before I completely passed out. “…la, Shayla, please wake up. Come on Shayla, its ok now.” I heard a voice calling me back from the black void into consciousness. Of course with consciousness came the pain from the last beating Tsume had given me. As soon as I thought of Tsume I jolted upright and searched the room with wild and frightened eyes. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I reacted on instinct. My tendrils pinned the person to the wall as I took in the blood stains on my bed, floor, walls, and even the ceiling. There was blood, guts, and lumps of flesh all over my room. The only way I could tell who was in pieces on my floor was the bloody cat ear that had somehow ended up on my nightstand. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that Tsume was gone. “Hey Shayla, mind letting me down? It’s difficult to breath with your tendrils squeezing my rib cage.” I looked over at my rescuer. Somehow I wasn’t really surprised to see that Toby had saved me. I retracted my tendrils, covered my face with my hands and started sobbing. I felt Toby’s arms wrap around me again as he lifted me into his lap. He rocked me back and forth while stroking my hair. “Hey, it’s ok. The mean kitty cat is gone now. I told you I’d never let anyone hurt you again.” I giggled a little at that and just burrowed closer to Toby’s chest. I had missed Toby’s arms around me and how safe I felt there. I finally realized that I still trusted Toby and I felt like a moron for not listening to him before. I should have trusted him more. I felt Toby wipe the tears from my cheeks and kiss the top of my head. “This may not be the best time, but I still love you Shayla. There has been something I’ve been waiting to ask you since the night of that stupid party.” Toby hesitated and I looked up at him. He started to twitch and looked so hopeful yet fearful at the same time. All of a sudden his blood stained hand caught my eye. Well it was more like the small velvet box in his hand that caught my eye. “Shayla, W…will y…you m…marry me?” He flipped open the box to reveal a gorgeous silver engagement ring with a square cut ruby nestled in the black velvet. Tears sprung to my eyes and all I could do was nod. I hugged him tightly and kept nodding. Finally I found my voice. “Yes. Yes, a million times yes. Oh Toby I missed you. I’m so so…” “Shh, it’s ok now. I understand Shayla. I love you so much.” Toby side the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly. We just sat there in each other’s arms until we drifted off to sleep on my blood soaked bed. For the first time in a long time I felt safe and at peace. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!” Father slammed the door shut as I jolted awake and looked around confused for a second. “Daddy, when did you get back?” “Never mind that, why is there blood and body parts all over your room? And why are you and Toby in the same bed, you with nothing covering lower half?” I looked down and realized that I hadn’t put my panties or jeans back on after what happened. I looked over at Toby whose face was bright red and was staring at Father. I was about to answer when Father raised one hand to stop me while the other slide down his face. “Very well, it seems that there is no reason for me to worry. I will have Offender clean your room since he brought that feline into the house. Shayla, go shower and change while I inform Trender that he has another event to plan. Let us just hope he and Splendor don’t go overboard for the wedding.” Father turned and left the room while I was still confused. It took me a minute to remember that Father can read Toby’s mind without a problem. I couldn’t help thinking that could be awkward at times. Especially after Toby and I get back from our honeymoon. I looked up at Toby, kissed him softly and ran to my bathroom blushing like crazy but thankful that my tail covered my behind. After a few hours of arguing with Uncle Trender and Uncle Splendor, Toby and I managed to get their agreement to a Halloween wedding date. I had to get Dark Phoenix and Father involved when Uncle Trender wanted the color scheme to be lavender and baby pink and Uncle Splendor wanted to have a Polka band at the reception. The next few months were hectic. Uncle Trender and Uncle Splendor drove everyone crazy with wedding plans. The other Creepypastas took their frustration out on the human population and the murders in the human realm were at an all-time high. Jeff alone took out a small town of 132 people in one week. Uncle Offender wanted to throw Toby a bachelor party, but Father put his foot down and assigned the task to Masky and Hoodie. After a long few months of preparation the big day arrived. It was a beautiful autumn day; the leaves were falling gracefully, bright gold, red, and orange drifted on the breeze as the wedding started. Sally threw black rose petals as she walked down the aisle in front of Benna and Karma, who were the ring bearers and the miniature bride and groom. Dark Phoenix was my maid of honor and Toby’s best man, surprisingly, was Masky. Finally it was time for Father to walk me down the aisle. I felt like my smile was as big as Jeff’s as I saw Toby smile at me from the end of the aisle. I joined Toby and linked hands with him as Father lifted my veil and kissed my cheek. The rest of the wedding was a blur as Mr. Creepypasta recited the traditional Creepypasta wedding ceremony. Before I knew it we had said “I do” and we were pronounced husband and wife. The reception was lively to say the least. After dinner and the cutting of the cake Toby threw my garter, which was caught by both Masky and Eyeless Jack at the same time. I didn’t see which one of them got to keep it. Most of the other Creepypastas got drunk and before I knew it, it was time to go change into my traveling outfit. I actually saw Jeff and Jane making out in the hallway on my way to change. Once I was changed all the single female Creepypastas watched as I threw my bouquet of black and red roses. Dark Phoenix blushed when it flew right into her hands. I barely had time to congratulate her before Toby and I took off for our honeymoon. “And that, Kismet, is how your father and I got together.” I smiled down at the three children at my feet. My seven year old daughter Kismet smiled sleepily. Karma just turned fifteen and felt he was too old for bedtime stories. Benna and Sally turned fourteen this year. They would have been at my feet too if they hadn’t gone over to Uncle Splendor’s for a sleepover. “What about our mom and dad Aunty Voice? How did they get together?” My five year old nephew asked as his twin sister nodded in agreement. “That is a story for another night. Come now it’s time for bed.” I gathered up the protesting children and tucked them into bed. “I’m sure Dark will tell you her story tomorrow. Goodnight little ones.”