My Child and a Killer

My daughter, Taylor, is an odd girl. She doesn't act like a girl at all. She wears clothes that I would have never worn, and listens to that awful scream music by Slipknot. She also acts like a complete lunatic. She would read these things called CreepyPastas, and even tell me about some of them. The only one her father and I have gotten her in trouble for was the damned Jeff the Killer. That boy would make her even more different... She has also been... Talking to herself... I'm worried about her... I don't know what to think of her anymore....

I can hear her talking and giggling in the middle of the night... I'm pretty sure I've heard banging also. She was probably going into her closet or something... I've also noticed her moods have been different. She's been more cheery than usual. I'm use to seeing her with that 'teenage face.' I decided to ask her in the car. "Taylor?" I asked. She looked at me as if she were so annoyed. "Who do you talk to in the middle of the night?" "Just my friend, Jeff." She answered with a smile. "Jeff? You mean that god damned Jeff the Killer?!" I frowned at the thought of it being that murderer. "Yes mom. It's freaking Jeff the Killer, get over it." She snarled. I shot my gaze to her. "WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!" "Ooooo, whatcha gonna do?" She said, waving her hands. "YOU ARE SO DISRESPECTFUL!!!!" I snapped at her. I regretted that, of corse... Taylor's lip quivered, but suddenly, rage filled her eyes. "SCREW YOU MOM! I CAN LOVE WHO EVER I WANT!!" She grabbed the gear and forced it into park. She threw the door open and ran off.

I had no idea where she could have gone... So I went home and cried. Later on, I heard the door open, and slam. Then I caught a glimpse of Taylor stomping into her room and slamming her door. "UGH I WANT THEM TO DIE!!!" She yelled. "Shhh shhh... We can fix that tomorrow tonight..." I heard an unfamiliar voice coo. Who in the hell was this?! This voice sounded like it was a sing-songy insane voice. But I could have been hearing things... I don't know... And if there was someone... What were they going to do tomorrow night?

The next day I took Taylor to school. We didn't say anything to each other. It was Friday also. Once I picked her up from school, she was that cheery, non-Taylor. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "Nothing!" She slurred. When we got home, something slipped out of her backpack as she went to her room. I unfolded the paper to find a picture of two stick figures holding hands. One had a knife and one had cat ears. But what was written in chicken scratch, like the Slender notes in Taylor's room, was what got me. "See you tonight." It read with a heart next to it. 'Who wrote this?' I wondered over and over again.

It was the middle of the night. I heard a giggle in Taylor's room, and also an insane chuckle. I could hear her door open. "So are we going to do it?" She asked. "After... One thing.." The male voice said. "Wha- Gahh!" I heard what sounded like her being tackled, but she was giggling. I had to see this person! I jumped out of bed and swung the door open. I turned the light on to find Taylor and a boy, laying on the ground. Blood was splattered from Taylor's head, from falling back on the tile floor. "OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed. Taylor had a wide, insane smile. The boy looked up... It was that Jeff the Killer kid. They both had that same slit-mouth smile. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!!" I snapped. "Made her even more beautiful." He replied. "Now..." He smiled.

"Go to sleep!!"