
Everyone thinks that their home is the safest place on Earth, right?
I thought the same. 'None of that ghost bullshit will ever happen in my house!'
I was wrong.
This fucking thing has been following me around my home for days, if not weeks now. But I feel like I'm going too fast, let's start at the beginning.
I was home alone about a week ago, just doing the casual; watching TV, playing video games and watching FailArmy on YouTube. I'm used to being home alone since my parents work a lot, but for some reason it felt different that time.
Since I have a dog I needed to let him pee every 4 hours or so, so around 8 PM I decided it was time to let him out.
When I came back I saw 2 eyes looking at me from the windows from my room, thinking it was my cat I just shrugged it off.
When I came inside, I saw that my cat was lying on the couch. I was disturbed by this but I assumed it was my imagination.
My parents told me they would be back around 2 AM, since it was a Friday night I decided to stay up until they would come home.
It was only 9PM when I got bored, so I texted a few of my friends if they wanted to come over and hangout, but all of them were busy or in a club, so I had to entertain myself.
Just as I put my phone down I heard a weird noise coming from upstairs, it wasn't like a voice, but it kinda was. I know it sounds weird but that's the only way I can describe it.
Checking my surroundings I noticed both my dog and cat were in the living room with me, so I closed the door from the living room so that they couldn't follow me. I was being paranoid so I didn't want them to get hurt.
'Get yourself together, fucking wimp' I muttered to myself as I was walking upstairs. Opening the door I stood schoked. I wish I could unsee what I saw. There 'It' stood. It was a humanoid figure with long claws and ragged clothes. It stood with its back to me. Thinking it was a burglar with some kind of twisted humor, I said as angry as possible 'Who the fuck are you?!' It turned around. I was shocked at what I saw. It's face was.... deprived of any sort of emotion. It just stood there with those piercing eyes. And then it did something I didn't expect it would do. It smiled.
It had long,razorsharp teeth covered in blood. The only thing I could say was 'w-what the fucking fuck...?' Then it just jumped and disappeared.
Shocked I walked back downstairs and just sat in the livingroom until my parents came home.
That night 'It' returned. I was lying in bed and just as I turned to the other side of the bed I saw it, those eyes, those  fucking eyes piercing through me again. It began to smile again. I wish it didn't.
'It' kept looking at me the entire night, I managed to fall asleep and when I woke up it was gone.
This has been going on for 1 week now. Everywhere I am in the house 'It' is always beside me. Even when I'm typing this. Please don't let 'It' in your house. Never.