
Have you ever been lying in bed, about to go to sleep, trying to finally get some rest, but the slightest sound jolts you, and keeps you from falling asleep? That’s happened to me before, many times. From a child, this occurred. I would always see this figure at night. It was short, had one eye and… I think it was yellow? That was a guess. I couldn’t tell due to the darkness on this thing. It would appear in my closet, like most “monster in my closet” stories. Every once in a while, I would complain to my dad. Eventually, probably due to him being tired of me constantly interupting his sleep, he went into my closet and “fought” the monster. He came out, looking tired, and said “There James, I got rid of it. Now go to sleep.” I never saw this thing again… until recently.

It was a long time after this. I was an adult, lived in my own apartment, independent, and financially sound. I had hobbies, like other people. One of these I had was gaming. When I had the time, I would start up my gaming rig, load up Skype, call my Skype buddies, and have a grand old time while playing games like TF2, Rocket League, and occasionally we would go and troll the hell some online forums. They would always get so angry. We were smart enough to use VPNs, so the admins of these forums could never get rid of us. We were playing TF2 when I looked at the time and noticed that it was 22:00, and I had work tomorrow. After we finished the round I said to them “I gotta go guys, see you all tomorrow.” They said their goodbyes and I signed off.

Once I was done preparing for bed I got into bed. The comfort of my bed resulted in my beginning to rapidly fall asleep. until it happened again. There was rustling. Usually, it’s the fridge or something else, but this time… It was different. As if someone was in my house. I jolted out of bed, grabbed my flashlight, my gun, and my courage, and ventured out of my room and into the rest of my apartment.

I cautiously walked around towards the source of the sound, my kitchen. I could then see the pots and pans moving. This wasn’t normal, I knew it. Fear struck me like a hornet. Sweat began trickling down my neck. I tried to speak, sounding firm. But, all I could get out was a quiet “hello?”. Almost as if in response, something quickly moved behind me. On top of this, my flashlight flickered for a second and then went out, as if it was as scared as I was. I quickly turned around, finding nothing. “Whoever you are, get out.” In response, this thing started breathing, which later sounded as if it was laughing in its breath. I was terrified. Every inch of me wanted to run, but, as if I was in a bad dream, I couldn’t. “GET OUT NOW!” I exclaimed. In response, the figure emerged in front of me, slowly inching closer. “DON’T MAKE ME SHOOT!” I yelled, just now remembering that I had a gun. It began to laugh. I aimed my gun at the thing and fired. It didn’t slow. I fired again, again, and again. I must of fired my gun at least 5 times.

It was at this point about a foot away from me. I backed up into the wall. Suddenly, one lone little light over the creature dimly turned on by itself, revealing the creature. Fear hit me harder than it ever has before. I was petrified. It was that monster in my bed. It was a huge Minion, about a foot taller than me. It put its two yellow arms on either side of me, pinning me so that there was no escape.

Its single white eye changed into TV static, with the sound and all. Shortly after, blood started coming out of its eye. The eye went from static to one, yellow, human looking eye. It looked around for a bit in silence, until it suddenly yelled “BANANA!!!” Everything went black.

I woke up on the carpet of my living room. The first thing that I noticed was that there was a banana hanging from the ceiling by some sort of thread. I looked around and noticed that I was surrounded by bananas. I sat up, scratched my head, and then noticed that my hand was yellow. I looked at my body and then realized that my whole body has been painted yellow. I got up, and looked around, there was smashed bananas everywhere. But, amid all the bananas, there was a note that read: “JOIN US WILLINGLY OR WE WILL TAKE YOU AGAIN -M” I was shocked and immediately ran into my room, found my phone, and called 911.
The officers came, and found nothing. No evidence of any intruders. They accused me of being drunk and said that wasting their time like this was illegal. I knew that something happened. I have a minion-phobia now. I can’t check my Facebook feed due to all the minion memes, watch minion movies, or anything else. If I do, those memories of all that fear come rushing back. The weird thing is, is when I contacted my skype buddies and explained what happened to me, they didn’t think I was weird or making any of it up. Because they all said that the same thing happened to them.