Update: A new stable version of Trollpasta Wiki has been created. This archive is no longer necesary. For a better reading experience go to sleep HERE

In August 2018, the Trollapsta wikia, home of satirical bad internet horror stories and host of many non-intentional pieces of 'so bad it's good' horror literature was deleted by Wikia administrators on terms of "promoting trolling in the Trump era" and "being a hateful community". Many saw through this as Wikia trying to clean their image in an attempt to appear more PC (same time as James Gunn firing). Subsequent attempts to reupload the archive, like Jokepasta or Trollpasta Legacy were deleted in the same fashion. Now, on this static manner and lacking dynamic functions to add or edit content and through a shitty java coding process, i've converted the xml backup archive into individuals html files with some very basic and probably not even complete registry editing to give format, in hopes this free account will have enough drive space to hold all the story pages in html format. Please enjoy:

Ctrl+F to find shit